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Is there a way to migrate a profile to an installable program?

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Joined: 2012-10-04 05:35
Is there a way to migrate a profile to an installable program?


I am thinking of Google Chrome, since the update mechanism does not inform as to any update pending and I am concerned about safety since I don't want to be running any out-of-date applications, particularly those that use the internet.

Also, secondly when a program crashes would it not be a good idea that in the least if an update is provided by the menu that it does the clean up for you?

Cheers and thanks

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 min 19 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

If you use the platform, you'll know when an update is available.

The platform will be able to detect an improperly shutdown app and optionally run the cleanup process.

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Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2012-10-04 05:35
Hi John, I am aware of the

Hi John,

I am aware of the (now indispensable) installer, but as Opera 15 has now come out, I guess I can dump google anyway so maybe the question is moot.

As to the ongoing situation of program crashes, I have my menu and/or portable apps hidden in the system tray of Windows 7, so therefore I believe it makes the situation even more pressing in that in the very least running an update notwithstanding even just checking should fix the problem inherent in the program installer methodologies.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 min 19 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Avoiding Opera 15 Currently

We're currently recommending Opera 12.16 until the issues with Opera 15 are sorted. It has issues with large numbers of bookmarks (especially on flash media) and passwords are locked to a single PC.

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I am most hopeful it will be

I am most hopeful it will be made portable at some point.

I am using it and it is far superior to Chrome, due to bookmark sync with Opera Link, as well as home "button" aka speed dial.

The app is release worthy, it is not a beta, and as for password sync, LastPass is always the best as you can use Seamonkey or chrome.

I still stand by my request to have the update process/mechanism restore the program state of apps, at least on update but even when checking as a maintenance function so I am hopeful this will be addressed at some point.

Thank you

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 min 19 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Stop Crashing

A better option is to stop crashing your apps. It's a horrible practice and can't always be properly cleaned up. There's really no reason to do it. The platform will even (properly) close them for you in an upcoming release. Until then, close your apps.

Chrome and Firefox both have bookmark sync as well, it's not new. And both have speed dial style extensions if you'd like them (Firefox has it built in now). The poor performance of Opera bookmarks is a bit of a deal killer at the moment. It caches versions of every single page you 'bookmark' now for searching which means a horrendous import time if you have a few thousand of em built up over the years. And the non-portable passwords we'll need to figure out... I can't believe Opera calls it portable when a major bit of functionality like saved passwords is entirely broken.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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Joined: 2012-10-04 05:35
John,I know you care about


I know you care about users and spend a great amount of time supporting what are excellent products, but from a users' perspective (you are a developer) I am *not* doing anything, it is what I have not done, i.e. closed the app that is the reason for app crash.

I await the day that the menu fixes problems, even on a wholly user initiated basis but until then references to doing or not doing something are semantic at best.

As to Opera, there are workarounds, all is well in the post w3c world.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 min 19 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Also a User

I'm also a user. And I always close my apps, portable or local, before shutting down Windows. Windows hasn't always played well with apps shutting down since Vista. And it's gotten worse in 7 and 8. Shutting down Windows without closing your apps will even cause locally installed apps like Firefox to crash now and then. So, you close your apps or you use something that can properly close them or warn you which ones won't respond to a close message. Windows doesn't do that well. And it doesn't understand multiple EXE apps (like portable ones with launchers) at all.

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john listen pls

i always close my apps properly but the warning almost always comes up

not to shun you but it it possible that the platform sometimes possibly falsely thinks that the app was crashed because of past crashes

i have also noticed that the platfom seems to detect app crashes alot, also it seems to detect crashes of the same apps over and over again

also i did a fresh install of the platform recently and installed firefox and chrome and before i even used them once it detected an app crash of the platform itself as well as both browsers

but i couldn't replicate the last said issue at all

all this was found using the 12 beta 2 platform as well as windows xp and 7

i'm not wierd, i'm just different

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 4 min 19 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Not The Platform

It's not the platform displaying the messages. It's the individual apps' launchers and they are all independent. And they only show up if the launcher was shutdown against its will and couldn't write to disk that it had closed down after the app it is portablizing closed.

The only situation where it would show that warning when it hadn't crashed last time is if you restore a backup of the Data folder made after the app had crashed and before it cleaned up. That's the only way.

Likely, something in your work flow is crashing them. This is usually one of (1) shutting down without closing apps (2) a faulty USB port disconnecting and crashing the apps (3) Windows going to sleep and disconnecting the external drive the apps are on, which is basically an unsafe eject (4) an unsafe eject, (5) logical or physical errors on the drive itself (6) permissions issues, etc.

Millions of people use these apps every day without the issues you are experiencing, so I'd urge you to investigate the above causes.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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