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Google Chrome 26 Loses theme when drive letter changes

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Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2011-04-08 13:12
Google Chrome 26 Loses theme when drive letter changes

Hi. I'm having this problem where the theme doesn't load properly and reverts to default when the drive letter changes, but all the other settings are changed properly as the drive letter changes.

First I tried re-installing the theme, but the chrome-webstore thought it was already installed. So I reset the theme to default from settings, and restarted chrome(It didn't seem to do anything otherwise), and re-installed the theme with no problem, but It didn't fix the problem.

  • I tried re-installing chrome. Didn't work.
  • I tried deleting the profile and re-installing the theme. Theme installed correctly but Didn't work.
  • I tried both, at the same time. Didn't work.

I searched my profile preferences for my previous drive letter and I find these:(current drive letter being G:)

Line 192:   "path": "I:\\PortableApps\\GoogleChromePortable\\App\\Chrome-bin\\26.0.1410.43\\resources\\web_store",
Line 769:   "path": "I:\\PortableApps\\GoogleChromePortable\\App\\Chrome-bin\\26.0.1410.43\\resources\\bookmark_manager",
Line 860:   "path": "I:\\PortableApps\\GoogleChromePortable\\App\\Chrome-bin\\26.0.1410.43\\resources\\settings_app",
Line 1804:  "path": "I:\\PortableApps\\GoogleChromePortable\\App\\Chrome-bin\\26.0.1410.43\\resources\\cloud_print",
Line 1850:  "path": "I:\\PortableApps\\GoogleChromePortable\\App\\Chrome-bin\\26.0.1410.43\\resources\\chrome_app",
Line 2515:  "pack": "I:\\PortableApps\\GoogleChromePortable\\Data\\profile\\Default\\Extensions\\bmanlajnpdncmhfkiccmbgeocgbncfln\\19.6_0\\Cached Theme.pak"
Line 2864:  "path": "I:\\PortableApps\\CommonFiles\\Java\\bin\\plugin2\\npjp2.dll",

So, it seems that my theme isn't the only thing being affected.

Then, I go through the launchers source files and find the section responsible for replacing these paths,
Here is a partial of the file(other\sources\googlechromeportable.nsi):
; We want to manipulate paths in this section!

${WordFind} $R5 '": "' E+2{{ $R6 ; Part before the path

${IfNot} ${Errors}
StrCpy $R7 "\\$R8\\Extensions\\"
; A substring to look for

; Double slashes are intentional, for some reason they
; are escaped in Preferences

${WordFind} $R5 $R7 E-1 $R9
; Is it in the string?
; If so we want what comes after it (image filename).
${If} ${Errors}
; If not, we check for the other possibility
; Don't wanna use just $R8 cause it could be
; any generic name that could appear multiple
; times... trouble!

StrCpy $R7 "\\$R8\\Cached Theme Images\\"
${WordFind} $R5 $R7 E-1 $R9
${If} ${Errors}
StrCpy $R9 ""

${If} $R9 != ""
Push $PROFILEDIRECTORY ; Get the new path
Push "\"
Push "\\"
Call StrRep
Pop $9
; Escape backslashes. Since paths can't
; contain quotes there's no reason to escape
; anything else AFAIK.

StrCpy $R5 $R6$9$R7$R9
; R6 is what comes before, R7 and R9 what
; after. So put it all together.

now, I admit that I don't understand all of this yet, but I believe the part with ${WordFind} $R5 '": "' E+2{{ $R6 ; Part before the path would be locating the next line that contains (": ") in the file.

So, why isn't this having the same effect on those paths as it is on the others?

Any explanations/fixes would be very welcome.Thanks.:smile:
(I would prefer to have a theme rather than go without)

I put this topic in the Development category because I'm hoping that this isn't just my problem and others are experiencing this.(and I've been able to reproduce it)

Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2011-04-08 13:12

Help please?

-Hello Wink

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 19 min 52 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Note Made

I've made a note to see if we can accommodate this on the next release. I'd wager it hasn't been reported before as most people don't use Chrome themes anymore.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2011-04-08 13:12
Thank you

Thanks John, I would like it to be in the next release very much.:smile:

-Hello Wink

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 19 min 52 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Working Now

This is working for me now for themes I downloaded from the Google Chrome Web Store's Themes section. Is this working for you now as well?

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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