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Possible bug in FF 54.0.1?

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Joined: 2010-03-18 05:14
Possible bug in FF 54.0.1?

Could be as I had trouble with this one vendor on-line, just the one, as Amazon and the others seem unaffected. So below is a copy and paste I had with their help desk;


Jul 27, 08:20 PDT
Chat started: 2017-07-27 02:50 PM UTC

(02:50:51 PM) *** Help Desk 2 joined the chat ***
(02:51:05 PM) Help Desk 2: Hello Bruce
(02:51:18 PM) Help Desk 2: There appears to be an issue with the browser you are using
(02:51:30 PM) Help Desk 2: Have you tried a different browser?
(02:51:44 PM) Bruce: You have some code in your page with "Proceed to Checkout" that doesn't either want to co-operate with Firefox 54.0.1 or there is a glitch in my copy or maybe I have the security features cranked up too high. Again clicking on that page in FF produced no action. What I had to do was run Google Chrome, which I hate because it is a privacy risk and leak, most people don't know. Copy and paste URLs cross-ways - FF to chrome, which got me to the checkout, then that URL back into FF, after which I could continue, securely, to activate my Paypal account from within Firefox and conclude the transaction. I will report the glitch to John Haller of PortableApps as it is his version of FF I use, not the one directly from Mozilla.
(02:52:39 PM) Help Desk 2: Again, I recommend calling in to place your order over the phone
(02:53:18 PM) Bruce: Well, it is done, can you just confirm, while you are there?
(02:53:53 PM) Help Desk 2: Your order was successful
(02:54:05 PM) Help Desk 2: I see from our records ETA on file for you is between 7 AUG - 14 AUG meaning you could receive your order anytime in between those dates. Once your package ships you should receive an email with your tracking information
(02:55:10 PM) Bruce: Thank You, I will contact the developer of Firefox Portable about the glitch.
(02:55:21 PM) Help Desk 2: No problem

For privacy I will not include the vendor's name here, it is peculiar, but it happened twice, same vendor, for my own records I saved the steps that I went through to complete the transaction.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 53 min 44 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Unmodified Firefox

The copy of Firefox within Firefox Portable is completely unmodified as required by our agreement with Mozilla. We use the official -profile switch to redirect the profile. Our launcher makes changes to paths in the profile before run and cleans up local things Firefox leaves behind. Unless you're running some extensions that are affecting the page (like ad-blockers), that site isn't compatible with Firefox.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Probably not Firefox Portable.

I can't say for sure seeing as you don't say what page had the problem, but the likelihood that it's caused by a bug specifically in Firefox Portable as opposed to a bug in Firefox, or (more likely) an oddity in the way that they wrote their page which Chrome accepts, but Firefox doesn't, is extremely low (bordering on impossible).

Even if it could be a bug in Firefox Portable, in order to make this a valid bug report, you would need to provide more detailed information, as your post so far amounts to 'Your product doesn't work on a page I visited.' which doesn't tell us anything of value.

Another possibility is (as John says) that you have an extension installed which is breaking that particular functionality on that site (whatever site that is).


Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2010-03-18 05:14
Firefox ?

Do you want the vendor's URL? Try to re-create the same scenario? @ the "Proceed to Checkout"
page, which is also the view cart page, anything more would violate my privacy. The site is unsecured until one goes to the actual checkout page which is: , could be a bad javascript line, but I deleted the rest of the URL that leads to my account there. Perhaps next time I'll use U.A.S.
List of current extensions ; Adblock Plus 2.9.1, Classic Theme Restorer , Cookie Controller 5.1 , Download Status Bar, Flagfox 5.1.25 , FDM's FF extension 2.2.3 , HTTPS Everywhere 5.2.21 , Locale Switcher 3.1-signed.1 , No Script , Saved Password Editor 2.10.3 , User Agent Switcher That's the lot.

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Works for me.

The "Proceed to Checkout" button works perfectly fine for me in Firefox Portable 54.0.1.
Note: I didn't go much further, as I'm not exactly looking to buy a thobe at the moment.

If I had to take a guess, I'd say No Script is probably what's causing your issue.


Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2010-03-18 05:14
No Script is set to allow the

No Script is set to allow the entire site, including the netsuite checkout, the flaw must be in its code, so I'll just use my work-around until it gets fixed. During a heat wave last year I threatened to buy some Islamic clothing and I did, but now we're having a cool, wet summer here in the Niagara Peninsula. Added some "Pork-Eating Infidel" patches to the new summer wardrobe. EDIT: Dropped Google Chrome in favour of K-Meleon, and it looks like I won't need FF's Classic Theme Restorer or NoScript with it either, but still reading documentation ATM.

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