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Location of exe file

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Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-19 08:36
Location of exe file

Hi John,

I have a liitle question.

To launch a portable app requiring java I created an exe file that lauches the app using jPortableLauncher. If I copy the exe to the main app folder under the PortableApps folder it gets recognized by the platform and can be started properly.

To improve the app structure I would appreciate to locate the exe file in a sub folder like app\launcher\exe because it is not part of the initial application and my exe file will be effected by an later update if I keep it in the main folder.

Here comes my question. Is it possible to make the exe file accessible in the platform if it is located in a sub folder as described above?
I tried already to add it to PortableAppsMenu.ini and restart the platform but this didn't work.

Maybe you have an idea. Would be great!

Thanks in advance


John T. Haller
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Last seen: 43 min 44 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
No and Yes

The platform doesn't currently work with EXEs in sub-directories automatically or via a manual action within the platform.

For yourself, you can do it by creating an appinfo.ini in an AppName\AppInfo directory with the appropriate name and Start parameters as well as the ICO and PNG icon files.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-19 08:36
Concret example JDownloader

Just to make it clear for me.

So f.e. to do it for JDownloader I create a sub folder appinfo in the main folder JDownloader that is JDownloader\appinfo. Or is it in JDownloader\launcher? So it would be JDownloader\launcher\appinfo.

In this I locate a file named JDownloaderLauncher.ini(?) that holds:


Is this correct?

The parameters come from a config file named JDownloaderLauncher.cfg located in the exe path.

Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-19 08:36
First try

I looked it up in the other apps (f.e. Firefox) I just have chosen another app TV-Browser because the JDownloader was running.

So I created a folder app\appinfo in the main application folder TV Browser. In this I have files


In the app.ini file I put the following


My launcher is located in folder TV Browser\launcher\app.
Now the platform shows the launcher but wants to start it from the main folder TVBrowser. I tried to provide the correct folder but this didn't work.

Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-19 08:36
I made it

Hi john,

finally I made it. Everything is working fine.
Thanks for the hint.

Kind regards


Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-19 08:36
Special characters in app.ini

How do you handle special characters like ä, ö, ü, ß in appinfo.ini?

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