I like to use Hamachi for my VPN needs (for connecting "securely" to VNC sessions, monitoring client uptime, etc). It doesn't appear that the application (still in beta) needs much, if any, modification in order to run portably. Being able to carry around a self-configuring VPN connection in my pocket would be great for finnicky NAT or Firewall.
This should (at least) get the size down.
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
As barebones a guide as that is, I managed to repack the exe and decrease its size about 43%.
I don't know what to do with the registry key(s) this program creates to manage the identity and key for encryption. I know where they are located in the registry and the program itself includes an option to "back up" the identity from the registry (it's only 2 keys) to a .reg file. Any suggestions?
I second it.
doesnt hamachi install a virtual nework adaptor? I dont see how that could be portable.
It does, but it doesn't look like it's very complex. I don't know much about how they work, but couldn't it be created for use with the program and then removed by a launcher?
Unfortunately, I don't currently have access to a computer that doesn't already have Hamachi installed on it to test if it will work.
Has anyone found a way to get hamachi portable yet?
It seems a bit hard by the way it works, but if anyone has done it I'd love to know.
Here's my upload it works to i tested it
-->(URL removed by moderator zach thibeau reason is that its an illegal package in terms that its a modification and hamachis EULA does not allow repackaging )
It has a Differnt icon
hello people
I have a way to make hamachi portable
When you start it... Portable version will check if Hamachi virtual device is installed... If not, install it and then run hamachi....
Whait until hamachi is closed...
Then uninstall it's virtual network adapter...
And the program is almost finished...
Any plz post your suggestions/comments !!!
Anyone can also contact me on:
MSN: luka8088@yahoo.com
ICQ: 303434118
YAHOO: luka8088
AIM: luka8088
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YES PLEASE. When is this going to be done. This would be the best thing ever in my opinion...
now make an application that will automatically do all that for you, within the time that it takes for hamachi to open.
luka8088 said
I have a way to make hamachi portable Smiling
When you start it... Portable version will check if Hamachi virtual device is installed... If not, install it and then run hamachi....
Whait until hamachi is closed...
Then uninstall it's virtual network adapter...
Is it possible to this do without administrator privleges on a workstation at work or university?
EDIT: Suggestion from Hamachi Forum
tiuk - http://forums.hamachi.cc...
One of the main things I use Hamachi for is running a secure proxy server for my own use (from University, work, public access points, etc). I also run a VNC server on my main computer at home that I access through hamachi since VNC is without encryption. What I've been craving was a portable version of hamachi so I could keep it on a USB flash drive, and be able to use it wherever I go. Since this either isn't possible or at least hasn't happened yet, I think I may have come up with a possible solution.
This should work well for my use, for those that use hamachi for gaming and Windows file sharing it might not be appropriate.
I'm sure most of you have heard of Damn Small Linux (http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/), and know that there is an embedded version (this means it can be booted from inside a host operating system). So I'm thinking, why not put DSL on a flash drive, with hamachi for linux installed in DSL. Then you go up to any computer, put in your flash drive, boot up DSL (from inside the OS, so boot from USB is not required), and you've got Hamachi all configured, along with a web browser, VNC viewer, and all the other programs DSL features.
I dont know how its going with your portablization of Hamachi but.
there is one out there.
at GeekOh.com.
(the links are at the bottom of the page)
I intend to live forever or die trying.
Joseph Heller
Replaced Original Post:
Seems That This Code Still Only Uses "tapinstall.exe" For Management Of The Driver So Credits To Me Arent Necessary. I Apologize If Anyone Read The Original Post And Took Offence.
Hamachi Portable:
[Link deleted by Moderator RM: Self-promotion is not allowed, with the exception of Open Source programs. Yours is not open source]
N'joy ...
Contact me if you have any problems with it...

here it is ...
[Link removed by moderator RM: See my comment.]
I managed to create a batch file that will do everything needed to make Hamchi portable.
All you need to do is install hamachi then copy everything from C:\Program Files\Hamchi into a new folder and download all the files from here. Also you need to create 3 more folders within the first one. The folder names are Networks, RSA Keys and Chat Logs.
The final layout of the folder should look like this
Folder you made
|-RSA Keys
|-Chat Logs
WARNING: the first time you run portableHamachi.bat it will show some errors, but they will disappear the next time you run it.
If you have any question go ahead and post and I will try to respond as soon as possible.
Or go to Hamachiwiki.com/Buri. it is a project I am working on with Andrew aka Zerovoid making single executable launchers for executing Hamachi from a flashdrive. all it is though is just the launcher though if you want hamachi you have to compile it and then you have portable hamachi as we have permission to do this but not to include hamachi it self
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
the link is broken
anyway you might be able to get another one ? Maybe use Mediafire ? Much appreciated.