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Need help to make OpenYabs portable

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Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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Need help to make OpenYabs portable

Hello community,

i need some help with OpenYabs please. I've used the 2.4 template, the launcher and the devtoolkit. all things are in place, but i stuck with the launcher.ini.

openyabs is an opensource "yet another business software" and can be found here: yabs is a java related software and doesn't need to be installed (only extract). i thought i can pass that java ini step with the portable java launcher, but some files are saved in the userdirectory, for example C:\Users\Username\.yabs.

Thank you very much, derox

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 12 hours ago
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post launcher

Please upload a copy of your launcher ini file to pastebin, and link to it here, and we can try to find out what's not working.

Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2013-03-17 18:46
launcher.ini & installer

thanks for helping. here is the link:

i try a lot the last hours and it seems to work on xp, but not on win7 64bit. what could be wrong? the database and cache files are standardly saved in %USERPROFILE%\.yabs. the paths are saved in a xml file under %USERPROFILE%\.yabs\settings0.yabs. openoffice path could be implemented or in %PAL:PortableAppsDir%\OpenOfficePortable\App\openoffice.

EDIT: Here is the complete installer:

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 9 min 23 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
On Win7 x64 I get the

On Win7 x64 I get the connection wizard prompt, then nothing. Running from the base app works fine.

Have you looked at the error log for the non-working version (in the %USERPROFILE%/Cache folder)?

I get the following:
Tue Mar 19 10:50:53 EST 2013:
Booting Derby version The Apache Software Foundation - Apache Derby - - (1181258): instance a816c00e-013d-7fe9-ae41-00000073b6d8
on database directory P:\PortableApps\YabsPortable\Data\.yabs\yabs0db with class loader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@1930ebb
Loaded from file:/P:/PortableApps/YabsPortable/App/Yabs/lib/derby.jar
java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
Database Class Loader started - derby.database.classpath=''

Also note that setting the OpenOffice path as you are is not a good thing:
1) What happens if the user doesn't have OpenOffice Portable installed?
2) What happens if the user wants to use LibreOffice Portable, or a locally installed OOO or LO? You will overwrite a user-defined setting on every run.
3) Will referencing OOO (or LO) Portable's base executables like this cause that app to run non-portably?

Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2013-03-17 18:46
same problem

thanks for your feedback. same problem for me, wizard starts, but after that nothing happened. do you think the classpaths are missing? can i put the whole lib folder in the CommandLineArguments? i've set the Duser.home argument too, but i think it's not necessary.

libre office isn't recommend by the yabs team at this moment. so i would implement openoffice in the app folder. i'm thinking about to let it be with running the jar and start the normal exe (no portable java version), 'cause yabs looking for openoffice executables in program folder (that would run with jportable too). perhaps it could work if i try to rename OpenOfficeWriterPortable.exe to the cwriter.exe and make some changes in paths.

i've tried with directorymove instead of environment and it works, but makes it less portable.

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 9 min 23 sec ago
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I know next-to-nothing about

I know next-to-nothing about Java so take this as you will, but from my perspective the problem may lie earlier than the empty derby.database.classpath.

Specifically I think it is either (or maybe both) of these lines that indicate the problem:

To me user.dir should be the Data directory, not the program directory (unless it is a badly coded/named variable).

Is there maybe an environment variable (or two) that you are missing?

Or maybe even a verbose option you can pass to the base app to produce a similar log from a working copy for comparison?

Apologies if I am leading you off-track though. As I said I may be completely wrong having very little knowledge of Java apart from writing a (so far) barely functioning Android app.

Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2013-03-17 18:46
error log

i'm running the normal version and there is the same error produced, it's not the error we're looking for, must be normal Smile . i'm at work and the portable version works on xp. i think it must have something to do with x64. some additional environment settings?

is it possible to add a environment line like:

JAVA_HOME=%PAL:DataDir%\Java or

? to force for use the portable 32bit version?

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 9 min 23 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
Give me half an hour and I

Give me half an hour and I can check on 32 bit Win 7.


Doesn't work on 32bit Win 7 either - exact same error log, so it is something to do with Win 7 (and probably Vista) as opposed to 32 vs 64 bit architecture.

Am looking into a couple of things now, will report what (if anything) I find.

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 9 min 23 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
No need to specify JAVA_HOME,

No need to specify JAVA_HOME, it is already created by the launcher (and isn't actually used by Yabs from what I can see).

A few things I can verify:
1. Yabs runs successfully from jPortable when run from the command line - so jPortable vs local Java isn't the issue.
2. All environment variables being passed from Yabs.exe to javaw.exe match those passed from YabsPortable.exe to javaw.exe - except USERPROFILE (which you are setting in the launcher.ini) and TEMP & TMP (which is set by the PortableApps Launcher) - which I have manually overridden to be the same without success.

I've also tried using different permutations of the command line options being passed from Yabs.exe to javaw.exe, all to no avail.

There is something going on in Yabs.exe that we just aren't seeing (even ProcessExplorer couldn't show me any differences than what I listed above).

Unless someone else can shed some light on the problem, my ideas are drained, sorry.

Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2013-03-17 18:46
thanks for taking the time

thank you very much for taking the time to figure out what's going wrong. i've noticed something else. if you run yabs.exe or yabs.jar direct you can choice the openoffice path by clicking on [...] button at the wizard. if you running it from the launcher nothing happend if you push that button? maybe a launcher prob?

I'm now sure it has something to do with the environment settings!

Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
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could be that OpenYabs only likes

Xp so i would try the combatibility function of windows when a program doesn't work

i'm not wierd, i'm just different

Bennieboj's picture
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I'm not sure, but doesn't java programs run the same way on every pc, as long as the java version is the same?

Yes, I set the working directory!

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 9 min 23 sec ago
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If you had read the whole

If you had read the whole thread you would have seen that both myself and derox have had Yabs running on Win7, just not portably - so the flavour of Windows is not (directly) the issue.

Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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It's not a JAVA problem

i don't get it. Sad i've tried with local j6u43, j7u17 and no local java, only portable with no success on windows 7.

i've tried to change the launcher.ini to use yabs.exe instead of yabs.jar, same problem. it have nothing to do with java, it must be the environment setting. all files were placed in the data directory, but something will not work on win7...

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 9 min 23 sec ago
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I've narrowed it down - it is

I've narrowed it down - it is something to do with the USERPROFILE redirect. It works fine from Yabs.exe or javaw.exe using a [DirectoriesMove] on the profile dir instead of the USERPROFILE redirect.

You'll just have to do it that way I think.

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 9 min 23 sec ago
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Narrowed it down even further

Running Yabs.exe (without the portability layer) from a batch script with USERPROFILE redirection also breaks, so it is definitely either a command line switch/env var is missing, or it is a bug in Yabs itself that we've found.

Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
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so windows issue

so it is a windows version issue

despite counter answers it does look like a compatability issue

if on windows 7 try the windows 7 combatibility setting in drop down menu under properties setting "window"

i'm not wierd, i'm just different

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 9 min 23 sec ago
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As stated above

It is not (directly) a Windows version issue.

Both the executable and the jar work just fine under Win7 when the app's data is placed in the default location, it only breaks when we redirect the USERPROFILE env var - which means either there is a command line switch we are missing or Yabs has a bug when USERPROFILE is redirected.

This isn't an issue that setting compatibility can fix.

Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
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oh ok sorry i thought i was helping

Sorry i was also trying to narrow it down for my own nsiini/nsh programming purposes because i want to create my own apps portable so i am sorry if i made anyone mad of angry at me

i'm not wierd, i'm just different

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