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GIMP: Lock out because of missing XLMPARSE.DLL

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Last seen: 17 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2007-03-02 09:38
GIMP: Lock out because of missing XLMPARSE.DLL

I am not amused.

I am working on a W2K station in a domain where applications are distributed by Zen.
After I used The Gimp - and yes, I let Gimp disable XMLPARSE.DLL and XMLTOK.DLL - and some time later restarting; my system wouldn't let me login to the network. Only local login was possible; to which I am not allowed..
It seems that NAL (Novell Application Launcher) needs the XMLPARSE.DLL and it couldn't find it in the path. A portion of ZEN can't start after that failure, and login is prohibited.
Since I am only a standard user I had to consult my IT-department and they had to login and since they didn't understand the problem, they decided to re-image my PC. (They didn't know about my using The Gimp; and I want to keep that so).
All local setting lost !!
How is this possible ??
My system didn't crash and The Gimp obviously did _not_ rename the XMLPARSE.DLL.disabled back to the good name !!
And even if The Gimp would always rename the files back, what if my PC crashes ??

This is very annoying, for if this happens again, I will always have to consult my IT-department.

And besides, the version of the XMLPARSE.DLL on my system is of 17-04-2002, 60 Kb (I have no XMLTOK.DLL on my system), while the version of The Gimp is 22-05-2000, 24 Kb. So it is _not_ "These can be sitting there from a long-ago upgraded or uninstalled app like the old version of Yahoo Messenger." !!
( They are newer than the ddl's used by The Gimp and they are nessecary !!
Is The Gimp really unable to work with this XMLPARSE.DLL ?? Or are XMLPARSE.DLL and XMLTOK.DLL disabled by default, not even looking at the version/date ??

It seems a very crude way to solve a problem, only causing another problem !

Anyone with similar problems ?


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 21 min 23 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

That's the way it works, unfortunately. GTK/GIMP has a conflict with the xmlparse.dll being in the system path. And there was no way around it that I've seen. It's the happiness of DLL hell.

All the launcher does is rename it and rename it back. If your system crashes, you can rename it back as well just by removing the "disabled" part of the name. Nothing else on the local system is touched. If you lost anything on your system, it was due to your PC being re-imaged (which wipes out everything on the PC including all your settings).

On the offchance that your xmlparse.dll doesn't conflict, you can let the launcher try to start anyway by answering no to rename and then yes to try running anyway.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 17 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2007-03-02 09:38
Yes, yes, yes

Hi, John.

Thanks for your quick reply (though it doesn't really help yet).
I would like to point out that in my opinion Portable Applications is a really great idea !

Yes, I know.
The loss of local settings (we use roaming profiles, so not everything was lost) was entirely due to the re-imgaging of my system. That has got nothing to do with portable apps or The Gimp. I'm completely aware of that, and I did not in any way try to blame The Gimp or portable apps !

But there remains one problem in this case. When the system crashes (and XMLPARSE.DLL.Disabled is not renamed before the crash) or one way or the other The Gimp doesn't succeed in renaming the XMLPARSE.DLL.Disabled (and that's what happened in my case) I am completely unable to login again. So I'm also unable to rename XMLPARSE.DLL.Disabled.
That's because Novell Application Launcher and ZEN need XMLPARSE.DLL to allow me to login. So everytime I run The Gimp I am at risk to having to call the IT-department because I can't login anymore.

I will try your suggestion to let The Gimp start anyway (twice). If I find that there's no conflict, I'll most surely let you know.


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 21 min 23 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Let me know

Let me know how it works out. And if it doesn't conflict, send me the .dll so I can be sure to ignore it.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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