After latest automatic update of portable apps platform I receive this error. Already installed latest version 15 over it but nothing changed. Access violation at address 0056640C in module 'PortableAppsPlatform.exe'. Read of address 000001D0.
New: Attribute Changer (Mar 6, 2025), Platform 29.5.3 (Jun 27, 2024)
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After latest automatic update of portable apps platform I receive this error. Already installed latest version 15 over it but nothing changed. Access violation at address 0056640C in module 'PortableAppsPlatform.exe'. Read of address 000001D0.
"include system details (OS version, 32 vs 64-bit, install path, new vs upgrade, etc)."
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Same thing here, somethimes it shows this information window...
Win7 SP1 x64 Eng
Vc Redist - All Latest
.Net 4.7.2
DirectX Jun 2010
Portable Apps platform - 15.0.1 Eng
These issues could be related to the touch components in their entirety. I was able to recreate this error exactly once on Windows 10 x64 but never after that and without doing anything differently. I could not recreate it under Windows 7. I have 15.0.2 built and coming out today which will likely have no change under Windows 7. Please let me know to be sure at that point. After that, I'll do a custom build with the touch components stripped out entirely for you to test.
Any additional system bits you think could be relevant?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
"Any additional system bits you think could be relevant?"
Avast Antivirus?
Downloading And Installing 15.02, i will report bugs - if any...
get for example - access violation at address 005665EC in module 'portableappsplatform.exe' read of address 00000100 - right now, then again not for 10 times, then it shows up again. several computers and setups, mostly WIN7/64 and WIN10/64, and only since past few weeks.
after the error mssg, the PAplatform (15.0.2) runs just fine, incl all progs in it. nothing slower or with errors, nothing obviously different.
greetings - heinz -
Could you please try a clean install temporarily to the Desktop directory on the affected machines? That way we can determine if it is one of your apps that is involved as the platform tries to display it.
Also, do you have anything altered in the OS? Something standard that's part of Windows that is disabled?
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... when i said ''several computers and setups'', i was trying to say that using the PAplatform from a USB stick that error showed up on several different computers, mine and others. and since it really is irregular, there is no way of knowing in advance when it will happen. a clean install i could do on another USB stick, but not on the desktop of computers that are not mine.
''... we can determine if it is one of your apps that is involved as the platform tries to display it ...'' - doubt it. the error comes up well BEFORE any app is used, just when the platform opens and the sliding bar reaches its end.
in the background, the platform actually shows up, and clicking away the error mssg, everything continues normally.
there in no really new app on my list, only the ones i have been using for years - but naturally with the latest updates. a loooong list, some 100++ of them.
greetings - heinz -
The sliding bar means that the platform is polling all of your apps and attempting to load all of the icons from them into an image array. That's why I wanted you to do a clean platform to determine if one of your apps has a corrupted icon that is causing the platform to throw the error. Do you have many apps from outside out app directory?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
. >> platform is polling all of your apps ...
. >> attempting to load ... icons ... into an image array
is that array just in memory, or physically somewhere? can i look at it? or is there something like a log?
. >> a clean platform to determine if one of your apps has a corrupted icon
and then re-install some 100+ of them one by one? and everytime do at least 100 starts to find the 10% where the error shows up? impossible ... would take years.
. >> Do you have many apps from outside our app directory?
some, but not many. and no new ones since 6+ months - whereas the error only showed up past 6 weeks or so.
for the time being, i will just live with it. since it doesnt seem to affect the running of any progs, i will just consider it a 'cosmetic' error. not worth a headache - neither for me, neither for you.
greetings - heinz
Like most arrays, it's in memory only. There's no logging for it.
The error would only show up with the release of 15.x and up as we switched compilers to a more modern one to be able to do things like high DPI displays.
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I noticed I started getting the same error message. So far, it has only happened after reboot (which I do only once a week). If I close PortableApps and just run it again, I can't reproduce the issue.
OS: Windows 7 32-bit
Install Path: SSD root in external USB 3.0 enclosure
No. of Apps Installed: 108
Notes: No apps referenced outside the PortableApps directory.
Could those affected please try this test fix build: [removed, please try beta]
Close your Platform. In your PortableApps\ directory, rename your existing PortableAppsPlatform.exe to PortableAppsPlatformOfficial.exe. Then unzip the PortableAppsPlatform.exe from the zip above to the same location. Then start your platform. The only change is a fix for some freeing of objects that I think may have been causing the issue for some users.
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Test Fix doesn't work (for me). Things become even "worse": for consecutive launches app works but still shows access violation error dialog.
Win7 64bit.
Edit: As previous commentator said: original issue has only happened once after reboot.
For users experiencing this issue, please try the just-released Platform 16.0 Beta 1. You can update it via the automatic updater or download the installer from the Platform Beta page. This may cause additional errors for you, but it will also enable you to use logging. Logging can be enabled by manually editing your INI file. Once enabled, start the platform and when the error occurs, do not close it. Explore to your PortableApps\ directory and open the PortableAppsPlatform.log file. You can then paste the log here to let us know when the error occurs for you.
If the beta causes additional errors to appear for you and you'd like to then switch back to the stable 15.0.2 release, you can download it from the Download page and then install it over your current copy. Just select custom path and then the directory containing your Start.exe file.
UPDATE: Beta 2 has the option directly in the Advanced Options tab. So if your platform starts after the first crash after a reboot or after clicking through, you don't have to manually edit the INI file.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
It's been two weeks since the beta has come out and none of the users experiencing this issue have reported back. 16 will be going stable soon.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Windows 10 64-bit (Build 17134)
Installation path: D:\My Apps Portable\PortableApps\PortableApps\\PortableAppsPlatform.exe
After shutting down PortableApps via taskmanager and restarting the program, the message no longer appears. This seems to happen exclusively after the first initial windows boot.
Could you please enable logging and let me know at what point you see the message in terms of the log. I know what the error looks like and how to reset it. I don't know what's causing it yet. I built logging in specifically for this but, thusfar, no one will enable and report back to help narrow down the error.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Could you please repost the instructions on how to enable logging ? The link "manually editing your INI file" provided in post #15 is dead: "Page Not Found (404 Error)". Thanks.
I updated the link. It's unnecessary now as it's built right into the Advanced tab in Platform 16b2
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thanks a lot. I've activated the "Log platform events to a text file" option in the Advanced tab menue. Rebooted windows but was unable to reproduce the error. This seems tricky as the message seems to appear sporadically. Should a detailed log file become available, I will post an update in this thread.
Thanks! If and when you get the message again, don't click to close it. Go and open the log file at that point and paste it here within PRE tags. That way we'll know at what point during the load the error occurs (loading a theme, loading a specific app, loading a locale, displaying the app icons, etc).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Cannot seem to find this issue anywhere so here it is....My BIOS is corrupt hence my PC is....
maniadriveportable.exe when started and being added to platform infected at least 15 other files on USB and platform. Meanwhile corrupting my BIOS ...still cannot get usb recognition from BIOS menu-locks me up "SecurityBoot Fail" with padlock wish you had a place to address this, I use Bitdefender total security , win 10 home etc etc. a place to put screen shots would help and not take as much room as lines upon lines of text. I'm ticked and spreading the word. D
Must say, getting less errors with 16.0.Beta2, only one this afternoon. Here is the log file in a moment of error:
Usually it occur when i close Chrome and swiftly try to start Portable Apps from taskbar shorcut (in less than 100ms)... Once a day, cant reproduce it every time...
Pre tags added - mod GC
Since I don't see Chrome in your list there, that would be regular Google Chrome, yes? 32-bit or 64-bit?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Cent Browser, chromium fork, natively portable, non P.A. application, 64-bit...
Just minute ago, there was no error but log is some kind of abnormal:
Pre tags added - mod GC
Another Error message today, i hope this will help to solve this problem:
Complete log shows "Calculating drive free space" twice (2x)?
i'm runing PA platform from regular hd, second partition dedicated to PA and its apps (D:), not a flash disk...
How big is the drive and how much free space does it have? Do the numbers show correctly in the platform?
I may add more like entries in the beta next week to help narrow this down
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Explorer: 115 GB Free of 119 GB
PA Launcher: 116 GB Free of 120 GB
C: (System)
D: (Portable Apps)
E: (Data)
Desktop screenshot:
Log file:
Windows 10 Home (64-bit) (Build 17134)
Install Path:
D:\My Apps Portable\PortableApps\PortableApps\\PortableAppsPlatform.exe
Windows on C:
Free Disk Space on D:
240GB of 391GB Free (see screenshot) - checked D: disc size via Windows Explorer (240GB of 390GB Free) and the App seems to show the correct size data
Other Programs running while the error ocurred: Windows Explorer and Mozilla Firefox Quantum v. 62.0.3 (64-bit)
Cannot close the error message. When clicking on the PortableApps Icon in the task bar, the PortableApp Gui appears for milliseconds and then disappears again. Have to use the taskmanager or right click on the system tray icon to close the app.
Kept the app with the error running in the background for a while and 'Calculating drive free space' is logged several times. Probably due to the fact that I clicked on the icon a couple of times .... ? Shutting it down now.
I've identified two individual folders (not the one with the PortableAppsPlatform.exe in it) on my D: HDD drive today which currently display the wrong disc size when I'm checking via Windows Explorer (9GB instead of 54GB f.e.). The total number of reported free disc space is correct though.
According to this thread it's a known Windows bug since the 1803 version which hasn't been fixed yet:
Wondering if the issue could be related to the PortApps error message in any way ...?
i'm running Win 7 x64 and i got that error message too! What theme/color are you using? DefaultDark/Grey is my combination...
Thanks for your reply. I honestly should have paid more attention to the OS you've mentioned. Sorry! This really busts my little theory that it could be related to a specific Windows version. Fixed my folder disc size problem in Post #32 by reducing the path length to a mimimum of 260 characters.
PortApp Gui ? "Default Light" and in the dropdown menue "Black/Black"
Similar but not the same theme/color, we can also dismiss this as the cause of all these trouble ...
John, I just encountered the error here.
My log follows.
Standard install location, G: drive, USB hard drive.
Win 10 x64, October 2018 update.
Nothing else running from the drive, the only application running was a local Netflix application.
[EDIT] Platform version: 16.0B2
The log makes this appear as though the error happened following the app list being processed due to the time it took to open the log file upon the error occurring; however, the error popped up either immediately upon launching the menu via Start.exe, or at some point prior to app list processing completing closer to the start of the processing.
I was able to watch app list processing complete with the error open.
See below.
Is a solution in sight? It is really annoying, I get the error message like 50% of the time. And when I don't directly click 'OK' but somewhere else, I need to restart PA. Usually when it happens, it keeps coming back on PA restarts until 'OK' is pressed. After that, I could restart PA as much as I want and the error stays away until Windows reboot and then, again, the error could pop-up on PA start (50% chance).
Windows 10 Enterprise (1803) Build 17134
PA Platform 16.0! (Dec 06, 2018)
I don't know if hardware info is relevant (for similarity purposes?):
Intel i7-7700K (Kaby Lake)
MSI MoBo with Z270 chipset
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
Sound BlasterX AE-5
Windows runs on: Samsung SSD 960 PRO 512GB
I occasionally get this error from Portable Apps Platform: Platform
Access violation at address 00566CE4 in module
'PortableAppsPlatform.exe'. Read of address 000001D0.
The access violation address is slightly different than others have reported.
Exact same error on Platform version 16.0.0 and 16.0.1, with the same values.
Just started happening about a couple months ago. Happens once in a while, not all the time.
Only happens when launching the platform when it is not loaded.
Windows 7 64-bit. Default install path. Platform has been upgraded for years; IIRC since version 12.x.
After opening and closing the app a large number of times, I finally figured out that the error occurs when you hover the mouse over any right hand side menu item almost immediately after opening the app. Hope this helps you to reproduce and fix the issue.
PA 16.0.1
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.475]
As Thejaka mentioned, this error appears only if your mouse is over the PortableApps window during the initial loading. Maybe it's due to the app trying to show a tooltip but failing due to a race condition of the app currently loading? Anyway, the issue is completely avoidable if you just don't move your mouse cursor over the PA window until the initial loading of apps is complete.
This issue is still present in v18.0.1
I can't reproduce it via this method. Are there more details on reproducing? Specific OS and version? Specific area of the menu to be over?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
The problem still exists. Is this a regression?
Bug 64325 has been merged into this and has some additional information.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I've just encountered this bug while launching PortableApps Platform:
Access violation at address 01088E60 in module 'PortableAppsPlatform.exe'. Read of address 000001D8.
I've also encountered similar bug multiple times on Windows 10 x64 machine: "Access violation at address 00338E60 in module 'PortableAppsPlatform.exe'. Read of address 000001D8". Appears randomly during startup of the PortableAppsPlatform.
Access violation at address 00B08E60 in module 'PortableAppsPlatform.exe'. Read of address 000001D8.
Access violation at address 0047C650, Read of address 000001E0.
Latest update, Windows 10 x64 LTSC 21H2 19044.3448
I will keep an eye on this and update post after any future update.
EDIT: Fixed in
I installed the latest version for a friend on a new laptop with a clean Windows 10 and got the same issue. Solution is to download previous platform here ( and open it within 7Zip, then extract with overwrite only Start.exe file. Once the Start.exe is from 26.3.1. I have no issues anymore, and what's best the update does not ask to update, so I can update my apps. Hope it helps in debug.
I'd tried compiling in Delphi XE2 in the 27.0 beta and stable. I've switched it to the modern Delphi 12 compiler as used in the platform proper with 27.0.1.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Sorry to reopen this old thread. I've been getting the Application Error "The instruction at XXXXX referenced memory at XXXXX. The required data was not placed into memory because of an I/O error status of 0xc000000e. Click on OK to terminate the programme" whenever I shutdown.
I've got Win 10 and Win 11 PC's all using the PortableAppsPlatform installed on my Google drive. The error message only appears when I shutdown (regardless of which OS is on the machine). The shutdown hangs until I click OK.
On start up or restart, PortableAppsPlatform works perfect, right until I try to shutdown.
If I close PortableAppsPlatform before I shutdown there is no error message and I can shutdown without error message like normal.
This started during the 26.x versions and by the time I noticed the error message happening everything I had upgraded version (direct to the Google Drive) and when I started another PC, Google Drive syncs and the error started on shutdown, so I can't say which 26.x version it was when it started.
I've tried moving all my apps out of the Google Drive, removed the PortableAppsPlatform folder and reinstalled the current version (at that time), moved my apps back and PortableAppsPlatform showed them all again, but when I shutdown the error message appeared again.
When I found this thread I saw the posts saying about getting the logs when the error occurred, but with this happening once shutdown has started I can't get at the log file as described.
Right now I've on version 28.0.1 and update everytime I'm prompted.
Not sure what more info I can provide, but hopefully you guys can guide me.
Many thanks.
--------------------------- Platform
Access violation at address 00EBC650 in module 'PortableAppsPlatform.exe'. Read of address 000001E0.
Just installed the Platform on the
drive of this laptop today. It was version29.5.0
. I already had a few apps installed in their respectiveC:\PortableApps\<AppNamePortable>
folders, which I had previously been updating manually. They were all already up to date when I installed the Platform today. I exited the Platform (answered "No", I do not want it to try to close apps when I close the menu).A little while later, I launched the Platform menu again, and it asked me to update to 29.5.1, which I allowed it to do. I was surprised it didn't relaunch automatically at the end. Am I mis-remembering that it used to do this?
When I was pretty sure it was done, I manually relaunched it (from Windows Explorer), then used the Platform updater/installer to install a couple more apps, exited the Platform, used one of the new apps (launched manually from Windows Explorer), exited it, then launched the Platform again from the Start menu, by typing out
and pressing Enter. This is the point where I got the error message.I have since launched and exited the Platform several times, both from Windows Explorer and the Start menu, and even from the command prompt, and have been unable to reproduce the issue, but I thought you would want a report, in case something I reported might be able to help track down the issue.
Here is my device and Windows version info copied from the Windows Settings app (and slightly redacted), as well as the full content of the error message captured by pressing Ctrl+C:
The error appears when the portableapps launcher window opens in the place on the screen where the program shortcut is located start.exe . If the launcher opens and closes the shortcut, this error pops up. Move the label to another location.
ps. most likely it is connected with the cursor from the mouse...
ps. Yes, if the launcher appears above the mouse pointer, then an error appears.
I can confirm this is the cause by circling the mouse in the area where the platform will appear. I haven't yet narrowed it down to what specifically but will work on this when I'm back in the office.
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