What is the status of SketchUp? Why isn't the free version available as a portable app? The last discussion was a couple of years old and didn't really answer the question of if it could possibly become available, or if a user could make it portable for his own personal use.
I downloaded K-3D but its user interface doesn't support such basic requirements as dimensions in the units of the user's choice (unless that choice happens to be meters), and following the right hand rule for coordinate systems. I can maybe ignore a few misplaced "m" and "x" and "y" labels, but I prefer not to have to lie to software to get it to run, or ignore its lies to me. The user interface seems sketchy, buggy and unused in general, so I'm sure I'm just scratching the surface of the things that are wrong with it.
Blender? Again, a pretty intimidating user interface. SketchUp has a reasonably intuitive interface that I could pick up almost immediately. Blender makes you memorize lots of tricky shortcuts and special features to become even minimally productive. Not intuitive at all, at least for me.
lol that would be cool if it were in fact portable Google Sketch up that is
i'm not wierd, i'm just different
actually, if u set your mind to it, you can learn blender pretty well, and be able to do basic animations and suff in about 5 mins, but i do love sketchup, because there are a lot of things i don't know how to do in blender, but then again i only learned how to use it about a week ago
btw im 12
I am Galactus! I eat the universe!
I may end up using Blender if I have no other choice. The fact remains that it does not have an intuitive user interface and loses a massive amount of points from me because of it. Intuitive is where I can do "stuff in about 5 mins". I've already spent "5 mins" with blender and haven't even scratched the surface of trying to figure out where everything is and how to do even simple things, so your assertion is simply wrong. It's not set up to follow any interface standard that I am familiar with.
blender is awesome!