hi, im using a portable firefox. i updated it. when i try to download avast anti virus, i could not open the file. it says that, i should update the internet download manager. unfortunately, the update just could not finish. i dont the reason why. my idm has a crack file. could it be the reason? thanks for your help.
yeah dude thats the reason you should buy the i.d.m from verified owner
ok. thanks techlazlo. but can you give me some alternatives? if i will uninstall my idm, could it be better?
There are a lot of free alternatives out there, some even as portable version here on PA.c. I used to use Free Download Manager for a long time, but now just stay with the DownThemAll extension for firefox as it fits my needs best.
Both are found in the App Directory or via the platform (Apps -> Get more apps).
Nowadays I just leave most downloads to the built in routines of chrome or firefox as they have been rather stable for some time now.
thanks for you help. but when i try to update my flash player, it says that it cannot install the meta file. what does it mean? thanks.
See my response to your other help request on this subject.