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urgent app needed to be portable!!!!!!

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Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-08 11:49
urgent app needed to be portable!!!!!!

i really need a video editor named "jahshaka" to be portable i need it today.
i dont care if it takes up a lot of space as long as its less than 100mb.
please could someone help me, i need this for nhd (national history day) to make my documentry.
ill make sure to put your name in the credits
thank you soo much in advance
ps its open source, which i heard is eaiser to put on a usb stick.

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-06 18:07
Please Post A Link

Post a link to the files u need. I think i found the site at and when i went to the site there were about 30 different files available...different versions, then jplayer and jahplayer. What exactly do u need?

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-08 11:49
the front page should have

the front page should have something like download jahshaka
it should look like this
Jahshaka, Jahplayer and jahtools are available for Windows, OsX and Linux.

Click here to Download jahshaka

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-08 11:49
everyone has probaly noticed

everyone has probaly noticed this but just in case.
portable apps doesnt have a video editor yet
if someone does this they'll probaly get some recignition

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-06 18:07
I installed the app and ran

I installed the app and ran RegShot portable, off the framakey site it takes registry snapshots really quickly and can compare the two shots, its in french, but has the english language available in the program options.

jahshaka doesn't appear to create any registry keys other than links to the installer and uninstaller, it modifies a few values, and there are 2 dlls that it has to register. I'm not sure it can be easily made portable, and i, unfortunately have class the rest of the day so i can't take much more of a look at it

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-04 14:53
Just try it yourself. Copy

Just try it yourself. Copy the installed files to your drive and test it out.

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-13 16:52
"Urgent", eh?...


"...urgent app needed to be portable!!!!!!...i need it today...i need this for nhd (national history day) to make my documentry"...


Oh, c'mon now, yuk - 'fess up:
You're a student at some level and you've known this project was due for some time, yet - true to your procrastinator's creed - you frittered away your time playing videogames and consuming pr0n, and NOW you want someone to bail you out @ the 11th hour, is that it?... Biggrin

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-08 11:49
oh ya forgot to say i tried

oh ya forgot to say
i tried that already, i put all dll files in the folder with the exe and it did not work.
thats why im consalting you guys for help

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-08 11:49
amazenly no

amazenly no
im not tring to do a last minute thing
i just want it soon, because i need a lot of time for this.
nhd is not a school requirement, but im in advance class. so yaaa..
you have to make something and... nvm just google nhd.
i did it last year, so im not a last minute person on these things (i am on other things though)

ps acually i watsed time tring to convert this to portable.
but i gave up and said "i really dont know what im doing"

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-08 11:49
uh no,this is ot last

uh no,this is ot last minute
nhd is not an asignment
well for advance class (me) it is, but i did it last year, so im not doing last minute stuff on nhd.

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-08 11:49
opps sorry bout double post.

opps sorry bout double post.

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-11 15:06
Why don't you download an

Why don't you download an evaluation of thinstall or ceedo? Maybe one of them will work easily.

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-08 23:19
I *might* have a solution for you

Hey yukfard.

I just wanted to let you know that I took a stab at this via my portablizing launcher JauntePE (JPE). I got everything to run okay. Not perfect, but I got the 2 included sample scenes to run their video (not sure if they have audio, if so, then that didn't work.)

JPE is freeware but is not open-sourced. So, take that into consideration.

Assuming your target Windows version is 2000 or newer. JPE does not run on 9x systems. If it is 2K or newer, then here's the steps necessary to recreate what I did. I've created a zip for you that includes all of the JPE files plus the directory structure necessary to get this run properly. You can find that at

During my testing, I got everything set up within an XP folder, installing via JPE, making sure that no registry entries were made and that no system folders were modified. I did have to manually unpack the msxml4 msi that comes with OpenLibraries because JPE doesn't yet support the MS Installer service.

I then tested from this setup and got everything working okay with the 2 supplied scenes. Except I couldn't get sound. I wasn't sure if this was a portability issue or if those scenes just didn't have sound.

BTW, despite what's been posted earlier, there were a few registry keys that got trapped out, all in the HKLM key. The zip includes a .reg file of what they were. This is what JPE uses as its portable registry. Surprisingly, Jahshaka created its own registry key and stuffed its settings in the registry as well.

Anyway, the only issue that came up was that I could not get the media folder to correctly work from a redirected system folder. So, you'll have to change that, or simply browse to the correct folder, to select your media to run.

I then copied everything over to another directory on my XP machine w/o problems and had no problems getting the 2 example scenes to run as before, other than the previously mentioned problem of the having to locate the media directory.

I then copied everything over to a 2K virtual machine and did run into problems, with the app crashing shortly after its splash screen had gone away. I'm not sure if this is a 2K issue, a 2K w/o service packs issue (it's a clean install), a virtual machine issue, or a JPE portability issue.

Sorry, that's the best I can do as far as testing goes. I don't have access to any other machines.

Now, onto what you need to do in order to try this out for yourself.

Assuming you unzipped onto drive E:, using directory expansion, you can skip steps 1 through 6. If on another drive, then you need to do the following (where Secret is the current drive letter of the device you unzipped onto):

  • Browse to x:\JahshakaPortable\ProgramFiles\Jahshaka
  • Start JauntePE.exe
  • Press the 's' key
  • In the "Runtime" edit field, change the 3 E: entries to Secret
  • Select OK or press the Enter key
  • Exit JauntePE (Alt+F4 or the titlebar close button)

Do not muck around with anything within JauntePE - this is my current build version which has a bunch of untested stuff in it. So doing anything else could very easily break your app's proper execution.

Now you need to copy your already installed Jahshaka installation over to the portable directory structure. Each directory that you need to populate has a readme.txt which lists out the contents that need to go there. They're all pretty straightforward full folder copies, except for the Windows/System directory. Its contents needs to come from the
Windows/system32 or similarly named directory.

  • Copy all of the installed gtk2 folder's contents over to the x:\JahshakaPortable\ProgramFiles\gtk2 directory.
  • Copy all of the installed Jahshaka folder's contents over to the x:\JahshakaPortable\ProgramFiles\Jahshaka directory.
  • Copy all of the installed mlt folder's contents over to the x:\JahshakaPortable\ProgramFiles\mlt directory.
  • Copy all of the OpenLibraries folder's contents over to the x:\JahshakaPortable\ProgramFiles\OpenLibraries directory.
  • Copy the necessary Windows/system32 dlls, that came with the JahShaka install, over to the x:\JahshakaPortable\Windows\System directory. See the readme.txt in the target directory for the dll needed.

Once you're done with all of the copying, browse to the x:\JahshakaPortable\ProgramFiles\Jahshaka folder and re-start JauntePE.exe. Then Either press Enter or double-click on the Jahshaka icon to start the portablization run of Jahshaka. Hopefully everything starts up and runs for you as it did for me.

If everything works out okay, and you go to another machine where the drive's drive letter changes, then you'll need to repeat steps 1 through 5 above before running Jahshaka via the JPE launcher. You can also edit the JauntePE_launchPad.ini file directly. But do this before running JPE. The paths that need to be modified are in the DLLPath key of the [Launch] section. Just change the 3 drive letters, save and exit, and then start JauntePE.exe.

If you try this and have any problems and would like to pursue this some more, feel free to email me at yahoo (same username as here.)

p.s. Don't upx any of the JPE executables. The exe is already upx'd and the dlls will funk up the app if they're upx'd. That's because they get injected into the app's process and then hook the system apis used for registry and file system usage. You might also have some software malware flags because of this.

Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-22 15:12
Is anyone still trying to get this

Is anyone still trying to get this portable, this looks very good though GUI could do wil a little make over?

I keep searching for animation software that's open source, maybe one will be portablle one day?

roamer's picture
Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-21 16:01
Did you try a wiki search?

OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.

Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-22 15:12
Yes I have seen all those -

Yes I have seen all those - None portable though ...

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