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ReactOS Open Source Support Program

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3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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ReactOS Open Source Support Program

Hello all,
I thought I'd come by to spread the word about the "ReactOS Open Source Support Program" which the ReactOS Foundation is initiating in conjunction with it's new "Community Edition" IndieGoGo Campaign.

Are you familiar with ReactOS?
ReactOS is an Open Source re-implementation of Windows NT currently targeting NT version 5.2 which is Microsoft's most recent release of the Kernel Windows XP uses.
(NT 5.1 shipped with Windows XP, NT 5.2 shipped with Windows Server 2003)

What's this about a Funding Campaign? & Why should I help ReactOS?
I personally think ReactOS should be helped because I as a Windows User who likes the Open Source philosophy really like the idea of having an Open Source version of Windows. If you need more information before you'll help please visit the ReactOS Wiki's FAQ & the Campaign on IndieGoGo.
(The campaign is now over, but there are still several ways to donate if you'd like to.)
And if you have questions you can ask on the ReactOS Forums and/or chat with the Developers on IRC.

That's nice, but what about the Open Source Support Program.
So the Open Source Support Program is a way for Developers to help ReactOS become more Windows compatible as well as a way for Open Source Software that runs on Windows to get more publicity, a larger user-base, and more testing.

First, please note that participating in the Open Source Support Program isn't going to cost anything.
(There's a program for non-open-source software, but aren't we Open Source fans here at

Second, ReactOS & Wine share a notable amount of code, and the ReactOS Devs submit there Wine code improvements upstream, so joining the ReactOS Open Source Support Program will improve Wine as well as ReactOS.

Third some of the apps Portablised by have already joined the program.
So far these are LibreCAD & PeaZip, but the door is open, more can still join.

For more info visit the announcement and this page.

Victor MartinezIf you are an "official open source representative" (meaning simply "a guy able to make decisions on behalf of the open source project") just drop us an email. Here you can find the emails of our Team.

Please inform the Developer(s) of your favourite Open Source Software about this opportunity.

And I'm going to end this post by saying Thank you,
Thank you to all who see this program and take it under consideration.


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 50 min 19 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

I'm missing how this is asking for other open source projects to get involved as none of the links seem to address this.

Also, I removed the link from your signature. Links in signatures to other sites is prohibited as mentioned in the forum guidelines. Linking to a post on that contains multiple external links in your signature to get around this restriction isn't exactly kosher.

UPDATE: I think I may move this to Off Topic as it doesn't really have anything to do with portable apps.

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3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Sorry about the sig link

Sorry about the link in the signature, I didn't look at it as "Linking to a post on that contains multiple external links in your signature to get around this restriction", I was just thinking "If people see it in my sig, maybe they'll read it, maybe they'll tell more OSS Devs about it, etc."

Also while I can see that it isn't directly related to Portable Apps, I meant for it to double as a request to you so we could see ReactOS supporting the Platform (which would/will also improve Wine's support for it too.)


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 50 min 19 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Already Works

The platform already works quite well in Wine. Better than on ReactOS. I've found that with most apps. Firefox works great on Wine, crashes within 30 seconds on ReactOS. Etc. ReactOS is still barely functional in VirtualBox.

I like the idea of ReactOS, but it feels like its usefulness has been 'just a couple years away' for many years despite being in development for 16 years now.

ReactOS seems to be looking for open source and closed source apps to add to their app store in terms of working with people. As that's basically what we do with the Platform, I'm not sure if that would be a fit.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Could work better

Yes it works in Wine, but there are some known issues, including at least one that you made a notable workaround for (transparency).
Wouldn't it be nice to not need that workaround any more? I know I'd like to have the icons on the menu show up properly when I'm using Wine & ReactOS.
Also I'm only suggesting that 'The Platform' (Menu, Backup, App Updater/Directory) be included in this OSSP (not the whole list of apps, they can [& should IMO] join on there own if they want to), in part to help get the Wine/ReactOS issues made visible by the PAP dealt with, in part to prevent some possible future ReactOS regressions, and in part to get PA.c a bit more visibility (it can't hurt can it?) all without adding much burden to you (other than testing it and pointing out what's not working and how it works in Windows I don't see what your side of the OSSP would be asked to do, build a narrower 'test app' to demonstrate specific issues maybe?)

Just, … Please consider it.
I'm sure Victor Martinez can answer just about any questions you may have about the program if you email him, or you could ask him and/or other ReactOS Team Members on IRC if you prefer.



John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 50 min 19 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

Transparency issues with icons has been an issue on Wine for years and is unrelated here. Submitting reports to the Wine project is the best way to handle it. ReactOS is a downstream project of Wine with a smaller team, so I don't see how that would help.

We're gearing up to be a full app store for Windows local users as well as portable and cloud folder. As ReactOS already has an app store built-in with significant overlap, and they are using that app store as a way to try to build interest and gain revenue, our app store wouldn't really fit into that.. we'd wind up competing with them on their own platform. Unless I'm misunderstanding the point of their app store.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Why not just ask the ReactOS Team what they think?

Transparency issues with icons has been an issue on Wine for years and is unrelated here.

Actually this kind of issue is often ignored by the Wine Devs, until a patch is made, and if the ReactOS Devs were to tackle it (which they likely would if you were to join the OSSP) they would make 'upstream patches' for Wine.

As ReactOS already has an app store built-in with significant overlap, and they are using that app store as a way to try to build interest and gain revenue, our app store wouldn't really fit into that.. we'd wind up competing with them on their own platform.

Well, yes and no>
The apps currently in rapps (ReactOS App Manager) aren't there because they're supported, but rather to make testing them easier (e.g. Steam is listed, has never worked, and probably won't for a while yet, but it's being worked towards).
ReactOS Community Edition will introduce a new 'app store' (which may or may not be based on rapps, IDK) for supported apps only.
The purpose of supporting the PortableApps Updater/Directory would be to keep up-to-date the apps which people have chosen to use the PortableApps version of whether or not said app(s) are 'supported' by ReactOS (yet), and to improve ReactOS' NSIS support and (hopefully) TCP/IP stack (currently it appears to work, but constantly throws errors via debug messages).

I'm not really the best person to ask these questions of, I just think it'd be really nice to have the Platform fully working on Wine & ReactOS, please contact the ReactOS Team and ask them what they think.
(if they have a problem with the fact that the PAP has it's own 'app store' they'll tell you, but I don't think it'll be an issue, especially considering that they didn't appear to take issue with the possibility of supporting Chocolatey NuGet)


3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
+Links / Will " Platform" be supported soon?

OK I just added links to "the announcement and this page", and to the ReactOS contact page, sorry I forgot about them before.
Unless I'm mistaken Victor Martinez ("vicmarcal" on the forums) is probably the best person to contact. (his email is on the contact page)

So are you interested? Will you be applying for the program? (or have you decided yet?)


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