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Editor: do we need another top level one?

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Wm ...
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-17 12:37
Editor: do we need another top level one?

This is for discussion.

NotePad++ isn't quite as portable as it orta be once the plugin updater is included, I use it non-portably at home and on other systems I use frequently, for e.g.

There has been a recent (today) request for RJ Texted but from where I am it seems less generalised than NP++ which puts it into the realm of IDE and non-general editors.

Do we need another editor? We seem to be gathering IDEs that include an editor and so on.

Editors can be very personal, for e.g. when I'm on a *nix system I want something from the vi family and another person might have equally strong feelings about emacs.

This post is purposefully fuzzy, I like NP++ but should I or someone else here talk to the author about portability?

Comments, please.

J Neutron
Last seen: 10 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2008-06-10 19:26
Quota System?

I didn't know there was a quota system (or limits) for each category of program.

Personally, editors are a very personal thing. Once you get fully immersed in a particular one, and it continues to fill all of your needs, there is absolutely no reason to change. Your fingers know what to do and how to navigate and work the way you want. Why change? Why make yourself re-learn a new product on some whim?

Which brings us around to "why do you want ABCeditor or XYZeditor to be portable?" It is because that's the editor the person uses, personally likes, and does not want to switch to a different one. It does not matter to that person that you tried to make a decision for him/her by limiting the number of editors that are available here. They want what they want and they don't want to be managed.

neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Wm ...
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-17 12:37

No quota system but there are some browser incarnations that aren't deemed suitable to become official apps. The last bit is, I think, significant. RJ TextEd which prompted my post is natively portable, just not in PA format.

I agree w. your general comments re fingers and such but if NP++ (or more strictly the plugin handling) becomes less portable c.f. Chrome then people might start looking around.

Personally portability is more important to me than PA specific portability, other people don't see it that way and that was what the request was for.


J Neutron
Last seen: 10 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2008-06-10 19:26
Other way around?

What I took away from your first post was that you DIDN'T want RJ TextEd considered because there were others already.

Ramble on!

neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2011-03-03 15:35
RJ Texted

I would love to see RJ-Texted supported on this platform, Its far nicer looking than NP++ and works very well. I've just replaced NP++ with RJTexted on my system. In terms of portability only things I have needed to do is to create an environment variable for where PortableApps is (is there one already?) so that I can moved the setup between systems and not lose the links to Wingrep and other tools I have installed. (Relative addressing didn't work consistently for me) - and junk the win32 folders - as all my systems are 64 bit.
After that - it works fine.

richo's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-01-31 22:03
RE: isn't quite as portable as it orta be

NotePad++ isn't quite as portable as it orta be once the plugin updater is included, I use it non-portably at home and on other systems I use frequently, for e.g.

Really? I've haven't seen any portability issues with regards to the plugin updater. I use a local install of Notepad++ (non-portable) with a zero byte doLocalConf.xml in the install folder and everything seems to stay out of AppData [doesn't even use Temp].

The Auto-updater for Notepad++ itself on the other hand is a different story [as it uses the installer]. But that should never be enabled in the PortableApps version anyway as the Platform will offer updates for it when there is a new version released.

Wm ...
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-17 12:37
RE: isn't quite as portable as it orta be

do you have admin permission on the locally installed system? if so you won't notice the elevation required.

e.g. I don't see it at home where I am always admin, but I do notice it on a work system where I have admin permission but (good practice) mainly work using a non-admin account, when NP++ updates I have to go through the admin procedure


richo's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-01-31 22:03
admin permissions with UAC enabled

I have admin permissions with UAC enabled and set to notify me when a program requests elevation. (The default for an administrator account)

When Notepad++ is installed to a folder that doesn't need admin permissions, it shouldn't request elevation.

EDIT: I should note that I install most of my programs to C:\Apps or the equivalent on another drive, so Notepad++ is installed to C:\Apps\Notepad++\

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