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Lotus Notes

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Last seen: 18 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-12-28 12:23
Lotus Notes

Anyone here use Lotus notes or more to the point Notes on a stick?

Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-11 23:16
I'm forced to use it at

I'm forced to use it at work... didn't think anyone used it in the wild...

sorry... I've used Notes for some time now, I find it a very poor program, one that yells 'hey... give me that virus to run.." and does just by getting you mail.

The size of the data folder would make it hard to setup on a stick and it's not very friendly environment to work in.

you be better off with Voyager (portable) or TheBat .. Biggrin

Virus-proof E-mail

I used both and also one on my PDA.

My work plans on switching out Notes within the year.... unfortunately, they plan on using Outlook... Sad


Did you know that the entire operating system use to fit on a 5 1/4" floppy disk!

Last seen: 18 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-12-28 12:23
My companys business is

My companys business is notes and the number of times we hear just what you said. Problem is most only use it for email and dont realise all it can do, also they tend to run an old one.

The reason I asked is Notes 7.0.2 now does Notes on a stick, a special install designed just for USB sticks and takes up only about 300mb. You then need space for your mail and apps.

Were working on a plan to incorporate the new notes on a stick and portableapps into a nice ready to use stick for our customers and wanted to know if anyone else has had any experience of this. While we have it working and seems to be ok it would be nice to share experiences. Or I Can also tell you how.

Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-11 23:16
We have at times, more then

We have at times, more then 7 employees working on one PC unable to use notes to it's fullest because it wont support multiple users. We use it for allot of work besides email. At 19k dial-up, it doesn't work, but that's what I'm stuck with. Having one 300mb program plus a 50MB email database and 300MB's of other databases, I'd have to get at lest a gig stick for each of my employees, but I need to get sticks for them anyway.

Just in my area alone we have over 2 thousand employees using notes...

For me, notes is not a bad program, there is no other program out that can do what it can and if I had to pick... I would stay with Notes and not use outlook. One thing that I do find interesting, having it on a stick would solve the multiple user problem. Also for us, it shouldn't be invisible to the network. This way it can be updated if need be.

I still would use TheBat for my home system....


Did you know that the entire operating system use to fit on a 5 1/4" floppy disk!

Last seen: 18 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-12-28 12:23
IF you havnt i strongly

IF you havnt i strongly recommend updating to notes 7, if you have a support agreement/maintenance with IBM this will be free.

Even if you dont update your servers you can still update your clients and use the Notes on a stick within 7.0.2

You can have multiple people on one pc with any version quite easily, just create a location document for each user and specify the user id in the advanced tab.

If you have notes 6 or above you can go one better and enable roaming so anyone can logon to any suitable pc and it will configure notes.

IF you want to go notes on a stick were recommending 2gb sticks. You can buy them here in the uk from amazon or ebuyer for as little as £18. Just follow the instructions to put notes on the stick and then you can easily also stick portable apps on and have a superb stick. Hence the reason we want to offer this to our customers.

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