I have a small utility I want to make portable.
It's pretty straightforward and I had the launcher working in no time.
Well.. except it doesn't work !
The reason I finaly found for it is that PAL writes the key to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\App when the registry key I want to write should go to HKLM\SOFTWARE\App ! The App reads HKLM\SOFTWARE\App that doesn't exist.
I've seen some posts about this issue but all of them very old.
Is there a workaround or am I out of luck ?
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Problem with HKLM & Wow6432Node
March 2, 2022 - 5:30am
Problem with HKLM & Wow6432Node
This is an issue with a 64-bit app. At the moment you unfortunately need to handle it with custom code with SetRegView 64. You can see this in the custom launcher code included with IrfanView Portable and ccPortable to go from.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I was afraid that was going to be you answer, but you've giving me some hope...
I'm no coder but I'll have a look at your suggestion, and who knows !
Thanks for your answer and keep on the great work.
PS: worked on the first try ! Thank you
Glad to hear it worked. I was hoping those two examples would be helpful.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!