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Chome chrome_installer.exe download location for DEV builds?

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Claus Valca
Claus Valca's picture
Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2008-12-07 22:32
Chome chrome_installer.exe download location for DEV builds?


I'm not sure if you can assist me but I'm trying to figure out if there is any logic to determining the new locations of the the version#_chrome_installer.exe on the Google edge download servers.

I keep on eye open over at the blog and look for new DEV build version releases.

In the past I just download the Windows binary file directly rather than going through the online updater process with the PAF file. Once downloaded I would extract it with 7zip and then manually update my portable apps Chrome DEV build. Habit I I suppose there isn't any logical reason not to use the PortableApp builds when they come out for a new DEV release version.

I had been getting them successfully using the following pattern as obtained with the build ID in these notice posts:

However in the past few months Google changed that download pattern.

I can see from Wireshark packet-traces (and looking in the PAF ...\GoogleChromePortableDev_24.0.1312.1_online.paf\$_OUTDIR\AppInfo\installer.ini file) that they are now placing the download location in what appears to be a "randomized" sub-folder location each time.

For example, the *_chrome_installer.exe file has recently been placed in the following locations:

I know that the maintainers of the PortableApps Chrome Dev build have been able to keep them current so I'm wondering and hoping for someone to clarify so I can better understand if there is some pattern/logic behind the new sub-folder location. Is it truly "random" or some ROT or other conversion of a particular value?

I'm probably missing something obvious...

I think I've been using this manual-direct download method to get the DEV builds super-quick upon release. I can monitor their release from the Google Chrome Release blog via my RSS feed reader. I haven't been able to find a "PortableApps" RSS feed that I can use specifically to monitor new PortableApps Chrome DEV build release notices. So now I have to monitor the RSS feed for the Google blog, then periodically drop in on the PortableApps Chrome page and scroll-down to see if it has been updated to the new version yet.

Can anyone please share if there is a logic to the new direct download location? Or if not, what process at PortableApps is used to determine that location when a new DEV build is released? Does Google have a public location notice published or index available?

If not, is there a way or possibility to add PortableApps RSS feed notice for when the Google Chrome DEV/Beta builds also get updated so I can monitor for that directly? Or if it is already there, where I can find it?

I appreciate and value all the hard work the PortableApps team and supporters do. My hope is someone can shed some light on a way to monitor for and/or get the latest Chrome DEV bits quickly to update my portable apps build of it.

Thanks for your feedback!

--Claus V.

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46
i don't know, RSS

I can't comment on most of your post, as I simply don't know the answers; However, I can speak to the RSS feed question: We don't have a feed dedicated to Google Chrome, or an any of our other apps, but we do have an RSS feed that lists all updated apps. The link is on the left.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 min 39 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

The simple answer is to use the Platform. All Google Chrome Dev builds (as well as stable and beta) are automatically pushed out via the Platform's built-in Updater. We generally have Google Chrome builds on all 3 channels out the same day that they are released and announced on the Google Chrome blog. Only stable releases are announced on the main RSS feed as neither beta nor dev channels are stable enough for regular use. We do announce the first beta release of each major version (22.x, 23.x, etc) as well. So, if you use the platform, you'll automatically get it.

Sadly, the download URLs for each Google Chrome release appear to be purposely random now, so it's easiest to just use the platform's updater. Note that as a result of Hurricane Sandy, all releases are currently slightly delayed, so our same-day release rules don't apply.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Claus Valca
Claus Valca's picture
Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2008-12-07 22:32
Thank you very much

Thank you very much gentlemen.

I was afraid that was going to be the case. I'll continue with my current method of monitoring one page for new release notices then pop over here again for checking for the DEV releases.

I totally get only including "Stable" releases on the RSS feed.

Any chance of adding a second RSS feed down the road for the braver/goofy folks like me to monitor...knowing full well we take our stability and security into our own hands...accordingly?

I appreciate your work!


--Claus V.

Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2013-06-12 22:03
Script Linux

Bonjour, tu peux utiliser un script qui va récupérer le dernier numéro de version et télécharger Chrome.

Le script en question est ici :

En gros ça donne ça :

VERSION=$(curl 2>/dev/null | grep -Eo "Channel has been updated to .+? for Windows" | grep -Eo '([0-9]+\.?)+' | head -n1)
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