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MuLab Portable 6.4.18 Dev Test 1

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Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01

Right, so I'll update this & it'll use the 32-bit stable version.

I'm not sure what you mean about this

I mean it'll download the latest version, regardless of number.

OK, so I've set App\AppInfo\installer.ini to download this...


As you can see, there's no version number in that filename and it always contains the latest one. This is done by MuLab & is nothing to do with the PA installer. So when MuLab updates, you can just run the installer again & get the current release. The downside to this is that, if there are any major structural/operational changes between releases, the launcher won't know how to deal with them but I've judged that this is unlikely to happen, going on past form.

I'd like to adapt it for personal use to update the betas

Yes, that's possible, no programming knowledge required, but you'll have to change the line in installer.ini to the correct link as the filename for each beta version contains it's number ie:, rather than "" (for instance). Does that make sense? Then you'll have to recompile the installer. I'm happy to take you through this step by step if you want.

But... looking at those betas, the download only contains two files so it's just a case of replacing App\MuLab\MuLab.exe & Data\MuLab.ID. Very simple to do manually but if you wanted an installer to do it for you I would say it would be easier to create a separate plugin installer that you could just run over the main app. But you would still have to edit & recompile it for every release because of the filenaming issues above. If you want to do this & get into the ins & outs of launchers & installers just say so & we can do it.

By the way, did you ever find out what MuLab.ID was for? Does it contain registration data?

Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
Joined: 2009-03-30 05:56
I mean it'll download the

I mean it'll download the latest version, regardless of number.

OK, so I've set App\AppInfo\installer.ini to download this...


As you can see, there's no version number in that filename and it always contains the latest one. This is done by MuLab & is nothing to do with the PA installer.

I'm a bit confused. You're saying here that the stable release contains no version numbers but this is the link copied from the d/l page, how have you got your link above? And strangely why doesn't it contain any version info?

I just copied your link into Ffx and it took me to the MuLab products page which doesn't contain any downloads? Perhaps this has changed since before? Is that a problem?

EDIT: I just clicked your link and it worked? Why is that if the address is different from the d/l page?

Yes, that's possible, no programming knowledge required, but you'll have to change the line in installer.ini to the correct link as the filename for each beta version contains it's number ie:, rather than "" (for instance).

And here you are saying that version numbers are a problem, as they need to be part of the address. So, I'm assuming that the stable link also is a problem, which means the PALauncher needs updating with every release whether it be beta or stable? If that's the case then this whole thing is a waste of time as it's meant to make updating easier! Is this general practice for all PortableApps? Can't you use wild cards in the link address so that it looks like this:*-**

But then there's an issue where the two asterisks dictate double figures or not! Surely MuLab's not the only app with these problems so there should be some way around it?

Are NSIS and AppCompactor necessary for use with PALauncher? I assume NSIS is the compiler? Compacting the app isn't really necessary for me personally. I think John said something about it slowing down first run of apps when I asked why VLC takes ages to start. I wouldn't mind some help with it, thanks.

But... looking at those betas, the download only contains two files so it's just a case of replacing App\MuLab\MuLab.exe & Data\MuLab.ID.

Though the current beta only has these two files, they aren't always like this. It all depends on what has been updated. For example, if the GUI gets updated or the presets library, then the whole app generally gets included in the update. Re: Mulab.ID, I don't know if it's registration info or not, but MuLab won't work without it. Do you need more info on it?

The User folder doesn't need updating so it would Be MuLab.exe, MuLab.ID and the App folder.

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Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
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Why is that if the address is different from the d/l page?

It's obviously available in two seperate files at two different locations. I don't know why.

If that's the case then this whole thing is a waste of time as it's meant to make updating easier!

Yes, I think we've already crossed that line Smile

Can't you use wild cards in the link address

No, that's the point, it needs a specific link.

Are NSIS and AppCompactor necessary for use with PALauncher?

NSIS Portable yes, AppCompactor no.

Compacting the app isn't really necessary for me personally

No, me neither, total wate of time & just asking for trouble.

Though the current beta only has these two files, they aren't always like this

OK, well if that's the case then it just becomes more complicated & if you want the betas then you're better off just copying any files in manually.

EDIT: Thinking about it, that mightn't be so much of a problem with a plugin installer but you'd still have to edit installer.ini & recompile.

Did I already say that? Smile

Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
Joined: 2009-03-30 05:56
So it's looking like it's not

So it's looking like it's not worth the effort then? Too many variables?
If it's too much hassle then don't worry, thanks for considering it though.
Perhaps you could just update the basic launcher to install the latest stable, seeing as it's already available, but has that issue with deleting the User folder. An update would possibly be useful for others using this app.

Thanks for your time prapper, very much appreciated Wink

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01

This is what I can do...

Update this package. This will give you the latest stable 32-bit version whenever you run the installer & it *doesn't* have the user folder issue.

Help you put together a plugin installer that'll upgrade your basic installation to the latest beta & show you how to to edit installer.ini & recompile it.

I'll do #1 anyway. If you want to do #2, let me know but some maintenance by you will be required, there's no other way round it Smile

Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
Joined: 2009-03-30 05:56
1. Nice one! Thanks.

1. Nice one! Thanks.
2. That would be great. How does a plugin installer differ from the above installer?

Do I need the PALauncher or PAInstaller and or NSISPortable

Thanks for your help Biggrin

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
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No problem. I'll update this one tomorrow, the plugin will have to wait until the week after next because I'm really busy now til then. You just install it to the same folder as the app & it'll add/replace files. Only the PA Installer is needed.

Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
I've tested

I've tested this a bit today & although I can set the folders so that everything looks good in the preferences dialog & in the config files, it still saves into the main folder. Can you spell out to me how to actually redirect the user folder & confirm it works in practice? If not then we're back to square one & the current launcher will suffice.

Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
Joined: 2009-03-30 05:56
It seems you can only specify

It seems you can only specify the User/Library folder! This means MuLab creates the User/Settings folder in the MuLab folder, but all the presets can be located elsewhere, which is really the most important stuff you don't want to lose. Settings could be moved by the launcher if necessary, couldn't they? From Data/User/Settings to App/MuLab/User/Settings.

I'll ask Jo if the whole User folder can be specified as it seems strange that just the Library folder is movable. I don't hold much hope on that though!

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Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
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It seems you can only specify the User/Library folder

Yes, that would be fine if it worked.

Settings could be moved by the launcher if necessary

Yes, this is what I did. Then I set both library locations in MuLab's preferences to Data, & it's correct in the config files, but when I restart & save a session it creates a new Library in the MuLab folder instead of the Data folder.

EDIT: OK, as you were, I think I figured it out.

EDIT2: Success, apologies for the false alarm Smile

Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
Joined: 2009-03-30 05:56
Works ok, but then I'm not

Works ok, but then I'm not using the Launcher!

EDIT: Oh, yay!

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01

Updated to x.x.x Dev Test 5

Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
Joined: 2009-03-30 05:56
Thanks prapper, will give

Thanks prapper, will give this a go soon as I can, maybe day or two though. ✌

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
Joined: 2009-03-30 05:56
Seems to work ok, from a

Seems to work ok, from a quick test sessions/projects and MuX preset saving all ok

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
Joined: 2009-03-30 05:56
I haven't had any problems

I haven't had any problems yet, but, on updating to the new stable release (v6.4.17) using the PAInstaller, it reinstalled v6.3.6 which was the previous stable release. I updated via the platform's Install an app option. Maybe the link the Installer uses is different from the link on the d/l page that contains the version number?

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.


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