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MongoDB Portable Development Test

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MongoDB Portable Development Test

Application: MongoDB
Category: Development
Description: MongoDB is a NoSQL database.

Download MongoDB Portable Beta 5 release 2 [1.7MB download / 1,09 Go installed]
(MD5 : db4e06868d9957e6fc921e97330f5743)

Installation size :
In order to reduce installation size, pdb files located in App\MongoDB\bin can be removed.
This will shrink installation size by half.

Data folder size :
MongoDB Portable may require between 300MB and 600MB for internal use
(journaling and diagnostic data)

Release Notes:

BETA 5 release 2 (2020-08-02):

  • refactoring
  • %USERPROFILE% changed to %PAL:DataDir%\user
  • %TEMP% set to %PAL:DataDir%\temp
  • support Windows 7 64 bits and above

BETA 5 release 1 (2020-06-27):

  • Updated to MongoDB Community Server 4.2.8
  • MongoDB is downloaded during installation
  • Updated to 3.5 Format
  • support Windows 7 64 bits and above

BETA 4 release 1 (2016-08-12):

  • Updated to MongoDB 3.2.8
  • .mdmp files are moved to Data folder on exit
  • Command prompt minor improvements
  • support Windows 7 64 bits and above

BETA 3 release 1 (2016-04-24):

  • Updated to MongoDB 3.2.5
  • support Windows 7 64 bits and above

BETA 2 release 3 (2016-03-13):

  • Environment variables setup moved to launchers ini files
  • support Windows 7 64 bits and above

BETA 2 release 2 (2016-02-14):

  • Fixed command prompt
  • Added Splash screen
  • support Windows 7 64 bits and above

BETA 2 release 1 (2016-02-13):

  • added command prompt in order to launch binaries
  • support Windows 7 64 bits and above

BETA 1 release 1 (2016-02-07): Initial release

  • support Windows 7 64 bits and above

vf2nsr's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-13 17:10
Am I reading it correctly?

Only supports Server 2008 and above?

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2016-02-06 07:17

This version of MongoDB support Windows 7 64bits and above.

Wm ...
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-17 12:37
1st report

RegShot (no dirs)
exercise a bit
looks pretty good, some unimportant / unavoidable remnants, I've kept the diff if you want any detail. Best to test in a VM w. files for completeness.

As above I didn't include a directory scan in my RegShot but did notice
left behind in my home dir. I'm no MongoDB expert but are they both created by mongo.exe rather than mongod ? If so should you be tidying up after the progs other than mongod ? Discuss.

Version: the 32 v 64 position is fairly clear here
Some thoughts on that: MongoDB as a barebones install is unlikely IMO to get beyond perpetual top class beta simply because relatively few people are going to beg for it so the fact that you've gone for 64 rather than 32 probably doesn't matter much. Having said that is there any reason in principle why substituting the 32bit version into the package wouldn't work for someone w/o 64 bit facilities?

Provide batch wrappers around the utilities in App/MongoDB/bin so they know where to find stuff ? Otherwise it seems only mongod is portable, or have I got that wrong? I don't think this is a problem specific to MongoDB.

HTH so far


Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2016-02-06 07:17
Many thanks for this feedback

I have added a command prompt in the new release.

The batch file set HOME, HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH environment variables.
Data\home is now use as HOME directory by mongo.exe

Wm ...
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-17 12:37
env variables

I think you need USERPROFILE in mongoShell.cmd to control the location of .dbshell ... at least that is what works for me on Win8.1

There seems to be some confusion about MongoDB's use of Win env variables but I *think* it uses USERPROFILE explicitly rather than HOMEPATH even though they should be the same ? Whether this means USERPROFILE should replace HOMEPATH or be additional to it I am not sure.

Generally the changes in Beta2 make the package feel a lot more consistent and useable.


Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2016-02-06 07:17

I have added USERPROFILE in mongoShell.cmd.
.dbshell in now located in Data\home

Wm ...
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-17 12:37
Done for now I think

Just tried latest and all seems to be hanging together nicely.

If you are interested you might check how easy it is to swap a 32bit version in. Might be deprecated for use but could be OK if someone wanted a portable base that could work on a broader range of systems, just a thought.

Good work, I think I'm done here for now unless there is anything specific you want checked.

Edit: you might want to change the installed disk space MB figure up top. I was tidying up and thought I'd delete the App dir and leave the Data dir behind only to discover I've got 300MB of WiredTiger journal for around 100 characters of actual data in my test file! Ufff! Having done some reading and playing --smallfiles doesn't help as 300MB *is* the small files and --nojournal is risky. Further when the log rotates that goes up to 400MB putting the MongoDBPortable dir just under 600MB for a 10 word db Sad

It may be every fewl now this except me, in which case kewl, if not, I think a warning may be appropriate because PA people can be sensitive about their disk space being munched unawares (I have been testing on a HDD install of PA).


Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
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Installed space

The figure for installed space should just be for the installation of the program, without having run it.

User data is fluid, some users can have a small amount, some users can have stupid amounts, and we can never really account for how much or how little they will add to the app's size through usage.

Having a warning about the additional space blowout due to logs somewhere in this post might be a good idea, though.

Wm ...
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-17 12:37
it is using the app that causes the blowout though

Imagine you installed App A and did nothing and used disk space X, the installed value

Then you ran App A looked around and exited and discovered X*3 was gone somewhere you weren't told about.

I'd grumble.

Due to the way this DB and this implementation does stuff I think the warning should be up top and in full.

P.S. there are other ways of implementing MongoDB but self-contained on a USB stick is sort of against the idea of what the DB was intended to do best ... insert whatever the smily is for a wry grin this year


Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2016-02-06 07:17
Data size warning added

Many thanks.
this package would not have been done so quickly without your help.

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