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[Fixed] A duplicate profile was found stored in ...\App\Opera\profile

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toxi's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 2010-08-16 10:47
[Fixed] A duplicate profile was found stored in ...\App\Opera\profile

What's wrong with the profile?
A folder with the profile of one and no other profiles are not present.
Screenshot 1:
Screenshot 2:

Wm ...
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see recent thread

see recent thread
we'll need to know hat version of Opera you're on


toxi's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 2010-08-16 10:47
File version launcher.exe 41

File version launcher.exe 41.0.2353.56
Modified: 11/07/2016

OperaPortable File Version:
Modified: 11/07/2016

toxi's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 2010-08-16 10:47
I deleted the profile folder:

I deleted the profile folder:

Retain the original profile:

And Opera start without errors!
Thanks for the help


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 7 hours 56 min ago
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Not DefaulData

Don't delete DefaultData. That's only used if Data is empty.

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This is how i solved it without losing data

I noticed this.... when this error happens... looks like after upgrade, opera exports your profile data,that is browser data to app/opera/profile. Meanwhile it appears what opera uses to run is this Data/profile/data..... so after this upgrade opera exported all data from here to app/opera.... a profile data is also found here Data/profile/data but it's the default profile data. How it was when you installed it. If you delete this app/opera/profile ... although it will work, you will lose all your browsing data.
How i solved this problem and still kept my browsing data as it was just yesterday was...... i first copied this to desktop in case of error Data/profile/data. Then i moved this folder app/opera/profile/data to it ( Data/profile/data)

It said some files already exist ...i selected move and replace,that is overwrite to all......

after this ... start opera. It will work and you won't ever lose any data...browser history,cache, saved password ,add on, etc

well, i learned this after having this issue so i decided to post how i solved it. Good luck.

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Eu, após uns falhanços, resolvi este erro do seguinte modo

Na pasta do Opera pesquisei por profile. apareceram 3 pastas, eliminei uma o erro continuou, (anulei a eliminação e eliminei outra) o problema ficou resolvido.
ATENÇÂO: Quem tiver a instalação num dispositivo flash, (NÂO pode eliminar) tem que copiar para outro local para poder recuperar o estado anterior, caso não elimine a pasta certa à primeira.

Last seen: 6 days 20 hours ago
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Sorry to revive an old post

Sorry to revive an old post, but in MAY 2023 the problem remains for OperaGX!

I got this error at least 4 times so far, sometimes after the browser had crashed (or I restarted without closing it first), sometimes after the browser has been updated (by the browser itself, not by the PortableApps Manager).

Could you fix this problem permanently?.. See below for guidance.

Why are there 2x locations for the profile?

  • OperaGXPortable\Data\profile :::: this is where all my data is stored (history, bookmarks, extensions, etc)
  • OperaGXPortable\App\DefaultData\profile :::: that seems to be created after an update, I am currently running without this directory and everything is normal

The error I get is that there are duplicate profiles. So whatever fix you have done for Opera, can you do for OperaGX?

Last seen: 3 hours 53 min ago
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Not releted

I cannot help with your specific error itselt, simply because i don't use Opera at all.

But - the 2 locations you listed afterwards are not related to your error.

The profile in \DefaultData is not used during runtime. It is just a "blueprint" profile that is copied to \Data during the "installation" process when the .paf is first used to put the folders in the corresponding places. It is not used afterwards - only when you for some reason delete the \Data folder. That would reset the installation to its defaults by copying the contents of \DefaultData to \Data again.
That's simply how every App in the PA.c-format and using the PA.c-Installer/Launcher works.

Last seen: 6 days 20 hours ago
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@deep.jones: I did not take

@deep.jones: I did not take as screenshot of the error, but I do not think I made a mistake about the 2x paths being in conflict and triggering the error.

Last seen: 3 hours 53 min ago
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The PA.c Launcher does not

The PA.c Launcher does not use the path \DefaultData for runtime settings or profile.
Just because the error message speaks of two paths does not mean, the two paths you found are the ones in conflict. By design, they are not...

If you look ar other portable apps from here, you find default settings in most of them, all in their own DefaultData folder... They are part of the format.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 7 hours 56 min ago
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You need to update to the latest version from us otherwise you don't have the latest OperaGXPortable.exe launcher. Opera being able to self-update is disabled in all current releases because it is not fully portable and causes the exact issue you're describing.

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Last seen: 6 days 20 hours ago
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I believe OperaGXPortable\App

Thanks for the fast replies!

I believe OperaGXPortable\App\DefaultData\profile is created after an update, then. For now I will make this path (OperaGXPortable\App\DefaultData) as "Read-only" (hopefully it will remain like that).

Ah flip: I cannot find any setting within OperaGX where I could turn OFF the auto/self update... meh.. It is definitely enabled because it self updated already after the first run.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 7 hours 56 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Don't Change That

Don't change DefaultData as it has nothing to do with the error you're seeing. Your Opera GX Portable needs a full manual upgrade as detailed in the link above. That will update you to the current version of the OperaGXPortable.exe launcher and disable updates. There is no setting to disable updates within the app itself.

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Last seen: 6 days 20 hours ago
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From time to time the app

From time to time the app wants to be restarted "to update to the latest version", it is usually a message in the top left menu.

I just had an occurrence of the error again, this time because a crash report had been written there:
after I emptied this directory above the app opened OK.

It does make me worried, and I don't know how to stop those auto/self-updates!

Last seen: 6 days 20 hours ago
Joined: 2023-05-11 11:54
OK I have:

OK I have:
1) downloaded the latest PAF (in my case: OperaGXPortable_97.0.4719.79.paf.exe)
2) closed the OperaGX app
3) took a backup of OperaGXPortable\Data\profile (to be on the safe side)
4) launched OperaGXPortable_97.0.4719.79.paf.exe and installed it over (Manual Upgrade)

It all went OK. I hope the issue is resolved...

Last seen: 6 days 20 hours ago
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I got the error again,

I got the error again, against this path (which contained some crash report files):
so I have emptied that folder again, and switched it to "Read-only".

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 7 hours 56 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
How Launching?

How are you launching it? Did you pin it to your taskbar when running? If so, it'll try to create the profile in that location. To pin to taskbar, use the pin to taskbar function in the PA.c Platform by right clicking on Opera GX Portable. If you're trying to use Opera GX Portable as your default browser, you'll need to use a 3rd party utility to set it as such.

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Last seen: 6 days 20 hours ago
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No: I didn't pin it to the

No: I didn't pin it to the taskbar, nor defined it as the default browser. I am launching it manually each time by double-clicking on the app icon within the "OpenGXPortable" folder.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 7 hours 56 min ago
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Are you having any issues closing it or with crashes in the app or Windows?

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Last seen: 6 days 20 hours ago
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No, no issues at all, I just

No, no issues at all, I just close it after a normal session, then later on when I start it again I have this duplicate profile error coming up... I did not open that crash report files, I don't know what it is trying to report. I do see the setting "Automatically send crash reports to Opera" turned ON. Shall I turn it OFF?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 7 hours 56 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Opera Portable Bug

I think I see the issue. The Crash Reports feature isn't respecting the profile path passed to opera.exe. I'll work on a fix for tomorrow.

Edit: And a bug in Opera GX Portable that's still allowing the updater to run when in standalone mode which is also causing the issue.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 7 hours 56 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Fixed Fully

This should be fully fixed in Opera GX Portable 98.0.4759.56. I fixed the launcher so the updater stays disabled and added some extra handling to ensure cleaning that stray profile folder. In theory, the updater could be enabled and still work properly, but I'm not suggesting or supporting that. Be sure you do a full upgrade of the portable app as detailed here:

Sorry for the early issues and confusion.

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Last seen: 6 days 20 hours ago
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OK I could see that the

OK I could see that OperaGX wanted to self-update again, so I came back here and saw your messages.
I exited OperaGX and proceeded with the update through the PortableApps Updater.
After the update, when opening I got the error message again for this path (but maybe it had been generated prior to the update):
it was filed with a crash report again, which I have zipped and uploaded here (will be available for the next 30 days):
I am now running on that version: Opera GX Portable 98.0.4759.56.
If I face another error again I will come back here.
Thank you for crushing the bugs! Clapping

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