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Chrome Portable - Stand Alone App

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Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
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Chrome Portable - Stand Alone App

Chrome Stand Alone App

I've created a HTML5 app that uses portable chrome to run on Windows PC's.

My customer would like to have it burnt to CD so they can use it anywhere as a program. This works great except for one minor thing. When on a read only device portable chrome prompts the user if it's ok to temporary use the local disk space for a profile. Is it possible to remove or suppress this warning. They are aware of what it is doing but don't need to see the warning. They'd like to not keep hitting yes.

Is it possible to remove this warning or prevent a profile from needing to be created and/or saved? Any help would be appreciated, it may be that I've not used the best option by using Chrome Portable but it's done a great job.

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Last seen: 4 months 17 hours ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Partial answer

From what I understand about the launcher and read-only media, the prompt comes directly from the launcher and can't be suppressed. I don't think it's an option in Chrome Portable itself. From prior searching, there's something called "xulrunner" that provides a framework based on Mozilla that allows creation of browser applications. Unfortunately, that's all I know about it. Good luck otherwise.

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Add a text file called GoogleChromePortable.ini in your GoogleChromePortable folder that says


this will make it copy the profile to the temp folder on the computer and run from there whether it's in read only place or not.

also notice Johns reminder in Pyromaniac's thread ( - giving someone, especially a "customer" a copy of Google Chrome, Portable or otherwise, is illegal, don't do it.

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2013-05-10 06:12
Thank You

I'll try that now. Thankfully by customer I mean associate. This isn't something being sold and/or used for commercial use. This is to be used in my team but 'Customer' was a poor use of language on my part.

I'd like to know more about distribution though. If this did become an issue I'd like to know. I'll do some more reading, thank you for the heads up.


Ok read you post again and you said giving 'someone' chrome portable is illegal. Is there anything that clarifies that? If this turns out to be a wrong path I'm going down I'd like to stop now. I read chrome's T&C's and it said you can distribute it among your employess.


That worked perfectly. Thank you.


Here are the T&C's I need to adhere to which I feel I am in case others want to know if they are to do similar things.

21.2 Subject to the Terms, and in addition to the license grant in Section 9, Google grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to reproduce, distribute, install, and use Google Chrome solely on machines intended for use by your employees, officers, representatives, and agents in connection with your business entity, and provided that their use of Google Chrome will be subject to the Terms.

To Repair It All

Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2011-01-25 00:04
Well... Chromium is open

Well... Chromium is open source. Use Chromium instead of Chrome for distribution, no problem.

Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2011-01-25 00:04
Or, try out the Qt project

Or, try out the Qt project ( It's a C++ framework that includes a WebView so you can easily launch an HTML5 app on *any* platform. Literally. It also offers more other powerful features that a normal browser does not...

The code to make a simple WebView and show any HTML5 you want is as simple as this:

import QtWebKit 1.0
WebView {
url: ""
preferredWidth: 490
preferredHeight: 400
scale: 0.5
smooth: false

The url can also be something like "file:///path/to/file.html" for local files.

More info here:

Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Not certain what the terms & conditions / EULA says prohibits

As I haven't read the EULA in detail since I first installed Chrome 0.2 I don't really know what is or is not allowable, I just know that John (&/or the legal team) have previously analysed the possible legal issues surrounding distribution of Google Chrome (prior to making the Official release) and he said it's illegal (
However nobody who doesn't know exactly what you're doing can be sure that what you're doing is or is not allowable by the EULA so I think you should take it as a warning that what you're doing MIGHT be illegal, and that you should CAREFULLY examine what's allowed vs what's not so you can either continue what you're doing (if it's legal) or find a new way to do it (if the current way isn't legal).

Enjoy your EULA reading time Wink

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2013-05-10 06:12

Thank you for the info. I'll definitely take this into consideration. At the moment Chrome Portable makes a great HTML5 app loader, especially in kiosk mode. Will hunt for more if I have to start sharing it.

To Repair It All

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