Hi Team,
I'm searching/looking since years for a (preferably) portable (MS)Project GANTT-style like software which can track historical events million years back in time.
I've already contacted several project software developer companies (e.g. SmartSheet, TheTimelineProj, OpenProject, Timeline Studio, and view others) but no one seems to be interessted.
Does somebody know of such an software?
... which is capable of track back in time thousend, hundred thousend and million years back in time and overlaying own time scales for (e.g. Zodiac=Earth precision 25920years, user defined time scales) to track in parallel human history, zodiacs and planet orbits e.g. Pluto orbit = 249years, Halley's Comet orbit 76years, meteorits/comets with several hundred and thousend years orbits.
Any hint will be welcome.
Many thanks in advance.
Unless you're a weird Christian it doesn't actually matter. Let me know if I am wrong.
... weird Christian? Not at all!
I'm not religious at all, I'm simply interested in history in a "Big Scale".
Wouldn't you need log scales for time and stuff like that too? I'm guessing squishing time is something project management sw isn't going to implement well. Maybe the base sw (MSProject) is thinking from the wrong end. If you have a look (at random) at
there are a number of graphical representations. Perhaps you should have a look to see what is being used to generate those timelines.
PA is a good place to ask for stuff like this even if you know we don't have it, but Gantt it aint, so I'm suggesting your comparative model is wrong.
A good stats package (there is ongoing R work here in PA world) might suit better than project management, worth a thought?
many thanks for your constructive reply.
Most of your outlined recommendations (including the web-link you mentioned and many others) I have already tried before I've placed my question in this forum.
With more or less success I'm already doing this (still drafts) with excel sheets with various conditional formatting and generated (gantt like) charts.
My intension was not to demand a software I've asked for but just to raise the question if maybe somebody in this forum knows about this kind of software and if maybe somebody by chance is already working on this kind of (portable) application.
Anyway, many thanks for your hints.
is your primary store of data excel spreadsheets or similar?
I think if you are going to do this properly you should be looking at *storage* of time rather than *presentation* of time, perhaps?
there are two units of measurements apps on PA. I don't use either but I think one of them does arbitrary / user defined units to give you an idea.
so storage is
"point in time, offset +/-, units, name"
"span of time, begin, end, name"
but I know people much cleverer than me have already done this, the thing I'm pointing out is the visual base possibly not being a good place to start and the possibility of looking at the stats packages here again
Edit: I just noticed myself doing a data thing there, I put the name at the end rather than the beginning. Maybe I'm thinking a
hey, this isn't work, right?
Thunks, how many time series do you have?
How do you describe pts in the series at present?
Yes, I'm trying to do it in excel (simple) spreadsheets. Beginning with column "A" = Event description; Columb "B" Event-Beginn; Columb "C" Event-Duration; Columb "D" Event-End; and so on. The bars I'm creating with conditional formating pending on Event-Begin and Event-Duration etc.
I have no series yet. I've entered all my "data" in one spreadsheet but this was just to much and difficult to use .
For the next couple of month I'm tied up with other things, but will continue during winter time.
OK, many thanks for all your hints, and all the best.