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XAMPP compatibility with WinXP (after V1.8.2.x it isn't)

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Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2015-09-20 03:10
XAMPP compatibility with WinXP (after V1.8.2.x it isn't)

For XAMPP (preconfigured server; includes Apache, MySQL, and PHP so you can run most websites and webapps directly from it.)

I think the PA's description needs information adding to it for Windows XP users (

It could also be wrong as it's version 1.8.3 which according to ApachFriends Forum ( doesn't work as it uses PHP 5.5.

"...Xampp 1.8.3 contains PHP 5.5 which no longer supports Windows XP.
You can still use XAMPP 1.8.2 if you want to."

I've tested and it seems true... I'm using XP Black (for those that might not know it's WinXP Service Pack 3 with the latest basic essentials and updated drivers - updated XP CD's are still uploaded monthly in 2015)

I also tried to install versions after this (versions changes from 1.8.2.x to 1.8.3.x and now to continues from 5.x.x)
So 1.8.3 gave error during install and starting... it's also could be just me and installing a few version but since it was on another USB drive with different install I'm inclined to think versions past the one below simply aren't for XP or at least not supported...

I'm using XP Service Pack 3 and this link to the highest version works on XP dated 21.08.2014.

x nowisthetime [at

p.s seems I must use Mollom to send my message... I'm careful about using other companies... isn't there a DIY solution?
This Mollom privacy policy is more clear now and only evident when I have already typed everything and clicked send! The wrong time to tell me and I'm conflicted / compramised at the time of helping as I like almost only the simple Bulletin Boards for it's basic technology... less risky it seems to me for data-harvesting etc... but maybe this is not it here for me and the sudden 'read this if you want to know' which 90-999% I'm sure don't (and this way of not reading cheapens life and data for me).... so:

MOD: Please delete my account after reading this (I only signed up as there was NO STANDARD EMAIL for these things I could find and seems it's involving Mollom- and as a suggestion/complaint at the same time I'd prefer something more basic.
I have no idea about "Mollom" and must read now at the same time as trying to help... and agree or disagree regardless of the help (changes my focus).

i.e. the more basic and less external companies involved the better / less chance of crossed wires / intentions on-line. I can appreciate it's about anti-spam... but all this data, regardless of how good the service (or sugar is) is getting out of hand... devaluing things (and maybe responsibility is 50/50 between surfer and supplier). Might seem small but I wouldn't have signed up and simple can't be sure of more (3rd) parties involved...

oh, and thanks for your service years, it doesn't go amiss.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 10 hours 32 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Removed XP Detail, Mollom is Just a Spam Filter

I've removed the Windows XP details from the page. Once an app stops supporting XP, we generally just drop it from the compatibility list.

Mollom is just an anti-spam filter. It's used by sites that use content management systems like Drupal (that's us), WordPress, Radiant, etc as well as custom sites built with PHP, Java, and most other web tech. Almost all public bulletin boards - including "simple" bulletin boards like phpBB, vBulletin, etc - and sites that allow public comments use an anti-spam plugin of one sort. You basically have to these days. If you don't, your site is overrun with spam. Requiring email registration, requiring solving of a math/word problem, and requiring captchas won't help. Even with reCapctha New-Style, email registration/confirmation, nofollow set on all forum links, StopForumSpam IP/email blacklisting, and Mollom bayesian filtering on content, we still have spam posts that get through that we have to manually filter. If you're posting anything anywhere online ever, it's likely being sent through one or more spam filters.

The reason that StopForumSpam and Mollom work better is because they rely on reporting from 10s of 1,000s of websites to help block spammers as they pop up on new IP addresses and they post new spam content. DIY solutions simply won't work anymore for preventing forum spam without highly inconveniencing the user. Using Mollom and StopForumSpam, for instance, has allowed us to drastically cut down on the number of users forced to solve a captcha to post. StopForumSpam hard blocks and won't allow posts from IPs and emails that are known spammers and have been caught posting spam to other sites. Mollom is used on posts that make it past StopForumSpam to analyze not only the IP address but the actual content using a bayesian filter. If it's definitely spam, it's not allowed to be posted. If it's definitely not spam, it's allowed. If Mollom isn't sure, it shows a capctha to be solved, as was the case with your post. This likely happened because you're a new user and you made a longer post with 3 different links in it.

If you'd prefer email because it's more private, it's not. Your email address, sending IP address, email server address, subject, content, list of included links, headers, etc is automatically put through multiple filtering and scoring systems to determine whether it's hard spam (delete it/block it outright), soft spam (send it to the spam folder) or ham (aka not spam, deliver to inbox). This happens to all messages sent to our email server - and just about every other server on earth these days - otherwise our email inboxes would be more overloaded than they are. We don't accept email for support because we'd be overwhelmed by real email messages as well. That's why we have the forums where everybody can help everybody.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2015-09-20 03:10

I see what you say and agree it works. Overall I come to the conclusion that the advance of spam and other such things almost out-wiegh's the efforts of trying other things like simple forum communication though it sounds like it's in good hands... so I trust in that.

I don't think email is any better, pretty much sending copies to the host company... and making money from analysis
ALTHOUGH my email is RISEUP.NET you see :) NOT hotmail, gmail, yahoo etc so it's a bit better :)

It makes sense for the forum. It make sense to use have the forum, all this other stuff on top merely to defend over or / unwanted communication takes away communication value and I'm reminded of the people who probably didn't get my email being on RISEUP.NET. Sometimes one cannot be without the other [1 wanted thing, 10 unwanted things / potential things]. Such is the internet now... that's why I'm out mostly. Thanks for you detailed writing. I will still re-read it again because I like when people write long...

...I don't like companies... even if they work well with spam, hard to trust any business... or the mechanism of buying companies / copying data etc...... hmm it's my problem perhaps...

p.s I didn't get an email alert you responded despite checking the auto-subscribe in 'my account' preferences... I'll check again and report if your reply isn't alerted by email...

Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2015-09-20 03:10
slight tweak on that

If possible please add my other details about the XP compatible versions (those prior to 1.8.3)
...or a link to this page, something to hint to the version changes and help XP people who might have come to that page that DID have XP details on it and want clarity... (less forum posts maybe or them going elsewhere)...


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