So I'm pretty confident my last install of Portable Chrome was via:
I did not have & do not want the traditional Portable Chrome installed alongside it..
I went to check the About just to ensure it was 64 bit after using it for awhile & noticed it's showing 32 bit..
Does the PA installer/updater overwite the 64 bit build with 32 bit if I ever let it update?
No, the updater won't overwrite the 64-bit build, provided you've installed the 64-bit to the default directory (\GoogleChromePortable64), or to any non-standard directory name.
However, If you've manually elected to install the 64-bit build to \GoogleChromePortable the updater will likely overwrite with the 32-bit build, as that's the default directory for the 32-bit build.
That was it.. not sure why I decided to change that..
I can imagine maybe why but it's dumb..
Haha.. thanks for pointing that out -D