Application: HandBrake
Category: Music & Video?
Description:HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows.
HandBrake Portable 0.9.4 Development Test 1 English
I took the download down due to problems with .NET (I think its .NET).
Would some one want to help me with a patch, Like Chris Morgan did with Inkscape?
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
For reference, the code is C# for the Windows version, here (I think the settings stuff is in Properties/settings.*).
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
kudos to all those putting in some hard work on all projects.
[reference to site with lots of bad/illegal software removed - mod Chris] I prefer 0.93 because xvid support has been booted from 0.94.
Sorry, I don't know C#, so I can't help with this part.
I am curious, though - why do you need a patch? Your launcher looks OK to me...
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
It's purely a matter of better portability. Which do you prefer - the need to back up the local data, move your stuff in, and then - ERK! The power just went off. Whoops. Now what do I do?
Or, set an environment variable or pass a command line argument, and have it work on the disk?
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
What Chris said. The backup/restore is good, but in my opinion thats not fully portable, if the usb drive gets unplugged it will mess the settings up if HandBrake is installed locally.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
lol Me neither.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
I downloaded the code and actually have modified it to look for a environment variable "HANDBRAKE_PORTABLE_APPDATA", which I assume will only be scoped to the process. While I was in there I made a few other changes to how they were handling some streams. Everything compiles just need to test it to make sure I didn't break anything, but that will have to wait as I need to get some sleep.
Once you go portable...
If you're still interested in changing this let me know. I'll have some time in the next two weeks to finalize the c# changes and see about getting a patch submitted.
Once you go portable...
Sure, I was going to try to do it myself, but I never got the time to even learn C# :/ .
Thanks for helping
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
If you have or could make an updated launcher I'll test that it works with my changes and submit a patch to them. I have the rest of this week and next off from work so I have plenty of time.
Once you go portable...
The links that are posted above are for most recent one, it backs up the local settings if there, on close it deletes the settings the portable version made then it restores the local settings.
What exactly will the patch do?
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
The patch will have Handbrake check for the existence of an Environment Variable "HANDBRAKE_PORTABLE_APPDATA" which needs to be set by the launcher. If it finds the variable then it will use that path to store its data instead on the normal AppData folder. This is to avoid having to backup, restore and copy files around. I don't know enough about NSIS to update the launcher, I was hoping you'd be able to do that or we could ask others to help.
Once you go portable...
Thought so, i will look in to how to set a Environment Variable and get you a updated launcher as soon as possible.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Thanks, You read my mind, I was about to look in the Inkscape launcher
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Here is the updated launcher
Let me know when you get it so I can take it down.
Put your patched version of handbrake in App/Handbrake
It should work, if not let me know and i will see what I can do.
For everyone: please do not comment on this.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
I have downloaded it. I'll test changes shortly. Also I noticed that they have started converting to Visual Studio 2010. I found this out when I updated my local copy so I'll need to either revert to before these changes or install the RC for Visual Studio 2010.
Once you go portable...
Can you edit your OP to match the common layout used by developers with test apps? Examples are here, here and here. It makes it easier for a potential tester to see how the app development is progressing and makes it more likely they will test it (at least for myself it does
Thanks Advocate
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Thanks for updating the info. One more suggestions if I may is to list any know bugs
Looking forward to testing Advocate
Regshotted on XP SP3, admin rights with Handbrake installed locally. Did a quick flv to mp4 conversion. Results below.
Now I don't know too much about these but what I do makes me think these are a problem:
Also it didn't save my settings as I set the default path but then on relaunch I needed to again
Still it works. Just need to work the kinks out now Advocate
Thanks for testing it
Should I delete the keys that windows makes, recently used and things like that?
I think C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Local Settings\Temp\temp_presets.dat belongs to Handbrake not sure about the other. I will run Handbrake and convert a few files.
Ya that is the main thing it lacks right now, my knowledge of NSIS does not extend that far
I need to take some time and look at some other launchers.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Trying not to be the "Version X is out" guy, but I was wondering about the state of this. I haven't ever used it, but Lifehacker always recommends it. I went to the site, and when I saw that it was GPL I thought "I wonder if there is a PortableApps version." I saw that there was, but nothing since February. There is a 0.9.5, but I have no idea if there are major changes.
Just curious if this is good to go, or if there are better options. Thanks!
I am not my signature.
Its not really dead, I just started some college classes so I have been a bit busy. I will take a look at some time today and see what what needs to be done.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
I was just curious. Cool that you got back to me so soon. I won't be using it until I get the nettop I'm installing XBMC on in a couple of weeks.
Thanks again.
I am not my signature.
I'm taking some time right now to work on it (01/16/11) If it is an easy upgrade it should be posted sometime today.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
if not natively, will it work with Wine?
can u PAF agdurrette B4 it becomes stable (while in BETA stage, MakeMKV is free. There are Win, Linux, Mac versions...i know, I know, PA.c only deal w/ Windows only) ???
Hand break has a linux version so yes it can run natively? I don't know if the windows version will work in wine tho.
I can't because I have a bunch on my plate right no, but you can post a request on
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
There is a folder with a randomly generated name that is being left behind. I will have more details later.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
I really like using this tool and hope this can be brought back from the dead.
i wish you where doing 0.92 instead of 0.94.
0.94 supports mkv and mp4
0.92 supports avi mp4 and H264
most of my dvd rips are in avi xvid
bluray are done in mp4
From what I saw the last time I looked at the code, almost a year ago. The C# portion was limited to the UI. I would think that it would be possible to adapt the C++ UI from Linux (I think they wrote it with one of the universal libraries like boost).
That will negate the need to have C# completely.
But that's my 2 cents.
Just checked HandBrake uses "GTK UI" which is part of GTK+ a multi-platform GUI system.
Any chance someone brings this back to live?
Even if it requires .NET?
Thank You.