I'm experiencing a strange problem with GNUcash as follows:
When trying to launch the program from the portableapps menu via the usual single left click, nothing happens. I then found that using a right click and 'Run as administrator' launches the program just fine. However, sometimes, a single left click will still work.
So far, I haven't been able to establish a pattern of when the left click does/doesn't work. It seems to be random.
Any one else seen this issue or have any thoughts on why it's occurring?
I'm running Windows 10 Pro 1909, PortableApps platform 16.1.1 and GNUcash 3.10. The PortableApps platform and apps are installed on my C drive.
Paul vP
If you've enabled any bank syncing stuff, it requires admin rights to run. Always has.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thanks John. I haven't enabled any bank syncing options. At least not deliberately. I just had a look through the preferences and couldn't see anything related to syncing. Also, I was just able to launch GNUcash with a single left click. This morning it required admin rights. Weird.
Just to tie this off...
I have:
1. Uninstalled and reinstalled GnuCash portable but it still requested admin rights.
2. Uninstalled, restarted the computer then reinstalled. On first launch - no admin rights required. Subsequent launches required admin rights.
3. Run the compatibility troublshooter on the GnuCashPortable.exe file which resulted in this file being tagged to run in Windows 7 compatibility mode. This seems to have fixed the problem.
Further to this is that I run GnuCash portable on both my desktop and laptop computers, accessing the same GnuCash database. So far, I don't have any problems when using the laptop so I guess there must be something about my desktop Windows setup that is causing the problem.