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WinSCPPortable Can't Change PuTTY/terminal client path

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Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2015-11-22 22:03
WinSCPPortable Can't Change PuTTY/terminal client path

I can't change the setting for PuTTY/terminal client path in WinSCPPortable. I want to do it point it to PuTTYPortable.exe, but after reopening WinSCPPortable, the setting is overwritten. I don't like the linker program because it requires PuTTY to be running already but PuTTYPortable.exe does not.

My directory structure is:


Looking at the source code, it looks like the code causing this is in WinSCPPortableU.nsi:

WriteINIStr "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\winscp.ini" "Configuration\Interface" "RandomSeedFile" "%2E%5Cwinscp.rnd"
WriteINIStr "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\winscp.ini" "Configuration\Interface" "DDTemporaryDirectory" "%2E%5C"
WriteINIStr "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\winscp.ini" "Configuration\Interface" "PuttySession" "WinSCP%20Portable%20Temporary%20Session"
StrCpy $0 `$PROGRAMDIRECTORY\PuTTYPortableLinker.exe`
;${StrReplace} $1 "\" "%5C" $0
${WordReplace} $0 "\" "%5C" "+" $1
WriteINIStr "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\winscp.ini" "Configuration\Interface" "PuttyPath" "$1"

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 56 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
By Design

This is by design, because otherwise the two collide with each other and will cause settings to be lost since the two share a registry key which is moved into and out of the registry. You must launch them in that order using that process for it to be effectively portable. You're purposely being prevented from doing it manually and possibly losing your settings for PuTTY Portable if you open and close the apps in the wrong order.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2015-11-22 22:03
Oh, darn. Thanks for the

Oh, darn. Thanks for the reply.

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