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MakeHuman [need advise on HOW]

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Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2007-05-11 19:11
MakeHuman [need advise on HOW]

due to a number of folks getting confused in the MH forums i would like to sort out how to make a portable version of MakeHuman.

the big issue here is that the user data folder would need to be redirected. Is there somebody that knows how to
A hijack the call to the UserData folder to do the redirect
B can edit the Python Code to do the redirect (its in Python 2.7)

the plan is to edit MH and build a bundle with Gimp Blender and MH(p) with a buncha content (even if its a bit of a jigsaw im nailing down some "stuff")

Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2014-06-26 10:21
Related side note

Just a side note on BlenderPortable, it should be easier to add the tools because they are in a specific place in the PortableApps folder format. But I believe the directory changes based on the Blender version. Currently under -- Blender/2.77/scripts/addons and -- Blender64/2.77/scripts/addons folders.

Also 32 and 64 bit versions of Blender are supported. Are there different versions of the tools or do they only run under 32bit? That also determines where the tools would be placed. A Plugin could be created for all the tools at once, or individual plugins for each: Makeclothes, Maketarget and Makewalk. MHX2 plugins for BlenderPortable and MakeHumanPortable would make installing it easier too.

I believe creating the plugins is easier than a PortableApp. A new version of BlenderPortable would probably just reqiure changing the plugin folder names and 'rebuilding' the plugin again. A new version of MakeHumanPortable requiring new tools just replace old tools with new in the plugin folders and 'rebuild' the plugin. The pugin might want to remove any existing MakeHuman tools before adding them to BlenderPortable.

Don't know if this was already considered but thought I would mention just in case. It would be good to see a MakeHumanPortable, hope it works out.

MakeHuman...the free and open source software to create realistic 3d humans


MHX2 download

Found these faster than I thought. They are NOT up to date, and need to be cleaned up, but give a rough idea for format:

Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2007-05-11 19:11
looks like its a go

with both MH and Blender dropping an adjusted data folder in works well
for the MakeHuman plugins (required for Blender Sync) they can be cooked into the installer.

I think that an Official Submission should be happening in the next couple days

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