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Adobe Flash support for portable apps

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Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2017-03-19 04:23
Adobe Flash support for portable apps


Firefox and Chrome disabled default the flash support. Can somebody explain how to use Flash for them without installing Flash on operating system? Is there any way to download the flash dll from official site? If yes, Where to copy this dll inside PortableApps/Firefox/Data and PortableApps/GoogleChrome/Data folders?

Thank you

Samuel Elstein
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2012-02-29 12:00
For FirefoxPortable:

For FirefoxPortable:

First check if addon is disabled in about:addons (Firefox specific URL) and select the tab on left labeled "Plugins". If Flash is installed their should be an entry labeled "Shockwave Flash". Disabled addons will be towards the bottom of the list. Set it to either "Ask to Activate" (recommended) or "Always activate" to use. Refresh any open page with Flash content. If entry is not there, then Flash is not installed as a NPAPI plugin (which Firefox uses) or is not detected for some reason.

Have you tried installing it as PlayFlash from the firefox addons site. This requires no admin rights and applies only to your portable Firefox since its an addon.
For 32-bit
For 64-bit
The Addon version make it easier for FirefoxPortable users, provided you don't use FirefoxPortable in both 32-bit and 64-bit modes. Browser requires a restart after installing addon. I recommend the addon version only if you disabled 64-bit from launching or are sure its only going to be run in 64-bit mode. Details for disabling FirefoxPortable 64-bit mode can be found here:

If the addon method is undesirable because you need to be able to run Firefox in both 32 and 64-bit modes:
You can also use flash already installed from the system by copying certain dlls to the "FirefoxPortable/Data/plugins" folder, but the plugins must be 32-bit if Firefox is run in 32-it mode or 64-bit if run in 64-bit mode, copy both 32-bit and 64-bit plugins if unsure. The flash DLL will be named something like "NPSWF32_25_0_0_127.dll" (32-bit version) or "NPSWF64_25_0_0_127.dll" (64-bit version). The folder to look in varies by Windows OS version. For Windows 7 64-bit its "Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash" for 32-bit flash and "C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash" for 64-bit flash (yes the folder names for 32-bit and 64-bit versions are deceptive) The Firefox specific URL of "about:plugins" shows detailed information about each plugin currently loaded including its path (most of the time).
Copying the DLLs to the "FirefoxPortable/Data/Plugins" folder will allow you to use whatever installed version of flash, which may still need to be enabled in addon settings. If Firefox is opened during this, restarting browser is necassary to detect the plugin. The DLLs are, however, might be useless on PCs that do not have Flash installed on them.

Proud user of Firefox

Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2019-06-05 10:27
Flash for Firefox Portable

Hi, and thanks in advance for any assistance or guidance provided,

We have an application, Vertex O Series which is used for sales and VAT tax calculation and which uses Flash. With the end dating of Flash, a new version of the applications is being released which will use HTML5 pages for the user interface. It’s a poor technical design, but to run reports for the previous versions of the application, at times we will still need to go through the old Flash application front end - or come up with another solution. I'm looking for alternatives , which brought me here. I've installed Firefox Portable, but I'm not seeing the addons listed on the previous comment. I am looking for guidance on the addons to use or the best options available once Flash is no longer supported in 2021.

Samuel Elstein
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2012-02-29 12:00
Google Chrome Portable

Not sure about Google Chorm but it should come with its own flash plugin (PPAPI plugin, not a NPAPI plugin)
The Google Chrome specific URL "chrome://flash/" should bring up details about Chrome's flash plugins, being stored at "GoogleChromePortable\Data\profile\PepperFlash\\pepflashplayer.dll" (version number in path "" depends on version of flash.)

Currently researching about enabling and disabling flash in Chrome.
To enable or disable flash:

  1. Go to settings
  2. Scroll down the bottom and click "show advanced settings"
  3. Scroll to "privacy" settings and click button labeled "Content settings"
  4. Scroll to Flash section of popup menu, choosing either "Ask first before allowing sites to run Flash (recommended)" or "Allow sites to run flash" to enable

Proud user of Firefox

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