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BitTorrent Sync Portable 1.3.106 Dev Test 1

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darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
BitTorrent Sync Portable 1.3.106 Dev Test 1

Application: BitTorrent Sync
Category: Internet
Description: From the publisher's website:
Sync and Share
Sync unlimited files between your own devices, or share a folder with friends and family to automatically sync anything.

Private and Secure
File transfers are encrypted. Your information is never stored on a server in the cloud and your data is protected by private keys.

Bigger is Better
BitTorrent Sync is specifically designed to handle large files, so feel free to sync original, high quality, uncompressed files.

SourceForge project page

Download BitTorrentSync Portable 1.3.106 Dev Test 1 (492KB+2.88MB download / 3.29MB installed)
(MD5: a8cd55a0351526d697d9cbabefe5047f)

Download BitTorrentSync Portable x.x.xx Dev Test 1 (>496KB download / >428KB installed)
(MD5: 3e75dcdd85a9907196c3cfe976af8b2c)

Note: This is an online installer so it requires a stable internet connection in order to download the necessary files for the app. The x.x.xx version will always download the most recent version but does not verify the download; use at your own risk.

Note: Since BitTorrent Sync relies on encryption to keep files secure, each sync folder is associated with a database file stored in the Data folder. These files can grow very quickly depending on the number of files being synced in each folder, so leave room on your device. This also has an unfortunate side effect of slowing down the loading and closing times of the portable app, since these database files have to be moved around.

Note: BitTorrent Sync automatically minimizes to the taskbar when closed, so the tray icon has to be closed before it is safe to remove your drive.

Release Notes:

See all release notes at the SourceForge project page

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Updated: 1.2.82 Dev Test 1

Updated to 1.2.82 Dev Test 1. See release notes for details.

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Updated: 1.2.82 Dev Test 2

Updated to 1.2.82 Dev Test 2. See release notes for details.

Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-04 14:15
Problem Installing

I wanted to try out BTSync Portable. I received the following error.

Output folder: C:\\PortableApps\BitTorrentSyncPortable
Installing BitTorrent Sync Portable...
Create folder: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsj7263.tmp\Downloaded
Downloading BitTorrent Sync...
Installing BitTorrent Sync Portable...
Rename: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsj7263.tmp\Downloaded\BitTorrent Sync->C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsj7263.tmp\Downloaded\BTSync.exe
Create folder: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsj7263.tmp\Downloaded
Downloading BitTorrent Sync...
Installing BitTorrent Sync Portable...
Rename: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsj7263.tmp\Downloaded\BitTorrent Sync->C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsj7263.tmp\Downloaded\BTSync.exe
Delete file: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsj7263.tmp\Downloaded\BTSync.exe
The downloaded copy of BitTorrent Sync is not valid and can not be installed. Please try installing again.

Limits are for people with no imagination.

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Not updated

It seems they've updated the online installer. When that happens, it is because the downloaded version doesn't match the MD5 hash I supplied for it. An updated version should be up within the day.

Edit: I just downloaded the most recent version and it has not been updated based on the MD5 hash. Which installer version did you use? If it was not the most recent one, then the downloading component will not work.

Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-04 14:15
I'm using

I'm using BitTorrentSyncPortable_1.2.82_Dev_Test_2_online.paf.exe downloaded from the link above, and alternatively downloaded directly from SourceForge. I've tried dev 1 and it does not work either.

Limits are for people with no imagination.

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28

Dev Test 1 shouldn't work properly to begin with because of an error I didn't notice originally. Can you tell me what OS you're running and where you're trying to install it to? From your copied log it looks like you're trying to install to a temporary folder or something. I tried to recreate the installation failure on Windows 8 Professional x64 and I was unable to with the newest installer.

Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2014-01-30 13:26
The downloaded copy of BitTorrent Sync is not valid

It looks like I have the same problem as Augi - when I run BitTorrentSyncPortable_1.2.82_Dev_Test_2_online.paf.exe it shows download progress and everything looks fine but after download completes installer shows error message:

The downloaded copy of BitTorrent Sync is not valid and can not be installed. Please try installing again.

I have tried to run installer on WinXP, Win7 and Win8.1 with a same results.
Is there any way to fix it?
Thank you in advance!

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28

I'll go back to the drawing board and see what could be going on. I haven't seen that issue except in Dev Test 1 so I'll see what I can do.

Update: Between my last post and this one it appears the stable branch has been updated. I'll be releasing a fixed build (and possibly a version-agnostic build) as soon as I can.

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Updated: 1.2.82 Dev Test 3

Updated to 1.2.82 Dev Test 3 and x.x.xx Dev Test 1. See release notes for details.

Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-04 14:15
Still errors...

Still getting the error at download. Win XP SP3 machine.

Output folder: C:\Apps\PortableApps\BitTorrentSyncPortable
Preparing to upgrade BitTorrent Sync Portable...
Create folder: C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\nsi123.tmp\Downloaded
Downloading BitTorrent Sync...
Installing BitTorrent Sync Portable...
Rename: C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\nsi123.tmp\Downloaded\BitTorrent Sync->C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\nsi123.tmp\Downloaded\BTSync.exe
Create folder: C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\nsi123.tmp\Downloaded
Downloading BitTorrent Sync...
Installing BitTorrent Sync Portable...
Rename: C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\nsi123.tmp\Downloaded\BitTorrent Sync->C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\nsi123.tmp\Downloaded\BTSync.exe
Delete file: C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\nsi123.tmp\Downloaded\BTSync.exe
The downloaded copy of BitTorrent Sync is not valid and can not be installed. Please try installing again.

Limits are for people with no imagination.

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Which version?

Which installer did you use? BitTorrent Sync just had a base update to 1.2.91, which will mess up the numbered installer.

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Updated: 1.2.91 Dev Test 1

Updated to 1.2.91 Dev Test 1. See release notes for details.

Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-04 14:15
Still getting this error.

I tried this at home and at work.

Output folder: C:\TRASH\BittorrentSyncSetup\BitTorrentSyncPortable
Installing BitTorrent Sync Portable...
Create folder: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsy83A2.tmp\Downloaded
Downloading BitTorrent Sync...
Installing BitTorrent Sync Portable...
Rename: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsy83A2.tmp\Downloaded\BitTorrent Sync->C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsy83A2.tmp\Downloaded\BTSync.exe
Create folder: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsy83A2.tmp\Downloaded
Downloading BitTorrent Sync...
Installing BitTorrent Sync Portable...
Rename: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsy83A2.tmp\Downloaded\BitTorrent Sync->C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsy83A2.tmp\Downloaded\BTSync.exe
Delete file: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsy83A2.tmp\Downloaded\BTSync.exe
The downloaded copy of BitTorrent Sync is not valid and can not be installed. Please try installing again.

Limits are for people with no imagination.

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Which installer

Which installer are you using? You never answered the first time, and it might help me determine where your problem is coming from.

Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2014-04-02 07:25
Installation Aborted

I have just downloaded the new installer

Running on Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit

When I run it I get the following:

Output folder: x:\PA\PortableApps\BitTorrentSyncPortable
Preparing to upgrade BitTorrent Sync Portable...
Create folder: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsx1E03.tmp\Downloaded
Downloading BitTorrent Sync...
Installing BitTorrent Sync Portable...
Rename: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsx1E03.tmp\Downloaded\BitTorrent Sync->C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsx1E03.tmp\Downloaded\BTSync.exe
Create folder: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsx1E03.tmp\Downloaded
Downloading BitTorrent Sync...
Installing BitTorrent Sync Portable...
Rename: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsx1E03.tmp\Downloaded\BitTorrent Sync->C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsx1E03.tmp\Downloaded\BTSync.exe
Delete file: C:\Users\USER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsx1E03.tmp\Downloaded\BTSync.exe
The downloaded copy of BitTorrent Sync is not valid and can not be installed. Please try installing again.

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Blanket Statement

This is a note for almost everyone who has the same issue of not being able to install using the numbered installer. If the numbered installer doesn't work, this means that BitTorrent updated Sync and I haven't been able to release an updated installer that includes the MD5 hash yet. If it fails for you on install, please try the x.x.xx installer next. If that fails too, then you can post here because that means there's an actual issue. As of right now, BitTorrent Sync is at 1.3.80 and I will update the numbered installer when I can. In the mean time, please use the x.x.xx installer (which does not check for the MD5 hash on download and will always download the newest version).

Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2013-08-22 11:16
April 25 - not working

Hi there, just a quick note to install you that as of today, the installer is again not working. Given these guys seem to update versions every week, would it not possibly make more sense to remove the MD5 hash check?

Thanks for your passion and dedication to this project. I use v.24 right now, which was the last "native" portable edition of btsync to my knowledge, however I feel it is a little buggy..

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28

As I mentioned above, I am going to try to keep the MD5-validated installer up-to-date (though I've been very busy with end-of-semester work and a Master's project). For the exact reason you mentioned, I have the no validation version in the form of x.x.xx Dev Test 1. I know that I won't be able to reasonably keep day-to-day up to date so if you encounter a problem with the validated installer, I encourage using the no-validation installer to see if that works. If both fail, then there's a problem on my end. If only the numbered one fails, then it just updated.

Last seen: 1 year 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-07-30 14:03
btsync portable

create a file named “settings.dat” (create a new text file and rename it) in the same folder like the installation btsync.exe, then it unpacks the files right there

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Updated: 1.3.105 Dev Test 1

Updated numbered installer to 1.3.105 Dev Test 1. See release notes for details. Just a gentle reminder that this is only an update to the numbered installer; the x.x.xx installer will always work with the newest version but is not verified against an MD5 hash.

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Updated: 1.3.106 Dev Test 1

Updated to 1.3.106 Dev Test 1. See release notes for details.

borekon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2014-08-06 07:26
Another option

H, i made a potable version that works like a charm. Just download the exe file and run. 100% virus free. You can download it from here

Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2014-08-29 05:16
Download/install error

I gather that BTSync has been updated to version 1.4. When I try to run the 1.3.106 installer, it fails the MD5 check because it's downloading a different file version. On the other hand, when I run the alternative version (x.x.xx) version, the install is successful, but the program won't run correctly because I guess the required associated files are different?

Are you still maintaining this app, and do you have a likely timeline for an update?

Thanks for all the hard work!

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
New everything

It seems like the most recent update to BTSync has changed a bunch of frontend things so presumably the backend stuff has changed too. I'll update the two launchers as soon as I can. Consider it on my backlog.

V@no's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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It is not truly portable if

It is not truly portable if it relies on path it was initially installed in..
It seems moving/renaming the folder requires manually edit Data/settings/BitTorrentSyncPortableSettings.ini

Also, since files from /Data/settings/ folder are being moved to /App/BitTorrentSync/ when BTSync starts, why not just leave them there and be done with it? It would start faster.

Updated to v1.3.109 with no problem by installing it from and then copied .exe file

progmachine's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2015-02-07 06:12
Can't download for months, it

Can't download for months, it is always says "The downloaded copy of BitTorrent Sync is not valid and can not be installed. Please try installing again."
Is there are other ways exist to download and install without that downloadable downloader?

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Update at some point

I've been really busy with life and haven't gotten to look at any of my outdated apps. This one will require an overhaul because the way BTSync works now is different than it was. Sorry for the inconvenience but I haven't had the time.

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Done :(

Unfortunately, the way that Resilio Sync (formerly BitTorrent Sync) is now set up, there is no legal way for me to package this app anymore Sad The former way of making it portable hasn't worked since it was branded BitTorrent Sync and has no official support for portability going forward. If this changes, I'll bring this from the grave. Until then, I'm just as sad that this one had to be retired.

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