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PortableApps SeaMonkey 2.33 and Lightning 3.8b1/b2

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Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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PortableApps SeaMonkey 2.33 and Lightning 3.8b1/b2

There seems to be an issue with PA SM2.33 and the corresponding binary compatible Lightning 3.8b1/3.8b2. No calendars or tasks can be shown. I already updated to SM2.33 and Ltg 3.8b1 on two windows systems with admin rights (XP and Win7) and one linux system (Ubuntu 14.4 LTS) without any glitches, everything working alright. But the PortableApps edition used on my Win7 office desktop obviously refuses the cooperation with Lightning. Tried both 3.8b1 and 3.8b2 with the same disappointing results.

The error console shows many errors, the most important seems to be:

Zeitstempel: 17.03.2015 19:33:56
Fehler: TypeError: Components.classes[cid] is undefined
Quelldatei: resource://calendar/modules/calUtils.jsm -> file:///C:/Users/*****/Programme/PortableApps/PortableApps/SeaMonkeyPortable/Data/profile/extensions/%7Be2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103%7D/calendar-js/calUtils.js
Zeile: 17

Any idea?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 min 8 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Stable + Thunderbird

I only recommend Lightning usage with Thunderbird as it's much better supported. The current stable version of Lightning is 3.3.3 and works fine with Thunderbird local or portable. We don't test or support beta extensions.

If an extension works in local SeaMonkey, it should work in portable SeaMonkey since SeaMonkey Portable includes a completely unmodified copy of SeaMonkey launched with the -profile switch pointing to a portable profile. Any extensions that fail likely fail due to an incompatibility with that particular command line switch. This issue should usually be reported to the extension developer.

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Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2013-07-12 05:34
Portable SeaMonkey and Lightning

Thank for your reply, John.

I've been using PortableApps' SeaMonkey on this system for about three years now, always with the corresponding Lightning extension - including beta versions, if appropiate. SeaMonkey shares the Thunderbird/Firefox backend since version 2.x. And many of the extensions can be freely used - even if not tested with SeaMonkey and not SeaMonkey developer approved.

I will follow your advice and report this issue to the Lightning developer via bugzilla.

I'm afraid, I have to downgrade back to SeaMonkey 2.32.1 in the meantime to get my calendar views working again.

Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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same in here: Win7/32 with

same in here: Win7/32 with (now) 2.33 - lightning is dead and running in a circle, while CPU-consumtion is 50% for doing nothing ...
By the way: I do not trust the SM-updating-process (from experience), thereof the automatic update is disabled, but SM was updated to 2.33 anyhow (?!)


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 min 8 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

You'll need to work with the publisher on any issues. Their stable version is incompatible with SM 2.33 and their beta/test version is, for some reason, incompatible with the -profile switch. In the meantime, I'd suggest using Thunderbird for calendaring as it never has these issues.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2013-07-12 05:34
Issue solved!

Issue solved:

There is a partial binary incompatibility between SM 2.33 and Lightning 3.8b. Lightning currently is built with Visual C++ 2013, just as Thunderbird. The SeaMonkey development team still uses Visual C++ 2010. So Lightning may be missing the VS2013 DLLs (msvcp120.dll/msvcr120.dll), if they have not been present on the system beforehand. They may have been installed by other pieces of software - which made it hard to find the fault.

I have no idea how this can be fixed in a portable installation. Perhaps the DLLs can just be put into the plugins folder.

In my case SeaMonkey is a PortableApps installation on my private harddisk partition, but I got admin rights on this system in the meantime. So it was a snap to install the necessary libraries via Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 min 8 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Stable Thunderbird is VC++ 2010

The current Thunderbird release includes the msvcr100.dll/msvcp100.dll files for VC++ 2010. This is why Thunderbird Portable runs on a clean Windows XP machine without VC++ 2010 runtime installed. Lightning stable works just fine on this clean VM as well. SeaMonkey 2.33.1 includes the same VC++ 2010 runtime files files. So, it would seem everything is VC++ 2010 and includes the runtimes except for unstable Lightning.

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I see. The Mozilla developers

I see. The Mozilla developers are working on the next-step versions with VC++ 2013 (but not yet the SeaMonkey team). The current stable versions are all using VC++2010. From the PortableApps point of view, everything is alright.

But current SM 2.33.1 is binary incompatible to stable Lightning 3.3. SM 2.33.1 users have to use Lightning 3.8. I's neither your fault, nor is it mine. SM 2.33.1 shares the Gecko engine with Thunderbird 36 (VC++ 2013), whereas stable Firefox already is running on Gecko 37 (VC++ 2013). Stable Thunderbird is still running Gecko 31.0 (VC++2010). As soon as they are all synced to the same Gecko release, we all will be happy. And TBird 38/SM 2.35 is planned to include Lightning out of the box. So there will be no DLL conflict any longer.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 min 8 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Drop The Files In

Try dropping those files into the SeaMonkeyPortable\App\SeaMonkey folder. They should work portably without a manifest file. I'll likely include them for the next SeaMonkey point release.

Here is an installer to add the files to SeaMonkey Portable:

SeaMonkey Lightning Runtime Files

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2013-07-12 05:34
Great news!

Thanks a lot, John! I will post a link to this thread in the appropriate Mozilla/SeaMonkey forums.

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