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Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-06 06:21
"ImageMagick® is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (about 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. ..."

Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-04 12:21
Don't forget to post license info.

License info is generally the first question.

I looked at it, it is GPL compatible and open source.

Last seen: 17 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-17 21:57

Isn't ImageMagick more of a library? And I suppose the command-line wrappers should be portable enough on their own already.

BuddhaChu's picture
Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-11-18 10:26

I don't get the request either since ImageMagick is a commandline driven application meaning it converts images from the commnadline..there is no GUI top speak of. It's therefore pretty portable already...just launch the .exe from the right location.

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Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-01-02 15:01
I thought so too

But I tried a variety of ways to get it to run in a "standalone" mode, but was left with the impression you had to compile a version to get it to do what you wanted from the command line.

I am, however, no where NEAR knowledgeable enough to be sure. Smile

If someone could get it to work from a commandline - or direct me to some instructions on how to get it to work - that would be great.

As for license, IIRC there are two development branches of this - one is basically proprietary, and the other is more open - although I don't think it is completely open.

TIA. Smile

Sic semper tyrannosauro.

Sic semper tyrannosauro.

Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2012-10-04 05:35
It works as an MFC

It works as an MFC application.

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