Did you realize Limewire & Frostwire are portable straight from the box?
Just copy their installation folders to folders on your USB memory stick.
The only needs are the machine they're running on must have a resent version of JAVA installed.
Only a few minor issues
Start either from the .JAR file (frostwire.jar, limewire.rar.)
Both will have you go thru the options setup every time they are run.
Just be sure in both to point to a location on your stick to download to and goto options in both and have them shutdown immediately and not show a icon in the system tray.
Since both are opened sourced and can be modified what would you like taken out to decrease the size?
Sorry, no. They might run if you just copy everything from the install over. All your settings from both programs are stored in the local (user)/Application Data folder though. You will have to reset your preferences every time and they will be left behind every time. I'm pretty sure Ryan is working to make a full and complete portable Limewire. I made a sort of portable Frostwire (will mess up locally installed version if present, paths are still hardcoded).
my ramblings, and some code
Once my fellow Java developer finishes his exams.
Ryan McCue
Person 1: Oh my god. You will never believe what just happened.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: I can't remember, I've forgotten.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
For Windows 95 (Winsock2), 98/ME, NT/2000, XP and above.
Get µTorrent 1.6 Standalone (170 kB)
Just copy the file to your USB stick and run it. No other files are required.
Actually you do need to create another file..