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InfraRecorder - Unreadable DVD problem

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Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-13 12:16
InfraRecorder - Unreadable DVD problem

Last night I burnt a compact disc (dvd) of 3 files I dragged into the lower Disc Layout window. The burn was made through Actions, Burn Compilation, to a Compact Disc... using: on the fly; Verify the disc after writing; Eject the disc after writing; Buffer underrun protection; Pad data tracks; Fixate the disc after writing. These were all checked on the General Tab page. On the Advance tab page only the Allow overburning was checked. The red bar at the bottom reflecting the space available v. used originally showed the disc as a cd of 702 mb and that was changed by right clicking & selecting 4.38 GiB. The burn appeared to proceed normally with each step completed & the data verified at the end but when I went to read the disc using Free Commander there was no disc detected. This was all done on an HP5100, WinXP updated machine. I also tried reading it on a home brew Win2000 updated machine with the same results. The HP read attempt was using the same drive on which the disc was created.

I have used several of the PA apps but this is the first attempt with this one & though I have Nero I would rather use a GNU app if it is possible & reliable.

Any suggestions would be apprec
Sorry IR v. was used above.

James in SoCal
LA Area

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Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-03 16:07
sounds like just a bad burn.

sounds like just a bad burn. i always seem to runinto trouble when i verify information with K3B on linux. it always messes my data up and never completes but i digress.

My recomendation is to uninstall and then reinstall the program. Also check to makesure nothing else is innturupting your burn.

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Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2010-06-01 23:31
InfraRecorder - Unreadable DVD problem

Using multisession ISO option I write 2 DVDs. All looks successfuly until I try to open the content. The DVD behave like blank but it is already closed. There is a content but it is not accesable.

"No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings" William Blake

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