where can i start a topic of the beginning the PortableApps (PA) to work.
When i start PA my whole Desktop clears out.
The Tsakbar, the Taskbar Icons, the Quicklauch bar and the Windows Icons in TAskabar are not removed, only the main Desktop.
The workaround id to delete the 1st Explorer Task and nmanually restart the Explorer.
After the restart all Desktop rebuild properly.
Thanks for advise
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Desktop crashes when start PA
June 1, 2016 - 6:15am
Desktop crashes when start PA
Perhaps you have the Platform set to hide desktop.
Launch the Platform then choose options and Advanced
Yu should see Hide Desktop Icons, if you have this checked then it is doing as you have it set so remove the check and exit platform then relaunch it and icons should be back.
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
Hallo my Friend

that was right, i must have activate this Radiobutton, bcause nobody can do this (except remote specialist)
Now my Portable runs fine, as before.
have a nice day.
And yyes, i had donate some a time ago
All your best