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portable virgin need help

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Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2013-01-10 21:33
portable virgin need help

so well im not so virgin cause im using portable programs but i am virgin in making portable app

and i want to make portable emulator to which guy from this post inspired me to

and so i was hoping what can be hard in it ?

so my obvious idea was to install stuff he provided me in links and use it to create simple portable app just for test before i go to emulator cause i think its more complicated

and so i choose to create cheat engine portable since this program only leave add and that modify only 3 keys in registry

so what have i done

1st i installed portablecomlauncher and that nisis or what ever

2nd i launched launcher to check what he will want from me

3rd after i figured out he want me to point to an app folder and not app it self i did so

4th i used zoomit portable as template

5th i made icon and png files and placed them in Cheat EnginePortable\App\AppInfo

6th i go to check how zoomit portable folder structure is build and so i made same folders in cheat engine portable and placed all stuff in a same way like it was in zoom it portable

7th i go to every folder in zoomit portable to check whats in side i copied all ini files to cheat engine portable and edited them so they fit cheat engine portable

8th after everything looks fine i used launcher to create portable version of cheat engine

9th IF i view log i see this error on the bottom

2 warnings:
!include: could not find: "C:\Documents and Settings\Zero\Pulpit\Cheat EnginePortable\App\AppInfo\Launcher\Custom.nsh" (Segments.nsh:122)
!include: could not find: "C:\Documents and Settings\Zero\Pulpit\Cheat EnginePortable\App\AppInfo\Launcher\Debug.nsh" (Debug.nsh:87)

but well zoomit portable do not have that 2 files so wtf ?

and next when i launch cheat engine portable i see this

but cheat engine launched but when i click anything on toolbar file edit table

than nothing happens

but if i select process and try co scan it than i see this


can any 1 tell me what am i missing or what i am doing wrong and help me end my portable virginity ? Wink

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 3 min 13 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
You can ignore the two log

You can ignore the two log warnings, they are just saying that two optional files couldn't be found. It won't cause any problems with the package.

In regards to the errors, they are coming from the program itself. I can't guarantee it will work, but the most consistently useful thing to try when an app throws errors when you are testing it out like that is to set the working directory in the launcher.ini.

Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2013-01-10 21:33
i did not understand much

i did not understand much from what link you given
but i placed here

Cheat EnginePortable\Data\settings\Cheat EnginePortable\Settings.ini

this on the end
Cheat EnginePortable_HOME=%PAL:DataDir%\settings

and so i still get same error when launching

but now except FILE everything from tool bar works and scanning still does not work

i upload here what i made

maybe if you or someone can check it you can tell me wtf i did wrong

btw cheat engine is program that lets you scan for values in games so you can cheat like add extra money or make ur char have infinite health or even change health to certain amount and lock it so even when you get hied you wont lose health or mana or time and so go on....

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 3 min 13 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
I can't run the app at work,

I can't run the app at work, but there are few issues I can see just from the files:


  • Don't change the value in [Format] Version - it should be "3.0"
  • Don't use spaces in the AppID - it should be "CheatEnginePortable", not "Cheat EnginePortable"
  • Don't remove the Publisher and Homepage values
  • PackageVersion should be ""
  • DisplayVersion should be "6.3 Development Test 1"
  • Don't remove the [Control] section - without it your app won't show in the PortableApps Platform correctly

Launcher\Cheat EnginePortable.ini

  • This file needs to be called "CheatEnginePortable.ini" not "Cheat EnginePortable.ini"
  • Each [RegistryKeys] entry needs to have a different name - you will lose data with them named the same
  • You can remove the whole [RegistryCleanupIfEmpty] section

Data\settings\Cheat EnginePortable\Settings.ini
Don't change this file! It is automatically generated by the Launcher and should not be changed. At best the changes you make will be ignored, at worst you could break the app.


  • You also need to split up the registry entries in App\DefaultData\settings\Cheat Engine.reg into four different files - the names need to be the same as the names in the [RegistryKeys] entries
  • Don't remove the help.html file
  • Don't remove the Other\Help folder
  • Don't remove any of the extra files - there is a reason for all of them being there

When I get home from work I will be able to look more into what is causing the errors in the program.

Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2013-01-10 21:33
i did everything you

i did everything you mentioned above

and guess what ? Biggrin

still does not works

nothing changed

for ever a virgin Biggrin

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 3 min 13 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
I'm home from work and

I'm home from work and looking at it now.

You certainly picked a difficult one for your first attempt, but I have figured out the problems. It is all to do with a missing directory.

Give me a while and I will post an updated package which should fix the issues.

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 3 min 13 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
OK new package

Here is the package.


  • Removed WorkingDirectory setting - it wasn't needed after all
  • Added RunAsAdmin=force - it is needed on Win7 and probably others
  • Rolled the [RegistryKeys] into one entry
  • Added WaitForEXE1-5 - otherwise settings were getting lost. I don't know if WaitForEXE5 is needed, but the others are.
  • Added DefaultData\TempScanFiles directory
  • Changed the .reg file in DefaultData to point to a variable (DEFAULTSCANDIR) for the scan files directory
  • Added FileWrite1-3 - handles normal path changes for Data\TempScanFiles directory
  • Added FileWrite4 - this tells the Launcher to replace the variable DEFAULTSCANDIR with Data\TempScanFiles on first run (we have to do it this way because when it is installed we don't know the path or drive letter to know what value to change)
  • Minor changes in appinfo.ini

Things I didn't do:

  • Didn't fix the help file contents
  • There is another path stored in the registry for a variable called "Initial tables dir". I didn't do anything with this path because it didn't seem to change or affect anything.
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2013-01-10 21:33
ehh winterblood from all the

ehh winterblood

from all the points you did i understand like non ?

i have no idea how you know what to do and how you did it ?

i do not need cheat engine portable i never needed it i just wanted to LEARN how to make apps portable

and you give me end result and i see only black magic in a post you made above

not without reason topic here contains word VIRGIN Biggrin

ok so anyway can you point me to where i can learn how to know what to do and than to somewhere from where i will know how to do it ?

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 3 min 13 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
Sorry about that

But as I said above you did pick an app that ended up being quite difficult.

Honestly there is nowhere that can teach you how to know exactly what to do. It is learnt through trial & error, experience and a little bit of luck, and every app is different.

For this package the registry handling is easy enough, FileWrite1-3 are the standard path handling operations we do (I didn't figure those out, I just copy & paste them, changing the filename and :DoubleBlackslash bit to whatever is needed by the app).

The other stuff I did with the DEFAULTSCANDIR variable is a fairly advanced idea - only language switching is more difficult for standard Launcher functionality.

I would suggest starting with something a lot easier, maybe even one of our own official apps that doesn't require too much work so you have something to compare against to see how you did, or if you get stuck. FeedNotifier, ZoomIt, BabelMap and ConvertAll might be good places to start.

Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2013-01-10 21:33
no you did not understand

no you did not understand me

i didnt ask what exact steps you did cause i know it wont fit to every app

i ask how you learned them ?

i made many complicated stuff on my pc like games/program editing

modifying programs or even creating bat files to export/import registry or move/delete/copy config files and launch them so that they seem to work like they ware portable

but always i used google to find info on how to do so and answer was there
you provided me with no such info and i wanna know from where you did know what you COULD TRY to do to make it work

like for example

here is my version of cheat engine which uses simple bat file commands like

REGEDIT /W /S "%CD%" Data\CEConfig.reg
Start /w "%CD%" "App\Cheat Engine.exe"
reg export "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cheat Engine" "%CD%"\Data\CEConfig.reg

and i just uset bat2exe program to convert that bat file to exe file and i made icon for cheat engine and thats all

and so i just picked cheat engine cause it just added/eddited few keys in registry

and what it does was that after you launch it 1st time it launched
tutorial and at next launches tutorial was not loaded and than the last path used to save cheat tables was stored in registry so i only needed that 2 things to be portable and i did it with that bat file so i was hoping that cheat engine will be simple to make portable in portable apps standards just if its edit that few things

so as you see im able to learn this or that but i need to have info from which i can learn and thats what im asking you for any way i believe i learned allot from you already from which im grateful Smile


Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 3 min 13 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
Apart from a few posts here

Apart from a few posts here in the forums there is nowhere that teaches you how to make a PortableApps package - it is all about looking at existing packages and reading the documentation, along with some trial & error and perseverance.

Knowing the Launcher Manual and Format Spec will help you, but there is still a great deal that relies simply on you having a go and learning from experience.

Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2013-01-10 21:33
i gonna read that all that

i gonna read that all

that 2nd link (format spec) seems straight forward for me but i already seen what is in 1st link (launcher manual) and not much help i found there

but i will study them both and see what i will learn

ill come back here siin to ask why making epsxe portable did not work so just wait Smile

thanks for your knowledge Smile

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