Program: Pycharm 2016.3.2 Community Edition
License: Freemium
Description: Python IDE for Professional Developers
New: DesktopSnowOK (Jan 6, 2025), Platform 29.5.3 (Jun 27, 2024)
1,100+ portable packages, 1.1 billion downloads
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Program: Pycharm 2016.3.2 Community Edition
License: Freemium
Description: Python IDE for Professional Developers
Please reformat your request as per the guidelines:
I am very sorry.
I will update the previous first post.
OLD first post:
Should be great to have the Pycharm 2016.3 community edition in portable edition!!
Really useful application.
Thank you very much guys. Very good work!!
Thank you very much
I've had a general read of
and I think you need to do more homework as they may not want it portable.
Apart from that I'm not a fan of multiple development environments that don't get used much
Take a look here in licensing. It is better explained in wikipedia:
PyCharm Community Edition is distributed under Apache 2 license, with full source code available on GitHub.
So, there is no problem about it.
So, open source!!
Their licensing is a bit complicated.
They seem to use a new licensing model. You can get a time limited license, if your project complies to their requirements.
The latest license version is found here:
It's not the same as on their GitHub:
Their different licensing shemes can be found here:
I did not dig too deep, but as I see it, you have to ask if you want to redistribute it.
I am not agree. This is just for the commercial licenses, not for the community edition!! You can get commercial versions for free if you are entitled for. The community is apache 2 which is the best open source license.
Instead of simply disagreeing with observations about the complexity of JetBrains licensing terms on this forum, why not simply e-mail JetBrains and ask whether producing and distributing a portable version of the Community Version of their software it would be permissible from their perspective. That is:
- are there any licensing terms OR copyright restrictions that would prevent such action without their specific permission; and
- would they be supportive/agreeable to their software being adapted for portable use using the' methods?
That would be a more productive line than simply continuing to debate their various licence models here; and:
- if they either provide specific confirmation that they have no objections; or alternatively
- raise objections or explain any limitations/requirements,
then it would be easier for any interested PortableApps volunteer developer to decide whether they are interested in investigating further. From a cursory look at the installation requirements it may not be a 'trivial' project.
I haven't seen any contact in the website in order to talk with them about this kind of topic. English is not my mother tongue, and maybe I was not able to find it for any language gap. Trust me, it happens to me all the time.
If someone is able to find it, please feel free to contact them.
But I repeat, the community edition is open source, and for that reason threre shouldn't be a problem. Not the case of the professional though. From my reduced really reduced POV, I think that should be as problematic as any other IDE like eclipse.
Please, should be REALLY hepful to have a portable version of it.
Thank you very much,
I found that here:
Hey guys,
I have made a short tutorial on how to get a portable Python and PyCharm setup on your USB. The tutorial is available here:
I hope this helps some people get up and running!
The only problem is that WinPython isn't fully portable and leaves traces in the user folders.
I wish someone here would collaborate with them to truly make WinPython portable.
Using the excellent tutorial posted by liampetti as a starting point, you can create your own truly portable version as follows:
Modify the .properties file as described above.
Download and install the latest version of Python (3.6 at the time of writing)
Inside the PyCharm folder, copy the entire Python36 folder.
Create a new folder called 'App'
Inside 'App' create a new folder 'appinfo'
Use Portable IconExtract to extract the icons from the pycharm.exe file and place them in the appinfo folder
Rename any of the icons to 'appicon.ico'
create a new text file and rename it appinfo.ini
Add the following text:
Description=Python IDE
Now comes the tricky part. You have to write your own launcher to place in the PyCharm folder, where PortableApps expects to see it.
Download and install SharpDevelop (free C# IDE which can also be made portable)
In a new console project use the following code:
In the project properties add the icon extracted earlier
Complile the project
rename the compiled .exe to pycharm.exe
copy it to the PyCharm Folder
You should now have an icon in PortableApps which starts your launcher, which in turn starts PyCharm
In PyCharm, add the local copy of Python.exe to the list and set as the default.
Python 3.6 is not the python to use, as python 3 is not extended. Is python 2 the one to use, as version 3 is not backwards compatibility and for that reason 2 is evolving in another branch, the current version is python 2.7.13.
Should be great to choose from both possibilities.