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Skype upgrade to sPortable doesn't work

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Skype upgrade to sPortable doesn't work

The upgrade from Skype to sPortable via the platform doesn't work. It fails with this message:

Will Rubin
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
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Can't help but I can confirm

Can't help but I can confirm this same error on two more machines from two completely separate networks.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 33 min ago
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Location and MD5

What country/location are you in?

When you download this file:

What is the MD5 of it? You can use md5sum or similar to calculate it. It should be 1170434d7324228be3a258cbe60a5033 and is every time I download it here in the US in NYC.

Skype distributes modified versions of its software in some countries. Israel I know for one. Some have theorized that this is to allow governmental monitoring.

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Same issue in UK

I'm in the UK and I am getting the same issue.

I got the MD5 for the Skype msi file using winMd5sum and it is 267edeafdb089c32b641b8c6b0159f6c.

NO WAIT I am an idiot that is the MD5 for the winmd5sumportable install file D'oh the MD5 for skype is 1170434d7324228be3a258cbe60a5033.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 33 min ago
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That's the correct MD5. If you download sPortable directly in your browser (not via the platform) and run it do you get the same error?

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Works as a stand alone download


I have downloaded and run the sPortable_7.34.0.102_online.paf.exe installer and it has upgraded Skype.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 33 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
fixed database

It turns out the entry in the update database for existing users had the wrong md5 on the download. It's been updated and should be working now. Apologies for the mix up.

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SKYPE or whatever it is called now

yes, the latest version now at least updates, but it erases the desktop icon i had set up for it, and does not have a new one for replacement. also, it does not seem to be called SKYPE anymore, but sPortable - any idea why?

greets - heinz -

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 33 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Setup a new one

Just create a new shortcut to sPortable.exe on your desktop. The old SkypePortable.exe you had a shortcut to doesn't exist anymore, which is why the shortcut disappeared. Once you've created a shortcut to sPortable.exe, you can rename it to Skype and change the icon to the one in skype.exe within the app if you'd like. The name was changed due to licensing and trademark policy reasons, much as when Java Portable was changed to jPortable after Oracle bought Sun.

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tks john for the quick reply.

tks john for the quick reply. one major disadvantage of 35+ years working with computers is thinking one knows it all, incl all nooks and corners - turns out not to be true in many cases. specially when sideways influences like 'copyright and licensing issues' show up.

did as you said, all fine now. only, if i decide to erase the folder with the old version, as suggested, my icon is gone again. but now i know why, so i will be prepared! life is never dull ...

greetings - heinz -

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Hey guys, this might be

Hey guys, this might be related, after update, I cannot find Skype anymore, I have a shortcut to SkypePortable/SkypePortable.exe

What's going on?

EDIT: Ok, seems like the name has changed, managed to got it sorted, it's sPortable... very intuitive.
Anyone knows why the name change?

Gord Caswell
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Skype does not work after the

Skype does not work correctly after the update. OS: Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate x64
The statuses of users are not displayed, notifications are not received, new messages are not visible. Version

Skype on my smartphone works without problems.

UPD 2017-04-11:
I returned to version (D:\PortableApps\PortableApps\sPortable\Data\SkypePortableBackup)
Everything works without problems. Messages can be received, statuses are displayed.
Can I temporarily disable the update check for Skype only in the PortableApps Platform?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 33 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Working Here

I just tested sPortable and it is working on both my Windows 10 machine that has Skype locally and my Windows 7 vm without Skype ever installed. In both, my own picture as well as all friend pictures and statuses show up correctly.

This topic is specifically about an original bug in the updater database that was fixed the next day, nothing about Skype functionality. If you're still having an issue after upgrading to the latest sPortable version, please post a new topic with the complete details including OS version, whether you tried a clean install of sPortable, any antivirus running, etc.

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sPortable Skype upgrade with XP doesn't work

Ever since sPortable came out can't upgrade with XP. Win7 works fine, but if flash drive moved to XP machine Skype will not work. I upgraded non-portable version of Skype to desktop in XP and it worked fine but it appeared to install using a special XP version of Skype. Autoupdating sPortable in PortableApps doesn't work in XP nor does deleting Skype Portable and attempting to reinstall. Suspect this is a Skype issue and may not be fixable - if so should probably not list as XP compatible. Thanks

Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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Confirmed: sPortable is not anymore XP compatible

For Win XP 32 sp3, until 7.3.8 I was able to use the following workaround: dl and run the online.paf.exe under Windows7 Starter, installation ends correctly, copy the full sPortable folder under XP, run ok.
As from today version (7.4.0) that workaround does not work anymore: when copy and run under XP, it crashes with ddl error, explained here:
That is my first contribution the fantastic project, hope it will be useful Smile

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I finally found out why sPostable doesn't install anymore on Windows XP.
The reason is that, sPostable installer requests a connection to, using the Windows XP network settings.
Unfortunately Windows XP SP3 network settings are stoned to TSL 1.0, which is disabled on, infact requires minimum TSL 1.2 .
Does anybody know how to provide TSL 1.2 support to Windows XP SP3? Any ad-hoc update to install?
Thank you

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 33 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Download Yourself

Download this file yourself and place it next to the sPortable installer and it will us it.

A later version of the platform will have an option to use a bundled curl for downloads which may work on your machine.

If you were to 'convert' your Windows XP install to POSReady (aka Windows Embedded) with a registry key, it will get patches for that OS and add in TLS 1.2 support. This may be illegal in your location so I'm not posting details here.

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Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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Simple HTTP works too

Thank you John,
your hint is very appreciated, maybe even possible to find the relative POSReady TSL 1.2 update, and apply to original XP? Will surely look into that hack!
Btw, I found out there is another workaround which is, also the simple HTTP protocol works (no TSL at all), accepts also unsecured connections alright.
If you just try , it will dl the same file alright.
So it seems to me, actually TLS is not really needed at all.
If I can suggest a possible new feature to add to the sPortable installer, and in general all Portableapps installers: in my humble opinion, it could be nice to add a feature, such as, when the installer detects a error connecting to a secured website, it could switch also to the unsecured version, and try the simple HTTP connect (and save us from that frustrating error message... Wink

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 hour 33 min ago
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POSReady, Security, Hashes

The POSReady hack does work on Windows XP. We may have a running virtual machine of it to ensure our platform and tool runs on machines with the hack. I don't recommend running XP at all these days (super insecure and vulnerable to both Spectre and Meltdown) but if you must I think the POSReady hack is one way to make it... not secure... but less insecure.

We're moving to https for everything including publisher downloads. It ensures a third party can't listen in on what you're doing and makes man in the middle attacks less likely. We may consider a fallback to http if we switch to SHA256 hashes from MD5. It's currently possible to make your own SkypeSetup_7.40.0.104.msi file that matches the existing one's MD5 so https add an additional layer of protection. It's not currently possible to make one that matches the SHA256 and is close to the same size.

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Hi, I managed to add SHA256 capability to XP, just changing 3 dll files.
The files and very simple details are here:
Unfortunately, even after successful install, and on a fully updated XP, the ugly IPHLPAPI.DLL error came out again (about which I already wrote my earlier post):
"The procedure entry point CancelMibChangeNotify2 could not be located in the dynamic link library IPHLPAPI.DLL"
It seems the newest original Skype installer does not support XP anymore.
I confirm by my side, the latest Skype installer supporting XP is the .
Unless someone can find a workaround, is seems to me the newest Skype is not anymore XP compatible.
As someone else suggested in the post, I agree it might be fair to clearly inform about that in the sPortable page, to avoid more waste of time.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 33 min ago
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We Don't Test XP

Basically any release of any app can suddenly drop XP these days, so rather than test every single version of every app in an XP virtual machine, we await users telling us. If a publisher announces it, we update, but most publishers don't bother as they long ago stopped officially supporting XP. I've updated the sPortable page to remove XP as a supported OS. I just checked and they dropped Vista as well, so I've removed that from the page, too.

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For XP enthusiasts only

Hi, amof, I'm still using XP for everything, and I will never give up on it! Smile
Now, till a couple of months ago, the Portableapp 7.38 was still working, but from now (last December), any portable version I have tested just stops, requesting a forced update.
On the other hand, bizarre as it may seem, for whatever illogical (or logical) reason, the Skype official website automatically redirects towards some desktop version for XP (a "special" 7.38 modded version perhaps?).
So you just need to download the proposed file "SkypeSetupFullXp.exe" from the proposed link, and install it:
I personally confirm, this version works on a default Windows XP SP3.
As of my knowledge, that is the only Skype which works for XP (no matter how you may have updated your XP so far...)
So I was wandering, in case that might be of interest for the community:
- Can someone make a Portableapp version out of that "SkypeSetupFullXp.exe"?
Thanks Wink

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Skype classic 7 stopped working

Skype classic (both portable and desktop) forces update to 8. How to stop it?

Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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Microsoft forces upgrade to Skype 8.x

It would seem that the Skype servers over in Microsoft's neck of the woods are refusing connections from Skype 7.x clients now, thus forcing the upgrade to the current version.

Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2019-01-25 13:56
Yup. I'm going to start a new

Yup. I'm going to start a new thread to explain what I did to "recover" my Skype chat from portable, etc.

Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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For XP enthusiasts - alternative

Hi, I also confirm by me too, Skype doesn't work anymore, even the XP version I wrote before, it keeps saying can't connect.
Out of desperation, today I spent half day trying to find a substitute, an alternative to Skype...
Finally I found it.
I don't know if it's correct to post my finding here, but I will try: Viber 6.1.1 Desktop for PC.
Believe me, I tried all the alternatives I could google of, that is the only one which worked on XP.
I just found out that it's not possible to make a PortableApp without consent of the author, but at least now if someone is completely lost, you know what alternative works...

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