License: open source
Description: Shotcut is a free, opensource, cross-platform video editor. I find that it is one of the best free video editors for simple and advanced users who want to make a video quickly but professionally.
Description from website:
An astounding amount of features:
Other: Quote from website: "CPU: x86-64 Intel or AMD; at least one 2 GHz core for SD, 2 cores for HD, and 4 cores for 4K."
How to Make ShotCut Portable Yourself!
I have a way to officially make Shotcut portable all by yourself if you want! After you download, open with UniExtractor Portable and extract as "Not an Installshield installer". After it finishes extracting it will have a folder named Shotcut. In that folder there are a bunch of QT files which I have no idea what they do and it will have one folder. All you have to do is remove the two files in that folder "lib and share" and place it outside the folder with the other QT files. You can then run Shotcut by launching the Shotcut.exe! EASY!
Please edit your request apps submission to follow the guidelines here:
No editorialization is necessary. It'll make it less likely someone will package the app.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Sorry... I fail to comprehend what I didn't follow
With a Subject of "Shortcut Video Editor"
The way your request reads now with the random caps and exclamation points looks more like an ad or spam.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Ah, ok thanks
Should I rewrite?
Yes, please re-write your first post using that format.
Unfortunately this is a 64-bit only application.
That means it won't be made portable? That's too bad
I really wanted a portable version. It is such a great open source software 
John just commented that it might not be made. Edit your suggestion down to just the basic info.... leave out the excessive capital letters and exclamation points. Keep your description brief and maybe a dev won't mistake it for spam.
Ok I understand now
if this is only 64bit, then what ever is done, it will not be really portable in fact. It will be restricted only to new computers, it will not work on others. To have something restricted like this, well not very pleasant for many users wanting to use it and realizing that they can not unless they buy new computer.
As for myself, when I look at all computers I use time to time with portable apps, it is abt 10 of them, only one so far runs 64bit windows. All others are 32bit either XP or w7 or wine on linux etc.
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
Yes but what about others with 64bit? are we going to restrict the amount of software they can have portable just because others don't have 64 bit? Sounds strange to me...
As stated above it sure can be made portable, but it is unlikely to be officially released. I digged a little deeper and it seems like the author abandoned the 32-bit version. I don't know if this is just temporarily or permanent. Shotout is also pretty big. It takes more than 600MB disk space even more than LibreOffice. Nevertheless it looks like a pretty neat app.
Yeah... it's pretty cool for sure. Just really wish I could transport it on a USB!
Would be even cooler 
Is my new one better? I followed your format John T. Haller. I really wish to have a portable version
Thanks for updating your post.
However, as this app is 64-bit only, as a developer, I won't even consider portablizing it. Maybe someone else will.
Could we chat with the publisher about producing a 32-bit version even if some features need to be disabled in the 32-bit version?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
We can certainly try. The application used to be 32-bit, so it may be possible. I've tweeted at them, since they don't have an email address I could find.
If they don't answer, or answer in the negative, I'm also keeping an eye on OpenShot, which is in beta, but supports x86.
I'm going to keep an eye on 'shotcut' (I think you wrote openshot) and on this forum incase a lone developer or hobbyist decides that it is time to have the first, great quality, free, open source, portable video editor... 32 or not. I was wondering, if there was a way I can make it portable? I'll share the file with everyone if someone can point me to some simple instruction.
Gord Caswell, sorry, I searched 'OpenShot' and I just realised that you meant to say you are also hoping to make that software portable. But Openshot is not even 50% as good as Shotcut. I could do with OpenShot the same as I can do with Virtualdub or Avidemux. (Sorry if spelling is bad). With ShotCut you can almost do everything Adobepremiere can do and maybe even more! ... for free!
Quote: CPU: x86-64 Intel or AMD; at least one 2 GHz core for SD, 2 cores for HD, and 4 cores for 4K.
ShotCut supports x86 like OpenShot? What does this mean?
EDIT: x86 means 32bit doesn't it? That means... ShotCut is 32bit as well!!!
In this case it's the whole thing: x86-64 in this context is the same as x64, so no, shortcut is not available in 32-bit, only 64 bit.
Oh... ok I see now
Thanks mwayne.
And there you have it, with that being the case, as we've mentioned before above and elsewhere, we do not make 64-bit only builds. Since this app is 64-bit only, we will not be portablizing it officially.
However, with that said, someone may decide to make an unofficial build that can be used.
Ya... I hope someone does
At least there is still a chance
How can I make it portable, I know a thing or two about software.
This is my first time hearing about this piece of software and after viewing the site, its a pretty robust and feature rich piece of software as well. I'd like to see this make its way as an official release as well. Not to mention is in need of a video editor. At least one of this caliber.
Exactly my thoughts my friend! You read my mind and heart
I have found a way to describe shotcut! Do you know how blender is like... (arguably)... the BEST free 3D designing, animation, and (all the other stuff it can do) software for free? Well that is Shotcut. The best free video editor. It does what it is supposed to do and more.
My point is... not putting ShotCut as an official portable app is like removing Blender from portable apps (which would be catastrophic). And I'd know because I rely so much on blender.
By the way, does anyone know of a good free portable video editor. I can't seem to find any?
"CPU: x86-64 Intel or AMD; at least one 2 GHz core for SD, 2 cores for HD, and 4 cores for 4K." is quoted from . x86 means 32bit according to google so that means the software should work on a 32bit system. So... does this mean it will be made portable???
UPDATE: Sorry everyone! It's only 64bit apparently
My bad
Could you please stop making new posts for every detail you find? I understand your exitement, but there is an edit function. This thread becomes unreadable if you spam your thoughts over the whole thread (I stopped after your second post today - and I am very interested in this topic).
btt: I used shotcut for a while and it while it looked promising, it was very sluggish on my notebook (i7-4700 with 16GB and a GeForce GTX765M). I don't know if the working speed has changed the last few months, but at the current state it is simply too slow. You cannot compare its workflow to any commercial video editor (I use Vegas Movie Studio atm, but switched over some others the last years - Ulead Media Studio Pro, Adobe Premiere, Magix etc.). Editing HD material of nearly an hour lengh resulted in waiting over 20 seconds for every simple cut => Shotcut has a long way to go.
I'm still waiting for the one useful open scource NLE.
Yes, I guess I'll stop posting everything in new posts and instead just update the original. I used to work with Shotcut on an old windows 7, 4gb, and NVidia Quadro 1700 (basically not the best computer). It was not slow for me though, and I worked with 1080p and sometimes 4k material and it wasn't slow at all. Sometimes it crashed when I tried to put too much material on the timeline but I was able to edit 2 to 5 hours with no issues. Over that and I ended up crashing the pc. Perhaps you should try changing your graphics card settings to performance? Also, you can change the settings of the video editor to display lower resolution for editing. That really worked for me. I think there are other settings you could change too:
Try GPU processing, I hear it's great. Haven't tried it though.
Maybe I'll give it another shot some time. I don't like tweaking too much just to make an application work that should have done that out of the box. When the cpu and the grafix are standard and fast enough, I expect the app to pick that up. That was one reason why I quit using Linux after many years, at least as platform for serious work.
. It lacks some codec options, too).
Optimizing is another story. If shotcut worked well enough, I felt encouraged to turn some switches to make it work even better...
(I'm satisfied with Movie Studio 12.0 at the moment, but the latest version (13) has been cut down to fit more in the consumer area (and touch screens
Movie Studio is for mac right? Or is it free for windows as well? Is there are free portable video editors out there that are actually good?
Movie Studio is the consumer line from Sony Vegas Pro. It was formerly called Vegas Movie Studio, but they dropped the Vegas from the name some time ago. It is for windows only and not free.
Oh ok
I must have mixed it up with some other video editor... movie something,,, I guess. But yeah, I recognise Sony Vegas Pro. 
I was wondering, if I decided to make this app portable, what would be the easiest way?
That's a portable version but it is a slightly earlier version of shotcut and missing some features. Works great though!
I have a way to officially make Shotcut portable all by yourself if you want! After you download, open with UniExtractor and extract as "Not an Installshield installer". After it finishes extracting it will have a folder names Shotcut. In that folder there are a bunch of QT files which I have no idea what they do and it will have one folder. All you have to do is remove the two files in that folder "lib and share" and place it outside the folder with the other files. You can then run Shotcut by launching the Shotcut.exe! EASY!
Downloaded recently and its in 4 flavours...
64-bit Windows installer (64-bit Windows 7+)
64-bit Windows portable zip (64-bit Windows 7+)
32-bit Windows installer (32-bit Windows 7+)
32-bit Windows portable zip (32-bit Windows 7+)
Can it be packaged for PortableApps now?
It already is, and is available here: