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Eject fails if drivetype = Fixed?

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Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-21 16:26
Eject fails if drivetype = Fixed?

So I bought a new Sandisk Cruzer today and guess what? I can't eject using the eject button anymore, nor using the old eject script (that one complained about the device not being ejectable). So I look into it and using the old eject script's feature of showing what's running on the USB key, I see that the script has it marked as Fixed.

So I dig into the whole mess and it seems that to try to appease the MS monster, SanDisk forced all of their USB keys to be Fixed instead of Removable. See this post:

Apparently they have now changed their minds, but didn't pull any product from the shelves, so I got stuck with one of the bad ones.

Now I know that this isn't really tragic, but it was darn convenient to be able eject my USB key with a single button.

So I saw a post here (MAN, is it annoying to not be able to sort old posts by age) referencing that the PA.c button just calls USB Disk Ejector, so I downloaded that and ran it to see what it says. It shows the USB key, but fails to close any apps or eject.

Is it possible that it is using the same logic as the old eject script and not running on fixed disks?

Can someone a) verify that I'm not crazy and 2) see if this check (if that's what it is) can be turned off?

Thanks SOO much!

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 41 min 54 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Contact Sandisk

You'll need to contact Sandisk for a replacement. The drive, at the firmware level, is telling Windows it is not removable. The eject script is simply respecting that.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-21 16:26
sort of...

According to what I see, the drive is ejectable using the notification icon (dbl-click and then eject USB key). However, that button must be looking at the USB key 'differently' than PA.c or the old eject script?

Do you know if the type of disk is determined before or after any applications are attempted to close?

Not arguing, just trying to get my facts clear for when I ask this question over on USB Ejector's website.


Michael D. Shook

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 41 min 54 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

Windows polls the drive itself to ask if it is removable. The drive's firmware is set so that it is not removable. The only reason Sandisk set it that way is so that Windows can use partitions on it as, due to a quirk of the way Windows works, it doesn't support multiple partitions on a removable drive. The reason they set it back after a few months is that having it set as fixed messes up all kinds of other things, including the eject process.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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