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Help wanted by creating an portable app

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PabstBlueRibbon's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2017-12-15 11:51
Help wanted by creating an portable app

Hello everybody,

I would like to learn creating an portable application. Despite the detailed information on this website and some tutorials elsewhere on the internet I find it very hard to understand because of problems with my concentration and attention span. (Yes, ADHD...) I understand the concept, however I get confused by the many tweaks I have to enter into the ini-files. I know all the information needed is described in the manual, but by seeing hundreds of tweaks needed to be entered for a correct ini-file it gets unorganized and confused.

So I would like to ask if someone here wants to do it with me. My idea is to do it in several steps and each step in a different post. Step one can be like preparing yourself having the right format needed for PortableApps. That you understand the construction and the function for each map. (For me personally this is quite clear.)

+ App
+ AppInfo
+ FileTypeIcons
+ AppName
+ DefaultData
+ Data
+ Other
+ Help
+ Images
+ Source

Probably the explanation will be then quite similar as in here, but here it is one very large text which makes me drown in all the information I need to understand.

So if you would like to help me (and others) I really appreciate it!


Perhabs it's fun to use a freeware game for this. What about Curse Of Issyos from Locomalito?

When you check its homepage you can check it's legally free to download. It's a retro-style action/adventure platform game. The design, the graphics and the programming is done by one guy (Locomalito) from Spain: I'm impressed by his creativity. The music is composed by a friend of him: Gryzor87. For that he used the free software pxTone Collage, especially designed for creating music and sound FX similar to 8bit and 16bit retro games.

My choice goes for this because I like it and I would like to have it in an Portable Apps format. Also because in regular format I experience problems with the icon. So I can make a contribution as well making a tutorial how to design an icon file with The GIMP. Using The GIMP probably ain't the easiest way for creating icons. However it gives you more insight how icon-files are actually constructed and how to create good looking results for 24/32 bit images resp 8 bit images.

Peppernrino's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2016-09-05 13:42

For the app I am currently portablizing, I used GIMP with NoHalo option in upscaling to make the larger (75px and 128px) .png files. Cubic for downscaling.

While using GIMP, I noticed the 48x48 icon file included with the original app had a couple of image pages, and wasn't oriented properly... also the canvas size was too large. I opened the icon file with Greenfish Icon editor and created and exported another icon file from it. You can see a pixel-to-pixel comparison more clearly with this method. Smile

Last seen: 2 years 4 days ago
Joined: 2019-01-29 17:03
I am also a new user making portable apps

I made two portable apps so far but haven't posted any of them online because I haven't tested them properly. The process is pretty easy if you read 10 - 20 pages of the documentation. If you want to collaborate on making a portable app, let me know and give me a link to your github repo. I would be happy to contribute on your repository.

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