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VSCodium Portable 1.0.0 Latest Dev Test 1

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Makazzz's picture
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VSCodium Portable 1.0.0 Latest Dev Test 1

Application: VSCodium
Category: Development
License: MIT
Language: Multilingual
Description: VSCodium is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications with binary releases of Visual Studio Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing.

*** WARNING ***: Do not use this paf.exe on a old offline install of mine (just to be sure) and move your data manually after installation.

Download VSCodium Portable 1.0.1 Latest Development Test 1 [1.06MB download / 490MB installed]
(MD5: 5b7cc3e95de7805f1d96b7b722d563cd)
(SHA-1: a3229422c4ac7166dda777e088ac8700bfeb853f)
(SHA-256: 89138df3c8ded17922f2906668ca80552436bd7fd19945015d18e043180f998f)

VirusTotal: One false positive

Online install: With this paf.exe you can now keep it and when a new version is available you will now get the update of the app! The only need to redownload here is if I do some change.

Bitdefender issue: If you use this app in a 32 bit computer with Bitdefender installated, the anti-malware protection will stop it and block it. So put it in the exception list.

Project: GitHub

Release Notes:

1.0.0 Latest Dev Test 1 (2019-10-22): Change for online install and always download the latest version of VSCodium
1.38.1 Dev Test 1 (2019-10-11): Update base app and now shipped 32/64 bit in the same paf.exe
1.36.1 Dev Test 1 (2019-07-20): Update base app + 64 bits version
1.36.0 Dev Test 1 (2019-07-04): Update base app
1.35.1 Dev Test 1 (2019-06-14): Update base app + Preserve data folder + bugfix
1.34.0 Dev Test 1 (2019-05-26): Only ia32 version with the build in portable mode of the app
1.34.0 Dev Test 1 (2019-05-19): Initial release

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Does VS Code Require .NET Framework?

I'm not aware VS Code require .NET Framework.
How did you infer VSCodium requires it?

Makazzz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Link of requirement

In this link it is saying that you need .NET Framework for using VSCode. And because VSCodium is a new build like a clone of VSCode... I think this is needed but I can check in a VM if needed.

EDIT: I checked in Win 7 and without the .NET (4.5.7) it is working so... I will remove the Requirement section and check if someone is saying that something is needed.

Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment

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Portable Mode

By the way, Are you using the Portable Mode flags of VS Code?

You can read about it at -

Makazzz's picture
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I am using the portable mode that the Portableapps.comFormat is using (like the folder "VSCodium" in the %APPDATA% and the "extensions" folder in %USERPROFILE%\.vscode-oss\extensions is now in the VSCodiumPortable/Data/VSCodium/extensions and more.

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Built In Portable Mode

I'd rather have the Built It Portable mode enabled.
No need to move data around. It makes no sense if the program allows you to prevent this.

Makazzz's picture
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Second version

I prefer do it in the Data folder but I can make this portable version in a 2.0 package if you want. So the people will be able to choose what way they want the data folder located.

Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment

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User Configurable Is Perfect

I think the best option would be allowing the user to set this as you suggested.

It will be greatly appreciated.

Thank You.

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 11 min 5 sec ago
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If the app itself gives you

If the app itself gives you an easy and usable way to redirect data then that is (almost) always the best way to do it. It will reduce startup and close times of the app by not having to move files around the computer, especially as the app's data grows in size.

The PortableApps way of doing it should be considered a standard way to support apps that don't let you do it internally.

While this is an app targeted at more technical users, we usually aim for less situations where a user has to choose or do something to make their app work right (and then possibly remember that action or choice in the future).

Gord Caswell
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Release Methodology

Further to this, in the event this application is released here officially, I can confidently say that the implementation used would use the application's built-in portable mode rather than using a filemove using AppDate, both for simplicity and speed.

Makazzz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Didn't know about

Didn't know about the start and close time about it etc. I will bulding it tomorrow.

Thanks for everyone for the improvement of this development Smile

EDIT: One thing; If I do it with the portable mod built in, it maybe a problem if someone open the app in a ia32 computer the app will use the settings from the ia32 and not the x64 version where is the data used with a computer of x64 from the beginning.

There is two ways to solve this
1. Copy/Paste in the other app folder and launch in a ia32 computer (not really friendly)
2. Only use the ia32 version of the app for max compatibility and resolve this problem but I don't know if the app is less perfoming or slower.

EDIT 2: I am creating a new build with the portable mod from the app itself and with a ia32 version only (so no Data folder used). It will be ready tomorrow.

Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 11 min 5 sec ago
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32-bit only should be fine

Most times 64-bit versions won't give you a noticeable performance improvement.

For something like this the only real limitation may be that the 64-bit version could possibly open bigger files, but if a single file of code is that big you are probably doing something wrong.

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64 Bit Only Is Great

I'd vote for 64 Bit Only flavor.
I don't see people running it on 32 Bit systems (At least not significant number of users).
On the other hand, we need all the good things in 64 Bit (Handling more memory, security, etc...).

I'd appreciate if at least you create a 64 Bit only flavor of the application.

It's time to put the past behind us.
One of the reasons Windows isn't moving forward fast enough is dealing with too many compatibility issues.

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Discussed ad nauseam

As long as there are 32bit only machines out there, a 64bit version only is not portable. Please stop hijacking threads to express your opinion on 64bit apps. You can use the existing ones (there should be enough where you participated...

[further replies removed by mod JTH to avoid threadjacking]

Makazzz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Antivirus false positive

I don't know why but Bitdefender hate VSCodium.exe and VSCodiumPortable.exe (because VSCodium.exe is in his tree of launch) and it is ONLY with the ia32 FROM VSCodium and not VSCode (I checked). Each time it's saying Atc4.detection (or malware when it is not) and remove them from my system until I say restore.

EDIT: I tried to submit a report to Bitdefender website but the EXE is too large (limit of 25 mb when the file is 50 mb)... so I created a issue in the github of vscodium

And VirusTotal says that everything is fine and even Bitdefender !

Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment

Makazzz's picture
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Update of the release Dev Test 1

Only ia32 version with the build in portable mode of the app

Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment

Makazzz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Update of the release Dev Test 1

Update base app + Preserve data folder + bugfix

Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment

Makazzz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Update of the release 1.36.1 Dev Test 1

Update base app + 64 bits version

Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment

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Any Chance to Update the 64 Bit Version?

Any Chance to Update the 64 Bit Version?
Also, could you consider a 64 Bit version which always download the latest version?

Thank You

Makazzz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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I finished to create a

I finished to create a VSCodium 32 and 64 bit offline install but for online like VSCode who has permanent redirect link to the zip file... I can try to to do something about it.

Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment

Makazzz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Update of the release 1.38.1 Dev Test 1

Update base app and now shipped 32/64 bit in the same paf.exe

Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment

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Too Big

Combined package is too bug. Really.

I really hope you'll go back to the 2 different variations approach.
Also, it would be great to create online installer like in this project -

You do it once and that's it.

Makazzz's picture
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Ok I will see about it

I think I will only do 32 bit because doing 4 package will be too much and the 64 bit version do not seem to have more benefit.

About the online install; I already know about it and the problem is for VSCode is that Microsoft created official permanent and automaticly updated link when the VSCodium team does not. But I have a little website on Netlify that can redirect to every link I want (so a shortener). Then I can change the link to the new GitHub release each time there is an update.


Do you really want a:
VSCodiumPortable (Offline)
VSCodium64Portable (Offline)
VSCodiumPortable (Online)
VSCodium64Portable (Online)


Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment

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My Proposal

I think you should do only the following:

VSCodiumPortable (Online)
VSCodium64Portable (Online)

They should always download the latest version and that's it (Utilizing Portable Mode -
You code it once like Unless something is changing in the VS Code, that's it, you're covered.
Probably you won't touch it for years!

Now, in order to solve the users who wants off line installation or specific version maybe we could do some trick like that.
The installers look on its residence folder and if he see valid VSCodium file it uses it instead of downloading the latest.

I think this architecture is highly flexible for 99.9999% of users.
It also means you code it once and it just work.

Makazzz's picture
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Fine, I will try something out. Thanks for the suggestion.

Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment

Makazzz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Update of the release 1.0.0 Latest Dev Test 1

Change for online install and always download the latest version of VSCodium

Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment

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Is It 32 Bit or 64 Bit?

About the new online installer.
Is It 32 Bit or 64 Bit?
Also, Can it be used to install specific version in the manner I suggested?

Makazzz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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It is both. I know, I know...

It is both. I know, I know... But I did that because the VSCodium and VSCodium64 App folder are 434 MB together so it is not even "that big" and the biggest issue with VSCodium is the Data folder who is full of little file when using multiple extension. So it is up to the user to be careful to how much data file (so extension) you use.
(Like the App folder have 2000~ files and my data folder have 26000~ files)

Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment

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Double the Download Time, No Solution for Specific Version

The problem the current solution doubles the downloaded volume (32 + 64).
It also doesn't provide solution to install specific version.

I hope you'll integrate the features I wrote above.

Thank You.

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