Since upgrading to 14.3 Google Chrome opens new unnecessary windows from e-mail links. Also new tabs are not functioning as before. I did not have this problem until the upgrade!
New: Attribute Changer (Mar 6, 2025), Platform 29.5.3 (Jun 27, 2024)
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If you pass links into Google Chrome Portable, you must associate with GoogleChromePortable.exe using a third party utility. Associating within the app will break things and is never supported.
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Can you suggest where I might find such a utility?
I haven't tested them myself unfortunately. Let me take a look tomorrow. Maybe I should just build the feature into the platform.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
It would be helpful. I like the way the PA opens up Chrome so quickly...But its a no go with the missing associations.
I think I first installed the PA a couple of months ago. It worked w/o the extra windows opening. Is there a link to the older versions, for now?.....Thanks
Old releases are available on SourceForge project. I would not recommend using an older version of Chrome (or any browser) as it has security issues.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I was referring to older versions of The Portable App. As I mentioned, since the latest update (14.3)... external links open in a new window instead of new tabs. Still searching for a solution.
Older versions of Chrome would have security issues. There were no changes to the GoogleChromePortable.exe launcher with the release and the platform doesn't interact with opening links at all at present.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I have reinstalled 14.3 and Chrome suddenly opens in 2 extra windows...external links open in Tabs (as they should). It's working great! I'm wondering why this is suddenly the case, and what I did right? Also, can I assume I'll be notified when there is an update to Chrome through the app?
Thanks Much!