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Which Firefox portable for use on PC and/or thumb drive ?

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Russell English
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2013-03-19 22:41
Which Firefox portable for use on PC and/or thumb drive ?

I have trawled thru the PortApps forum to find the down load of Firefox portable -- without success.

One down load was offering an "installer". Do I need an installer?
Can I move my current bookmarks to the portable version?

I want to use FFox portable on my laptop.
(I have major probs with installed FF since Jan and getting no solutions on the FF forums)

Any help appreciated.

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 37 min 43 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
Yes you need an installer,

Yes you need an installer, and you would want the one from this page.

You can transfer your bookmarks.

One way is to export them from your existing Firefox (Menu->Bookmarks->Import and Backup->Export Bookmarks to HTML) and then import them into the portable version (Menu->Bookmarks->Import and Backup->Import Bookmarks from HTML).

There may be easier ways which someone else could tell you.

consul's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 2007-05-02 13:47
similiar issues on both

just be careful, the issues you have with ff on your harddrive may also show up on the portable version, as they are nearly identical in how they run.
What was the problem that you had on your original one?

Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.

Russell English
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2013-03-19 22:41
My problems with FFox

@ Consul
Thanks for your reply
Two laptops -- both for web-browsing, downloads and emails only.
No games nor MS applications. Bitdefender on both.

last clean re-install of WinXP 2007) -- no wonder it is sick.

- new Win7 -- never used nor on internet until 2 days ago.

Acer -- starting with FFox 18.xx Library >Add Bookmark/Folder was/is growing in width every FFox open. Eventually wider than the screen, takes about 4-5 days.
Have tried every conceivable variation of re-install.
Including "reset" and MozBackup -- I have been desperate. Three (or is it 2) threads on FFox forum has not found a solution

RevoUninstaller to uninstall + manually deleting every every occurrence of Mozilla/Firefox/Thunderbird in WinExplorer (especially profile folder) + manually cleaning registry of every occurrence of Firefox.. RevoUninstaller is free version.
Rebooted with every step. BUT problem persists. I think I have clean installed FFox at least 5 to 7 times with each variation.
Even saved the Bookmarks HTML file as a TXT file then saved back to HTML.

Toshiba -- a brand new PC -- pre-installed with Win7 (Purchased July 2012 and lived in its box until a few weeks ago)

I don't want to create the Acer nightmare on the new Toshiba.
Hence my caution transferring bookmarks from the Acer to the Toshiba.
I can now only suspect corrupted OS on the Acer -- or Acer gremlins doing their Acer thing.

I look forward to your comments

Progress is mans ability to complicate simplicity

consul's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 2007-05-02 13:47

So the Bookmark dropdown gets wider and wider, even though you aren't adding more bookmarks or scrolling through the sub folders in the book mark? That sounds like an add-on interfering with the CSS stylesheet that displays your bookmarks.

Well, I am sure that the other forums probably told you this, but you did try this with a clean install, and no add-ons? If so, then you can certainly try this portable version and see if it is FF or the laptop. The Portably version is nice in that if something is mucked up on this version, you can just delete the whole folder, while the normal versions installed could leave parts in random places.

Transferring bookmarks should not cause a problem, it is just 1 file. You can just copy the bookmarks file to your usb and then drop that copy into the same spot on the new.

If the portable version works fine on another PC, it may be that your laptop that is screwbally. By the way, I am using my Vista (is that your Windows 2007?) and and my Windows MCE (to my tv) regularly, and keep them as updated as they could. If the problem is the laptop, make sure you have your anti-virus all up to date as well, there are many free ones.

Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-04 14:10
occurs when clean? or after use? upload copy of profile?

You said you've "clean installed FFox at least 5 to 7 times with each variation", so if you don't mind clean installing it one or two more times could you:

  1. clean install firefox
  2. do whatever you normally do till you see this oddity occur without if possible putting any personal information into this firefox profile
  3. once you see the issue, go to about:support, click the "Show Folder" button under "Profile Folder"
  4. put the folder that it opened into a zip file and upload it somewhere (like
  5. post a link to the zipped up profile folder here and/or in the other forum(s) you said you asked for help

maybe then somone will be more able to figure it out and help you.

DoctorWhoFan's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2013-06-07 06:06
About Portable Firefox Profiles

I'm aware that the desktop version of FireFox enables you to create multiple profiles. This is done by launching the Firefox.exe with a "/p" switch. How do I enable multi-profiles in the portable version? Please send an explaination to [email removed]
Thank you.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 18 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
2nd Profile App

You install the 2nd profile app alongside Firefox Portable to get additional profiles. Firefox's built-in profile manager that you access with /p only works with local profiles, not portable ones.

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