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Any plan to make Firefox 64bit Beta Portable?

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Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2015-04-16 19:10
Any plan to make Firefox 64bit Beta Portable?

It already available here

I want to try it :3

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 28 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Yes and No

We'll likely make Firefox a dual-mode app (32-bit and 64-bit). We don't officially release any apps as 64-bit only as they'll simply fail to work on 32-bit machines as people move around... a bad user experience.

Note that 64-bit will make very little difference in actual usage. It generally only makes a difference of a few % in speed.

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Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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Test + Develop purpose.

Sound good Smile
So it will like K-Lite Mega Codec Pack installer isn't?
Detect if PC is 32 bit or 64 bit. Nice Smile
Just some consideration.
File size is not problem as now big size storage is cheap.
About 50%+ Firefox user is running in Win 64 bit, it worth the effort.
Make option to install 64bit only or 32bit only with some warning in advanced or custom installation mode and make 32 + 64 is default option in basic or default installation mode.
A Few MB incresement in installer it not problem as they already small.

And yup, you right.
I seek 64 bit not for speed. No wait...
I still seek 64 bit for speed. But not top speed :3
Stable Heavy Duty Speed :3
+ I want to firefox use all my RAM.

But, sorry maybe this stupid thought but I talk it anyway.
I think beta should treated like nighty. even more about developer edition.
Nightly = Developer = Beta in purpose.
Test + Develop purpose.
It should have both 32 and 64 build

Sorry if my english is bad and if i ask too much.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 28 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Dual Only

We'd offer it as dual mode 32-bit plus 64-bit if we do so. We don't offer the ability to install only one as it's a bad idea portably. What happens if you happen to be using a 32-bit machine?

If Firefox is using up 2GB of RAM, you have some *serious* problems with your setup. Specifically, you likely have a badly coded extension leaking a ton of memory. Firefox can easily handle dozens of tabs and dozens of active extensions. Unless there is something running that's broken, of course. The 64-bit version won't fix that issue and Firefox will still crash. It will just buy you a few more minutes.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2015-04-16 19:10
Thx for clarification as you

Thx for clarification as you make me make some investigation.
I use Ad Block Plus that, mmm well that turned to be primary cause.
I never think that as I trust Ad Block Plus for long ago.
mmm I do respect their job though and want to keep use it. but reality is hurt. i started move on.
After I remove AdBlockPlus and use uBlock, it greatly decrease memory usage.
From usually 1.2gb to 500mb-700mb. Its not even reach 1gb after i add some image heavy website.
and noticeable increase at respond and smoothness. Wink

At last, i can play with 32 bit much more longer now. But still, I still want to use 64 bit.
I hope portable 64bit mode development is going smoothly.
Good luck dev

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 28 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
No Real Reason

Keep in mind that there's no real reason to use 64-bit unless you're playing FPS games in your browser. And even then, you'd likely not notice. The difference in performance is minimal. Under 5%. Which, as multiple studies have shown, is imperceptible to a user. Most of the time you use an app, it's sitting there waiting for you to do something. You and 99% of other users will be doubling the browser size and the update/install time for no real-world benefit.

AdBlock Plus is a complete mess of an extension code-wise. It's had severe memory and performance issues basically since it debuted.

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404 Not Found

Error update Firefox nightly x86_64 alpha 40.0 Rev2

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 28 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Database Bug

It was a bug in the updater database, it's been fixed.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
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