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German Translation

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Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-30 17:19
German Translation

Hi !

I readed the last topic in this section and i would translate the user interface of portableapps menu into German. When i think about portableapps there are a plenty of ideas in my head. For Example :

- An on a Wikisoft based Webpage. So the developer can inform about their projects and the status. A registred user can edit the webpage if there are any mistakes (misspelling) or edit the webpage and the administrator enable after contolling it.

-general Translation of the portableapps into german. espanol, french

- Quick guide to install application into the portable folder and get icons in the portableapps menu

- easy accessible status of the project portable and aims/functions for further releases

So i think these are enough deep going changes for beginning ; I don't want to revolt portableapps because I love it so much !

P.S.: I don't want to open for every comment/idea an new topic so i hope it is oka y to put all in this

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-16 04:08
German (speaking) Translation - Still exist and in progress :-)

Hi oxsidian,

>I readed the last topic in this section and i would translate the user interface >of portableapps menu into German.
the German speaking Version still exist.

The Strings for the menu are ready, at the moment John is developing the new menu version an we will add multi-lang-support with it.

You 'll find the place for the Translation (at the moment for the launchers only) at:

>When i think about portableapps there are a >plenty of ideas in my head. For >Example :

>- An on a Wikisoft based Webpage. So the developer can inform about their projects >and the status.
Why another place? and the pages on still exist.
>A registred user can edit the webpage if there are any mistakes (misspelling) or >edit the webpage and the administrator enable after contolling it.
This great benefit of a wiki page is also the greatest problem! As You said every (!) registered could edit the webpage! You will have no control about the content. If You don't want to close the right to edit to some responsible persons (take a look at You have to find responsibles who will take care the wiki content, control ist and edit ist as needed.

>-general Translation of the portableapps into german. espanol, french
As I said, the translation process is still in progress. For example You will find the most of the portableaps in German (at the moment) at:

>- Quick guide to install application into the portable folder and get icons in the >portableapps menu
The Guide still exist here:
If You are willing to translate it, feel free to do it Wink

>- easy accessible status of the project portable and aims/functions for further >releases

>So i think these are enough deep going changes for beginning ; I don't want to >revolt portableapps because I love it so much !
As the most of us too Wink

>P.S.: I don't want to open for every comment/idea an new topic so i hope it is oka >y to put all in this
You will also find a German Speaking Forum at:

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