Application: Orwell Dev-C++
Category: Development
A free, portable, fast and simple C/C++ IDE.
Download Orwell Dev-C++ Portable 5.11 Development Test 1 [52.1MB download / 270MB installed]
(MD5: fc6d4724de0348334d2e0b201441e1a7)
Release Notes:
5.11 Development Test 1 (2015-05-23)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.11
5.9.2 Development Test 1 (2015-02-25)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.9.2
5.8.3 Development Test 1 (2014-11-18)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.8.3
5.8.2 Development Test 1 (2014-11-05)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.8.2
5.8.0 Development Test 1 (2014-10-27)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.8.0
5.7.1 Development Test 1 (2014-08-19)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.7.1
5.7.0 Development Test 1 (2014-07-21)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.7.0
5.6.2 Development Test 1 (2014-03-17)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.6.2
5.6.1 Development Test 1 (2014-02-28)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.6.1
- Updated old language switching variable
5.5.3 Development Test 1 (2013-11-20)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.5.3
5.4.1 Development Test 1 (2013-04-13)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.4.1
5.4.0 Development Test 1 (2013-02-23)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.4.0 Development Test 2 (2012-10-29)
- Re-added splash image Development Test 1 (2012-10-29)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ Development Test 1 (2012-10-06)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ Development Test 2 (2012-08-18)
- Fixed potential issues with language switching Development Test 1 (2012-08-04)
- Updated to Orwell Dev-C++
- Fixed issues with default editor settings Development Test 1 (2012-06-04): Initial release
There is an issue currently with syntax highlighting. No default theme is selected automatically, so everything is black and white and can be unreadable in some cases. I'm looking into what I can set in the .ini file, or if possible have the author look into this in the base app.
EDIT: In the meantime you can set the theme yourself. Tools > Editor Options > Colors > Select theme.
it a 32bit?
All of his builds support 32-bit systems.
Updated base app. I also included full default settings on first run, so that should fix any issues with editor settings, etc.
Edit: Give it a moment, Sourceforge seems to be acting funny. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon, otherwise I'll reupload.
but i think the Sourceforge link not working.
I mentioned this in my edit. However, I reuploaded and it should be working now.
I just tried to download, but got an Oops! We can't find this page.
Bill G.
Frozen St. Paul, MN
land of the frozen mosquito
Try a different mirror.
Bad mirror. It's fixed now.
Bill G.
Frozen St. Paul, MN
land of the frozen mosquito
Just did a minor update. If you haven't had any issues with language switching, you probably won't need to update.
Updated to Orwell Dev-C++
is this going to become a main stream app?????
“Never argue with the data.” – Sheen, Jimmy Neutron the Nickelodeon show
I know many of the developer here love this app,
because it more steady and stable from wxDevcpp.
hope it will be in the main stream too.
I've been rather busy, but I am aware that the base app has been updated. I will update this as soon as I can. Other than that, it's up to John when this goes official.
New major of orwell was out: 5.4.0
can you update?
Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.4.0
Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.4.1
as soon as i run the program it gives me the following error message and the optoinn to: veiw bug report, send bug report, continue, terminate, and help. the error is:
Error message: floating point divide by zero
The full report is here:
Interesting. I just got the exact same thing on XP SP3.
On the desktop I use Orwell's portable version (to not confuse any
registry stuff with wxDev-C++). That runs fine. Maybe something in the
portable launcher?
If you press continue, however, it seems to startup fine.
Alright, I will look into this probably tomorrow.EDIT: Sorry for the delay, I'm currently finishing up my thesis. Not entirely sure when I'll be able to get to this.
It Starts fine... but it doesn't work fine. it doesn't compile properly!
Also this problem only aperes to be on Win XP-the reason i wanted it is so i could develop on any PC(i use a lot of public PCs).
Sorry about the spelling miss takes! (LOL)
Can you update please?
It has many big changes.
Can it be an official?
Anybody still working on this project?
Edit: Just installed 5.4.1 and my antivirus software found a trojan (TR/Hijacker.Gen) in gdbserver.exe. Is it real or a false alarm?
This is still being maintained, as I've become somewhat active again after having been quite busy for a few months. However, I'm waiting for a new official release as 5.5.3 reportedly crashes when a user tries to pre-cache all the headers. If that takes too long, I'll package 5.5.3 anyway (likely this weekend if 5.5.4 is not out by then).
That would be a false alarm. What antivirus do you use?
That would be great.
I am using Avira Free Antivirus.
Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.5.3
I got the following message when I start it:
I'll look into this tomorrow.
Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.6.1.
This should also fix language switching.
Language switching is still not working. If I close Dev-C it saves
When I open it again it is:
Maybe that helps you.
Sorry for the delay.
I can't seem to reproduce this behavior. Have you tried removing Orwell Dev-C++ Portable and reinstalling? What are the exact steps you've taken to make this issue occur?
You are right language switching works perfect. My old devcpp.ini maybe caused the problem. I don't know.
Awesome, thanks for letting me know.
The default data seems to me the only thing that would cause an issue like that, but since it's working now I don't think it should cause any more issues in the future. (I suppose I could have just had you delete your data folder, but I recently just pushed the latest version anyway.
Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.6.2.
I was looking into this for the next official release, but it seems to only contain MinGW64. Is this correct, meaning it won't support compiling on 32-bit systems?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Based on the quote from his site: "The 64bit compiler can create 64bit and 32bit executables and DLLs." I assumed this to mean that it would work on both 64 and 32 as well, but I suppose that's not explicitly what it says. I'm not entirely sure, actually, though I've not yet received any reports that it will not work on 32 bit systems (and unfortunately I do not have the means to test myself).
Would you like me to package the 32 bit one instead?
The 64-bit compiler runs under 64-bit Windows (only) and can compile to 32-bit or 64-bit. The 32-bit compiler runs under 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and can compile to 32-bit (only). At least that's my understanding of it. We could build it with switching or 32-bit only. Thoughts?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Orwell Dev-C++ allows for multiple compiler sets, so I don't think it'd be too hard to include both.
I've just tested it on a 32-bit Windows. It can compile 32-bit and 64-bit executables.
As this a development tool, In my opinion it is one of those "exception" apps that should include both 32- and 64-bit, since a user may need to create a 64-bit executable.
If, however, as mwayne indicates, the 32-bit version can compile 64-bit executables on both 32 and 64 machines, we can get away with only packaging the 32-bit version.
MinGW32 is already included and can be found in
.Dev-C++ 5.7.0 released
Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.7.0
Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.7.1
Is this app ready for official release?
As far as I'm concerned, yes. Just waiting on John.
Announcement: Orwell Dev-C++ 5.8.0 released
Will update tomorrow.
Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.8.0
Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.8.2
- web site:
- Sourceforge download page:
If I don't get to it in a few hours, I'll have it up tomorrow.
I updated the app, but it seems SF is going slow today as it's not showing up in the files list yet.
Usually when I have that happen I have to re-up the file for it to ever show.
Already tried that.
I've had it do this once in the past and the next day it was up, so I'll check again tomorrow. If it's not up, I'll re-upload.
SF was experiencing some issues with their system today, it may have been related to that.
It wasn't up when I checked, so I re-uploaded without any problems today.
It is now available for download.
just wanted to say thanks, this is a great app.
didn't find any other free C++ IDE out there as good as this one and portable (and i tried codeblocks and others).
Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.9.2
Updated to Orwell Dev-C++ 5.11
The current TDM-GCC version is 4.9.2 and since April 27, 2015 we sill haven't heard any news from Orwell.
Would you like to upgrade the builtin TDM-GCC into version 5.1.0?
I really appreciate your hard work for all these years