I want to move my entire folder of portableapps to a new drive, but before doing that I thought I'd ask here how to do this.
I mean is it safe to just move the "PortableApps" folder to a new location or should I treat some apps individually?
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Is it OK to move the "PortableApps" folder to a new location?
November 14, 2019 - 1:58pm
Is it OK to move the "PortableApps" folder to a new location?
If you want to do like this E:\ to P:\ (so still in the root of the drive) everything will be fine. But if this is in a subfolder... (like E:\PortableApps to P:\Subfolder\PortableApps) I don't think this is a good idea.
Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment
Most apps have no issues with a folder and drive letter change. Some apps will have some small things break on a folder change.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I see. I don't think it's possible to check every app I've got because there're so many of them, so what category do you think would be more susceptible?
What do you mean?
Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment
I mean what category would be more likely to have its apps broken?
I don't think anyone could really say.
It is more about how the app is programmed, not what the app does, that would affect such things.
@Derpish, without knowing which apps you have, we won't be able to help you. Print a list of your portable apps, paste it here, and we may be able to give you more info. Generally, most apps won't break.