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DelugePortable_1.3.11_English.paf Installs An Application Data File

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Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2015-01-18 08:03
DelugePortable_1.3.11_English.paf Installs An Application Data File

Being new this may not be the right place forgive, I thought it important.

While looking for a version of Deluge (Super Prog) I could run from Win7 installed on an external harddisk I found your Homeside good place lots I could use, thank you. Donate to follow.

I tried DelugePortable_1.3.11_English.paf and DelugePortable_1.3.7_Dev_Test_1_English.paf

The 1.3.11 would not run from the win7 on the external, but 1.3.7 did.

I then tested both on an another external harddisk to the internal Win7.

DelugePortable_1.3.11_English.paf did not come up to your own standards it made an entry in Application Data + the reg entries.
Hardly "Stealth" not even discrete.

DelugePortable_1.3.7_Dev_Test_1_English.paf However did not install anything in the Application Data. Just some reg entries.

I searched the computer with Everything for files folders etc, and RegScanner for the.......

For "STEALTH" people, I have found that AppCompatCache entries Regscanner will delete.
Shell\BagMRU entries shellbag_analyzer_cleaner will delete.

I hope someone looks at the 1.3.11


Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 2 min 12 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
Welcome to PortableApps

Just to let you know, neither of the versions of Deluge you installed are officially supported by us in any way (Deluge does not appear in the list of official Portable Apps, and both were downloaded from threads in the Beta Testing sub-forum), so we don't make any guarantees as to their portability.

The most appropriate place to seek assistance with any app that is in the Beta Testing sub-forum is within their own threads - this will ensure the developer who maintains the app will be notified of your post, and if they are still around, will be able to help you directly.

Also note that our standards for portability do not prevent apps from writing to the registry or file-system as this is basically impossible to do, and we also do not require true "stealth" as it is practically impossible to achieve on a Windows system.

What our standards do require is that no personal data or settings are left behind on the computer after the app has been closed and the PortableApps Launcher has had a chance to clean up (less than a second usually, but some apps require longer), and that as many changes to the original system as possible are undone (without destroying other data on the host system). There will unfortunately always be some things left behind (registry entries automatically created by Windows, Firewalls, Antivirus and similar programs) but we do try to handle as many of the changes as are within our control.

Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2015-01-18 08:03
Just to let you know, neither of the versions of Deluge you inst

Officially supported or not they come from this site and turned up on a web search.

"The most appropriate place to seek assistance with any app that is in the Beta Testing sub-forum is within their own threads - this will ensure the developer who maintains the app will be notified of your post, and if they are still around, will be able to help you directly."

I was not seeking assistance, in my ignorance "Being new this may not be the right place forgive, I thought it important." I was sharing my experience.
If you cannot use it all well and good, but maybe a little less pomposity.

I have posted on the DelugePortable 1.3.11 side.

I still think its a good and very usefull site.


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 54 min 35 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Official vs Test

An official app in our directory is officially supported, tested, must conform to the portable app definition, accepts bug reports, etc. A post in our forum can be made by anyone in the entire world without any sort of review at all, just as any other forum can. As such, it's not an official app and could break your computer or eat your first born child. We haven't even looked at it to see whether it works properly or not. So, the best thing to do is to respond in that thread so that the person you packaged it gets your feedback, can respond to your bug reports, and, hopefully, eventually get it released as an official app.

As for stealth, there's no such thing. Lots of entries like several registry entries and prefetch data are written by Windows for every EXE you run and can't be removed without admin rights. As such, there's no such thing as 'stealth' and anyone claiming their app is stealth is either lying or doesn't understand how Windows works. That's why we don't use the term stealth as it's inaccurate.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2015-01-18 08:03
Bye Bye

You obviously have not read that I wrote.

And I experience that you are not really interested, so why explain.

Not wasting any more time, will remove this account.


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