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Chrome Portable auto creating temp folder on my SSD

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Chrome Portable auto creating temp folder on my SSD


Please tell me how to stop Chrome from automatically creating a temp folder in my C partition every time I start it, because I want all files to be in my portable folder on RAM Disk od HDD. I don't understand the purpose of portability then.

How can I be sure that everything I do while surfing on internet, chrome saves and writes in its folder?

Thank you very much forward for the answer.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 min 40 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

By default it will now due to this due to a change within Chrome itself.

You may be able to adjust this by copying the GoogleChromePortable.ini file from GoogleChromePortable\Other\Source to GoogleChromePortable and adjusting the AdditionalParameters= line to the following:


I'm unsure if Chrome still supports this option or not.

Please note that Chrome is not fully portable and will have more issues than properly portable browsers like Firefox Portable.

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Thank you very much sir,

Thank you very much sir, looks like it works, now there is no more Chrome Portable folder in C, but I can't see that is in my new location, because it doesn't appear in my new location.
Please tell me is it now full portable, or still creates something on C in secret? Where is my Chrome network trafic will go now, because my program "App Read Write Counter" tells me that Chrome writes constantly something to my new Chrome folder, but I can't see that my default folder grow in size??
Chrome writes to much data on my new location, about 1 GB per hour approx, but I can't see Chrome Default folder is growing.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 min 40 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Should be In Path

It should be in the path you indicate in the command line switch. Is it not?

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Yes it is, now Chrome is

Yes it is, now Chrome is truly portable (I think so)! I just removed all Chrome Portable files on my RAM Disk, which I created to save HDD and SSD from empty writes and for now, everything is working perfect!
I can see in resource monitor that everything happens now in Chrome Portable file location, like it should.
Thanx sir very much, you save me and my SSD. Can you please tell me which browsers are full portable, except Firefox, I didn't know that, any more, maybe Brave?

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 min 40 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Glad, Other Browsers

Glad it's working as expected. The launcher for GCP is due for a rewrite now that passwords are no longer portable and several things have changed with it. Maybe I'll work in an option to set the cache location with settings for portable, local, and off or something similar.

Firefox, SeaMonkey and LibreWolf are. There aren't any legal portable versions of Brave and it has most of the same portability issues as Google Chrome.

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Just to let you know that I

Just to let you know that I achieved the same results simply by changing this command in the ini file: "CacheInTemp=false". I think it should be set to the default settings, because it's a basic portability feature, right? Now 99% use caches from its portable file, as it should, but I noticed that it creates about 5 files every time at start-up in the Temp folder on C and clear it, when Chrome shuts down. Is it normal, or...?
Can you tell me full list of commands for "AdditionalParameters", just to test?

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 min 40 sec ago
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Default Local

If the cache can't be disabled by default, it should be in local and cleared by default, generally. If you use a cloud folder, you don't want your cache taking up all that space and taking all that time to sync. If you're using an average flash drive, having the cache on it will cause the browser to run more slowly.

AdditionalParameters is what's passed to chrome.exe. If you look up chrome.exe command lines, you'll see options. Note that we don't support these switches as they're part of chrome itself.

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Ok sir, thanx very much.

Ok sir, thanx very much.
It would be great, if you could make Brave Portable, because it is almost the same as Chrome, but with much more security and no traces, I think it is the fastest and safest browser on the web for now, something like "upgraded Chrome".

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 min 40 sec ago
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Yes and No

We'd need Brave's permission. Running either Chrome or Firefox with uBlock Origin installed will give you similar ad- and tracker-blocking results.

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I just installed uBlock and

I just installed uBlock and it work perfect, so light on resources, thank you.
Tell me please how we can update portable apps generally, must manually always installed, or...?
Because update option in Chrome Portable doesn't work and like I see the same is in other portable apps.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 min 40 sec ago
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The best way to update apps is via the PA.c Platform's Updater. Otherwise, you can do a standalone update. Chrome's updater needs to work with a local version, it can't understand a portable one. Firefox's updater can update a portable install but it will only update 1 of the 2 Firefox copies included (it'll update 64-Bit on 64-bit Windows but the 32-bit version will be untouched) and it won't update the FirefoxPortable.exe launcher which handles portablization and is updated as Firefox changes storage and settings structures every few versions.

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An Unused Username
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Can we use a relative path;

Can we use a relative path; for example:


so it will always save within the Chrome Portable folder, no matter where it's located, rather than specifying a full path?

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 min 40 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Try It

I'd suggest just trying it. Though it'll likely be relative to the location of google.exe. Remember this is a Chrome command line, so not something we'd support or document.

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An Unused Username
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FYI: No permutation of this

FYI: No permutation of this seems to actually do anything. I tried it with both a fixed and relative path. And tried both of those with CacheInTemp set to both true and false. In none of those 4 scenarios were any files written to the specified cache folder.

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