There is a FREE and excellent Bible software package called e-Sword ( that has a big bunch of add-ons available for it. It would really be great to have this on my USB memory stick for studying during lunchtime at work.
I know requesting Bible software for portable app status may sound a little unusual, but some of us do think about (and use) programs like that. (GRIN)
By the way, hats off to John for an incredible job on the portable app conversions.
Great work!
Thanks for the efforts,
lol, thats funny, I was just looking into putting that on my drive.
I would like to use that too...
I would like that!
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
Well, looks like this project goes no further for the time being guys: It seems that e-Sword is dependant upon several ActiveX files. There are a couple of workarounds for this, though I will need to research it later. I do know you can create a batch file to register and unregister the ocx files, but I do not know the pros, cons, or how to do this yet. I also have an 'ocx register program' though I don't know how rough it is, yet or wether it can remove as well as install. If anyone familiar with batch files, etc. would like to help me out, I would be totally grateful.

There is one curiosity though. When I was testing on my dad's machine (before I knew about the dependancies, I was being lazy lol), there was some weirdness occuring. Whenever I tried to engage the program, Windows brought up the install routine for Office 2000. When I abort the routine, Windows terminates e-Sword. Anyone familiar with this oddness occuring on Win XP Professional? Does this only have something to do with missing AX files? Or is this something I need to look into?
~Win XP Pro SP2
Office 2000
Limited User Account
~e-Sword v. w/
ASV, CEV, and KJV Bibles Installed
I would like to see e-sword made available as well. And there is such a large, devoted number of e-Sword users worldwide that I feel certain it would help PortableApps take off even more.
U3 offers a free Bible program, but who wants to pay for U3 to get it?
I hope this is something that can get done, even though it seems it would be a bit of a challenge.
Thanks for all the hard work here at PortableApps!
Signature automatically removed for containing links
I got a portable bible soft. it is portableSWORDProject
My own linux Distro called Ubuntu Multimedia Center
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Check out this one. Open source and works great on USB, but I don't know if or what it may add to the registry.
Yeah actually Thats what I made portable linuxx
My own linux Distro called Ubuntu Multimedia Center
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
There is now a Portable e-Sword listed in the Yahoo Group:
You are looking for a file "Portable e-Sword Beta"
I have downloaded it but it comes up with the error message
"Could not register RichEdit.OCX"
I have no idea what that is about, but at least to let you know the program does exist!
@ fm4ia:
Yahoo Group:
You are looking for a file "Portable e-Sword Beta"
Um, no, what I'm looking for is a weblink that doesn't require me to LOGON to a site where I don't already have an account!...
IOW, that link's no good to me if I have to create an account just to get at it.
No THANX, d00d!!!...
"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine
BugMeNot anyone?
Ryan McCue
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
(Tom Lehrer)
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Does the hostile attitude in relation to a Bible software from a user named Preacher strike anyone else as ironic?
Life is about the journey not the destination!
Live today like it is your last!
Do you do the right thing even when no one will know you did?
Life is about the journey not the destination!
The Kazoo Spartan
I wouldn't get too excited about this file. It's dated August 2005 and reported as not working. That's a long time to wait for a fix. Looks like the majority of files are ~2003.
@ wsm23
"Does the hostile attitude in relation to a Bible software from a user named Preacher strike anyone else as ironic?"
No, but it certainly does strike us as odd what *some* people seem to interpret as "hostile"...
Contrary to what many think (mostly non-Christians), Christians *are* actually allowed to disagree with folks, and express said disagreement. More than that, we are called to do so in many cases. Elsewhere - as here - it is an nonetheless still an option open to us. I've availed myself of this option, by speaking out against links which are overly cumbersome to pursue. Hostile? - I've insulted no one, used no "choice" words, etc. One wonders why you seem so prickly here...
Bottom line - Any link that - without any warning whatsoever from the poster - requires folks to signup (and then log onto) a place they've never been before in order to access the information proffered well deserves the title "useless".
If this upsets you, I suggest you not post such links, or give us ample warning when you do...
"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine
Preacher, I'm afraid he/she has a point. A user posts a safe link (it's Yahoo for Pete's sake) and you refer to it as "useless" and decide to part with the "no thanks d00d" comment which, imho, drips with sarcasm. Your reply may not be hostile, but I would certainly classify it as rude and sarcastic in light of the effort made to help you. You're correct that Christians have a right to disagree, but the last time I checked, they weren't rude about it. You swooped in and decided to pass judgment on his post when it wasn't even in response to something YOU asked for. Perhaps in the future, you might just keep your mouth shut. I should also add that he DID warn us of the need to login. It's right there where it says "Yahoo Group". Can't get to those without a login. Reading FTW, eh?
Back to the original post... the free program "ActionBible" (in my experience so far) can be installed on a USB drive and appears to work wherever you go. There is a nag screen to register (free) but I just put the registration info as a text file in the directory for future use. So far, it looks like the registration file is left on the local drive as I had to re-register when I tried it on my comp at home.
This obviously isn't for Preacher since it requires registration, but the rest of you might try it out. ESV which is a very solid translation imho. The program is a tad flaky but works rather well in my opinion.
Happy Holidays y'all!
@ IonControl
"I'm afraid he/she has a point"
Perhaps, but not a well-founded one.
"A user posts a safe link (it's Yahoo for Pete's sake)"
I wasn't aware Yahoo was any safer than any other site.
Irrelevant anyway, since the point is not the link's safety, but its convenience and utility, which this link lacks. Who in the world needs to create yet one MORE online acc't for which they need to remember a password?... No one I know of.
"you refer to it as "useless"
Apparently you missed the part where I mentioned that it's no good "to me",
""no thanks d00d" comment which, imho, drips with sarcasm"
In your opinion, but not whatsoever in my *intent*.
It was meant for emphasis, nothing more.
"I would certainly classify it as rude and sarcastic"
As is your right. But again, one needs to go to the intent.
" but the last time I checked, they weren't rude about it"
Nor was I, except in 2 ppl's opinions...
"You swooped in and decided to pass judgment on his post"
No, the only thing I passed "judgment" on was the link, and the fact that readers weren't aptly warned that they'd have to jump thru a cpl MORE hoops once they clicked on said link.
Not warning someone about more "hoops up ahead" speaks to the carelessness of the poster.
"he DID warn us of the need to login. It's right there where it says "Yahoo Group" "
That's an implicit inference, not a specific/explicit warning.
Speaking of which, some of us aren't into "groups", and so wouldn't recognize that part of the link as being significant. Obviously I know better NOW, but a more explicit warning (rather than implicit inference) would've been a better choice, when writing to a general audience like this.
"Reading FTW, eh?"
Not familiar with term "FTW". Plz advise...
"the free program "ActionBible" (in my experience so far) can be installed on..."
Um, and where might we find it?
You forgot to post a link to it...
"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine
not going to get into this conversation, but:
FTW: For the Win, preference for something over another thing
Also, just to note Preacher, you might want to include some smilies
*shivers* plain... text... brrrr
Ryan McCue
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
(Tom Lehrer)
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
@ rmccue:
Thx for the translation.
As to the smileys suggestion, good idea. However the question I have is, HOW do I invoke them?... Some boards have a simple point & click way of doing it, whilst this board does not (or at least if it does, my browser ain't showing it). Moreover, there's a blurb under the text window that states a limited amount of HTM tags that are allowed - does that limit my ability to invoke 'em by HTML code?.. I'll try one here to see if it works
(colon, capital D)

OK, I guess I *can* invoke 'em via code. That leads to my next question:
What are the codes for the various smileys? I'm only familiar with a very few smileys codes...
"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

See the smileys part
I still don't know all of them
Ryan McCue
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
(Tom Lehrer)
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Thx, I'll hafta bookmark that, and mayhaps turn them into clipbook items for NoteTab Free, my default texy editor. From there, you might be seeing some of 'em in my posts from time to time...
A merry - and joyous - Christmas to all!
8) 8-)
"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine
Okie dokie!
Ryan McCue
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
(Tom Lehrer)
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I have NavPress WORDsearch, which isn't free, but it turns out that it's pretty portable as-is, although it'll probably leave things behind in the regisry of any computer I use it on. I just copied from the Program Files onto my USB drive, after a few checks to make sure it was safe(ish). I didn't copy everything... it comes to 500 MB file size, which would probably fill up my 1 GB FAT32 drive (lots of small files takes up a huge amount of space on FAT/FAT32). If I run it on the computer where it is installed, it temporarily messes up the install, but it's pretty easy to fix, and not worth going to the trouble of making it 100% portable. If anyone has this software and wants more details, let me know.